Cervical triangles & Contents Flashcards
no notes on the arteries in this section notes up to S33 (done at corner bakery)
The cervical plexus is formed from ____
VR of C1-C4
The cervical plexus runs in relation to the _____V.
internal Jugular V.
Name the 4 Sensory branches of the cervical plexus
lesser occipital
greater auricle
transverse cervical
Root of the lesser occipital
What does the lesser occipital N. (C2) innervate
skin of the neck and scalp (post./ sup) to the auricle
Sensory innervation for the skin of the neck and scalp (post./ sup) to the auricle ?
Lesser occipital (C2)
Sensory innervation that supplies the skin over the parotid gland
Greater auricle (C2,C3)
Sensory innervation of the skin over the mastoid process
Greater auricle (C2,C3)
Sensory innervation for the skin over the auricle
Greater auricle (C2,C3)
Sensory innervation for the skin extending from the mandible to the mastoid process
Greater auricle (C2,C3)
Branch of the cervical plexu that arises from the anterior rami of C3-C4
Supraclavicular N
Sensory innervation of the clavicle and over the shoulder
Supraclavicular N (C3-C4)
Nerve root of the supraclavicular N
Nerve root of the great auricle
Nerve root of the transverse cervical
Sensory innervation of the anterior cervical region
Transverse cervicle
Root of the motor innervation for the SCM from the cervical plexus
Root of the motor innervation for the Levator Scap
Root of the motor innervation of the trapezius from the cervical plexus
What muscles make up the infrahyoid muscles (4)
- thyroid
- omohyoid
- Sternohyoid
- Sternothyroid
Motor innervation to the infrahyoid muscles
ansa cervicalis (C1-C3)
Motor innervation to the thyrohoid
Ansa Cervicalis (C1-C3)
Motor innervation to the omohyoid
ansa cervicalis (C1-C3)
Motor innervation to the sternohyoid
ansa cervicalis (C1-C3)
Motor innervation to the sternothyroid
Ansa Cervicalis (C1-C3)
What two roots make up the ansa cervicalis
Superior root (C1) Inferior root (C2,C3)
branch from C1 that joins the hypoglossal N and then separates to form the _____
superior root
Branch from C1 joins the ______ N and then separates to form the superior root that later forms the ____
hypoglossal N
Ansa Cervicalis
The inferior root is made up of the descending cervical N which carries ___ &___
C2, C3
The phrenic arises from ____
C3,C4,C5 (keep the diaphragm alive)
Nerve innervation of the platysma M
Facial N (CN 7)
Nerve innervation for the SCM
Accessory N (CN 11) C2,C3
Nerve innervation for the ant. Scalene
VR. C4-C6
Nerve innervation for the middle scalene
Nerve innervation for the posterior scalene
VR of C6-C8
Action of the platysma M
depresses mandible
draws lower lip & angle of mouth
Action of the SCM
Bilat: EXTENDS head at the atlanto-occipital joint
Unilat: bends the neck
Ipsi: rotates head contralaterally
Which scalene also rotates the neck
ant. scalene
Which scalene elevates Rib 2
Posterior scalene
Origin of the Anterior scalene
TP of C3-C6
Origin of Middle scalane
TP C2-C7
Origin of the Post. scalene
Boundaries of the posterior triangle
Ant- SCM
post- Trap
Inf- middle 1/3rd of the clavicle
4 art. that run through the post. triangle
superficial (transverse cervical )
Occipital art
2 veins that run through the post triangle
ext. jugular
subclavial v
3 nerves that run through the post. triangle
brachial plexus
cervical plexus
CN 11 accessory
What are the two subdivision (triangles) within the post. triangle
occipital triangle & SUBclavicular triangle
Boundaries of the occipital triangle
Inf. belly of the omohyoid
Boundaries of the subclavicular triangle
inf. belly of the omohyoid
middle third of the clavicle
origin of the platysma M
deep fascia covering the pec major and deltoid M
Insertion of the platysma M
Lower margin of the mandible
Origin of the SCM
medial 1/3rd of the clavicle
Insertion of the SCM
mastoid process
What 4 muscles make up the suprahoid muscle group
Origin of digastric
posterior belly: mastoid process
Insertion: anterior belly- digastric fossa of the mandible
Insertion of the digastric M
Anterir belly: digastric fossa of the mandible
Origin: post belly- mastoid process
Action of the digastric M
chewing- depresses the mandible
Swallowing- elevates the hyoid bone
Innervation of the digastric M
Post belly- Facial N
Ant belly- N. to mylohoid
origin of the Stylohyoid M
styloid process
insertion: hyoid bone at the jxn of the body and greater cornu
Insertion of the stylohoid M
hyoid bone at the jxn of the body and greater cornu
Origin: styloid process
Action of the stylohoid M
Elevates the hyoid bone
Innervation of the stylohoid M
facial N
Origin of the mylohoid M
Myolohyoid line of the mandible
insertion: Hyoid bone, raphe
Insertion of the myohoid M
Post: hyoid
Ant: raphe, that extends from symphysis menti to the body of the hyoid
origin myohoid line of the mandible
