Cervical Spine Manipulation Flashcards
For patients with acute neck pain with mobility deficits, their is Grade [A/B/C] for thoracic manipulation, ROM exercises, and scapulothoracic and UE strengthening.
Grade B
For patients with acute neck pain with mobility deficits, their is Grade [A/B/C] for cervical manipulation and/or mobilization.
Grade C
For patients with subacute neck pain with mobility deficits, there is Grade [A/B/C] evidence for neck and shoulder endurance exercises.
Grade B
For patients with subacute neck pain with mobility deficits, there is Grade [A/B/C] evidence for thoracic and cervical manipulation and/or mobilization.
Grade C
For patient with chronic neck pain with mobility deficits, there is Grade [A/B/C] evidence for thoracic and cervical manipulation; mixed exercises including neuromuscular, stretching, strengthening, endurance, aerobic, and cognitive elements; and dry needling, laser, and intermittent traction.
Grade B
For patient with chronic neck pain with mobility deficits, there is Grade [A/B/C] evidence for neck and shoulder and trunk endurance exercise and patient education to promote active lifestyle.
Grade C
For patient with movement coordination impairments (i.e. whiplash), there is Grade [A/B/C] evidence for education to return to normal (i.e. minimize cervical collar use) and perform mobility exercises, reassurance that recovery is expected in 2-3 months, manual therapy plus exercise for patients expected to have a slow recovery.
Grade B
For patient with neck pain with acute headaches, there is Grade [A/B/C] evidence for supervised instruction in active mobility exercises.
Grade B
For patient with neck pain with acute headaches, there is Grade [A/B/C] evidence for C1-2 self-sustained SNAG exercise.
Grade C
For patient with neck pain with subacute headaches, there is Grade [A/B/C] evidence for C1-2 self-sustained SNAG exercise.
Grade C
For patient with neck pain with subacute headaches, there is Grade [A/B/C] evidence for cervical manipulation and mobilization.
Grade B
For patient with neck pain with chronic headaches, there is Grade [A/B/C] evidence for cervical manipulation or cervicothoracic manipulation combined with neck stretching, strengthening, and endurance exercises.
Grade B
For patient with acute neck pain with radiating pain, there is Grade [A/B/C] evidence for mobilizing and stabilizing exercises, laser, short term use of a cervical collar.
Grade C
For patient with chronic neck pain with radiating pain, there is Grade [A/B/C] evidence for mechanical intermittent cervical traction, stretching/strengthening exercises, cervical and thoracic manipulations/mobilizations, and education to participate in exercise and activity.
Grade B
When should you use cervical mobilization/manipulation? (6)
Neck pain without acute radiculopathy
Biomechanical pattern
Non-traumatic history
Pain & stiffness
Cervicogenic headaches
Non-acute cervical radiculopathy