Action of the myohoid M
elevates hyoid when mandible is fixed
depresses mandible when hyoid is fixed
Innervation of the myohoid M
myohyoid N (a branch of the inferior alveolar N )
Myohoid N is a branch of the _____N
inferior alveolar N
Origin of the geniohyoid M
Inf. Mental spine of the mandible
insertion: hyoid bone
Insertion of the geniohyoid M
hyoid bone
Origin: inferior mental spine of the mandible
Action of the geniohyoid M
Fixed mandible: elevates and pulls forward the hyoid
Fixed hyoid: depresses mandible
Innervation of the geniohyoid M
Ant. ramus of C1
C1 is carried by the hypoglossal N
4 muscles that make up the infrahyoid Muscle group
_____ is carried by the hypoglossal N
______M has 2 belles that is connected by an intermediate tendon deep to the SCM
Omohyoid M
Origin of the omohyoid M
inferior belly: scapula & Suprascapular lig
Insertion: superir belly- hyoid bone
intermediate tendon- help by a lopp of fascia that slings the tendon to the clavicle and 1st rib
Action of the omohyoid M
depresses hyoid
Innervation of the omohyoid M
ansa cervicalis (C1-C3)
Origin of the sternohyoid M
Posterior surface of the manubrium sterni & clavicle
insertion: hyoid
insertion of the sternohyoid M
Origin: manubrium sterni & clavicle
action of the sternohyoid M
depresses hyoid
innervation of the sternohyoid M
ansa cervicalis (C1-C3)
Origin of the sternothyroid M
posterior surface of the manubrium sterni & clavicle
Insertion: thyroid cartilage
insertion of the sternothyroid M
thyroid cartilage
origin: posterior surface of the manubrium sterni & clavicle
Action of the sternothyroid
depression of the larynx
Innervation of the sternothyroid M
Ansa Cervicalis (C1-C3)
Origin of the Thyrohyoid M
thyroid Cartilage
insertion: hyoid
Insertion of the thyrohyoid M
origin: thyroid cartilage
Action of the thyrohyoid
depresses hyoid
elevates larynx
Innervation of the thyrohyoid M
C1 (through the hypoglossa N )
Action of the geniohyoid M
Fixed mandible: elevates and pulls forward the hyoid
Fixed hyoid: depresses mandible
Innervation of the geniohyoid M
Ant. ramus of C1
C1 is carried by the hypoglossal N
Innervation of the geniohyoid M
Ant. ramus of C1
C1 is carried by the hypoglossal N
_____ is carried by the hypoglossal N
_____ is carried by the hypoglossal N
4 muscles that make up the infrahyoid Muscle group
4 muscles that make up the infrahyoid Muscle group
______M has 2 belles that is connected by an intermediate tendon deep to the SCM
Omohyoid M
______M has 2 belles that is connected by an intermediate tendon deep to the SCM
Omohyoid M
Origin of the omohyoid M
inferior belly: scapula & Suprascapular lig
Insertion: superir belly- hyoid bone
intermediate tendon- help by a lopp of fascia that slings the tendon to the clavicle and 1st rib
Origin of the omohyoid M
inferior belly: scapula & Suprascapular lig
Insertion: superir belly- hyoid bone
intermediate tendon- help by a lopp of fascia that slings the tendon to the clavicle and 1st rib
Action of the omohyoid M
depresses hyoid
Action of the omohyoid M
depresses hyoid
Innervation of the omohyoid M
ansa cervicalis (C1-C3)
Innervation of the omohyoid M
ansa cervicalis (C1-C3)
Origin of the sternohyoid M
Posterior surface of the manubrium sterni & clavicle
insertion: hyoid
Origin of the sternohyoid M
Posterior surface of the manubrium sterni & clavicle
insertion: hyoid
insertion of the sternohyoid M
Origin: manubrium sterni & clavicle
insertion of the sternohyoid M
Origin: manubrium sterni & clavicle
action of the sternohyoid M
depresses hyoid
action of the sternohyoid M
depresses hyoid
innervation of the sternohyoid M
ansa cervicalis (C1-C3)
innervation of the sternohyoid M
ansa cervicalis (C1-C3)
Origin of the sternothyroid M
posterior surface of the manubrium sterni & clavicle
Insertion: thyroid cartilage
Origin of the sternothyroid M
posterior surface of the manubrium sterni & clavicle
Insertion: thyroid cartilage
insertion of the sternothyroid M
thyroid cartilage
origin: posterior surface of the manubrium sterni & clavicle
insertion of the sternothyroid M
thyroid cartilage
origin: posterior surface of the manubrium sterni & clavicle
Action of the sternothyroid
depression of the larynx
Action of the sternothyroid
depression of the larynx
Innervation of the sternothyroid M
Ansa Cervicalis (C1-C3)
Innervation of the sternothyroid M
Ansa Cervicalis (C1-C3)
Origin of the Thyrohyoid M
thyroid Cartilage
insertion: hyoid
Origin of the Thyrohyoid M
thyroid Cartilage
insertion: hyoid
Insertion of the thyrohyoid M
origin: thyroid cartilage
Insertion of the thyrohyoid M
origin: thyroid cartilage
Action of the thyrohyoid
depresses hyoid
elevates larynx
Action of the thyrohyoid
depresses hyoid
elevates larynx
Innervation of the thyrohyoid M
C1 (through the hypoglossa N )
Innervation of the thyrohyoid M
C1 (through the hypoglossa N )
Nerve root of the greater occipital N
______ N innervates the scalp at the top of the head, over the ear and over the parotid glands.
Greater occipital DR C2
Where does the Greater occipital N exit from ?
suboccipital triangle - then through the trap
name the boundaries of the anterior triangle
anterior: midline of the neck
Posterior: SCM
Superior: Lower margin of the mandible
What two muscles can subdivide the anterior triangle
Boundaries of the carotid triangle
Medial: omohyoid
Lateral: SCM
Superior: posterior digastric
Name the A & V that go through the carotid triangle
common carotid art
External carotid art
Internal common carotid
Name the nerves that pass through the carotid triangle
internal & external laryngeal N
glossopharyngeal (IX)
Vagus (X)
Accessory (XI)
Structure that is housed in the carotid triangle
lymph nodes
Boundaries of the muscular triangle
Medial: midline of the neck
Inferior: SCM
Superior: superior belly of omohyoid
Muscles that reside in the muscular triangle
Structures that reside in the muscular triangle
thyroid gland
Nerve that passes through the Muscular triangle
Recurrent laryngeal N
Boundaries of the submental Triangle
medial: midline of the neck
Lateral: ant belly of the digastric
Inf: Hyoid Bone
Contents within the submental Triangle
lymph nodes
anterior jugular V (begins here)
The anterior jugular V begins in the ____ triangle
Boundaries of the digastric triangle
Medial: anterior digastric
Lateral: posterior digastric
Superior: mandible
What glands goes the digastric house
parotid gland
Submandibular gland
What nerves pass through the digastric Triangle
hypoglossal (XII)
vagus (X)
glossopharyngeal (IX)
mylohoid (innervates the ant. belly)
What structures reside in the digastric triangle
lymph node
Root of the transverse cervical N
Root of the supraclavicular N
O & I of the platysma
O: deep fascia covering the pec major and deltoid M
I: Lower margin of the body of the mandible
Nerve supply to the platysma
cervical branch of the facial nerve
Action of the platysma
depresses mandible
draws the lower lip and angle of the mouth
Name the three motor branches of the cervical pplexus
ansa cervicalis (C1--C3) phrenic C3,C4,C5 Segmental branches (C1-C4)
motor innervation for the geniohyoid
ansa cervicalis (C1)
Motor innervation for the thryohyoid
ansa cervicalis (C1)
Motor innercation for the sternothyroid
ansa cervicalis
Motor innercation for the sternothyroid
ansa cervicalis (C1-C3)
Motor innercation for the omohyoid
ansa cervicalis (C1-C3)
ansa cervicalis is a branch off the _____
cervical plexus
roots of the ansa cervicalis
anterior and middle scalenes are innervated by the ______
segmental branches (C1-C4)
- motor nerves of the cervical plexus
segmental branches of the cervical plexus innervate _________ and are motor/sensory?
anterior and middle scalane
__N. path is btw the semispinalis and spenalus capitus
greater occipital (C2)
__N path goes along the posterior border of the SCM
Lesser occipital (C2)
_______ N accompanies the external jugular V
greater auricular (C2,3)
the greater auricular N accompanies the ______
external jugular V
_______ N crosses the SCM
transverse cervical (C2,3)
_____ V drains the scalp and side of the face
External jugular V
_____ V starts at the angle of the mandible and the union of the posterior auricular vein
external jugular V
Retromandibular V & posterior auricular V joing to form the _____
external jugular V
external jugular v drains into the ______
subclavian V
_______ V drains into the EJV above the suprasternal notch. Have to watch out for it when doing a trachiotomy
anterior jugular V
_____ divides the neck into anterior and posterior triangles
N supply to the SCM
Accessory N
Brachial plexus is formed by _____ rami
ventral rami of C5-T1
Btw what two muscles is the brachial plexus
anterior and middle scalene
the brachial plexus is covered by the _____
axillary sheath
two roots that come off of the brachial plexus
- dorsal scapular
2. long thoracic N
cc. baby comes out arm first and there is a lesion to the lower trunk of the brachial plexus . Name of condition
Klumke palsy
- affects ulnar N & median
“Claw hand deformity”
C.c. dr. pulls babys head to hard during deformity and causes a lesion to the upper trunk of the brachial plexus . Condition name
Erb’s duchenne palsy
affects supraspinatus –> IR , no arm flexion
“waiters tip position”