Cervical Ectropion Flashcards
What is cervical ectropion?
Cervical ectropion, also known as cervical erosion, occurs when the columnar epithelium of the endocervix is visible on the ectocervix.
What causes cervical ectropion?
It is caused by hormonal changes that lead to eversion of the endocervical columnar epithelium onto the ectocervical surface.
What are the common risk factors for cervical ectropion?
Risk factors include hormonal contraception (e.g., the combined oral contraceptive pill), pregnancy, and adolescence.
Is cervical ectropion a pathological condition?
No, it is a benign and physiological condition, often seen in women of reproductive age.
What are the typical symptoms of cervical ectropion?
Symptoms include postcoital bleeding, increased vaginal discharge, and spotting between periods.
Why does cervical ectropion cause postcoital bleeding?
The exposed columnar epithelium is more fragile and prone to bleeding during contact, such as during intercourse.
How is cervical ectropion diagnosed?
Diagnosis is made clinically during a speculum examination, where the cervix appears red and inflamed around the os.
What are the differential diagnoses for cervical ectropion?
Differential diagnoses include cervical polyps, cervical cancer, cervicitis, and sexually transmitted infections.
What investigations are needed for cervical ectropion?
Investigations may include cervical smear tests, high vaginal swabs, and STI screening to exclude other causes of symptoms.
How is cervical ectropion managed if asymptomatic?
Asymptomatic cervical ectropion does not require treatment.
What treatment options are available for symptomatic cervical ectropion?
Treatment options include stopping hormonal contraception and ablative procedures like cryotherapy, cautery, or laser therapy.
When is treatment for cervical ectropion indicated?
Treatment is indicated if symptoms, such as postcoital bleeding or excessive discharge, significantly affect the patient’s quality of life.
What is cryotherapy, and how is it used in cervical ectropion?
Cryotherapy involves freezing the affected area of the cervix to reduce symptoms and promote healing.
What are the side effects of ablative treatments for cervical ectropion?
Side effects include mild discomfort, watery vaginal discharge, and spotting for a few days after the procedure.
How does hormonal contraception contribute to cervical ectropion?
Hormonal contraception increases oestrogen levels, which promote the eversion of the endocervical columnar epithelium.
What advice should be given to women with cervical ectropion about their symptoms?
Women should be reassured that it is a benign condition, but they should seek medical advice if symptoms worsen or change.
How can cervical ectropion impact fertility?
Cervical ectropion does not directly affect fertility, but excessive mucus production may alter the cervical environment.
How can cervical ectropion be prevented?
Prevention is not always possible, but switching from oestrogen-containing contraception to non-hormonal methods may reduce symptoms.
What is the prognosis for cervical ectropion?
The prognosis is excellent, as it is a benign and self-limiting condition that often resolves after menopause.
Why is it important to exclude cervical cancer in patients with cervical ectropion?
Symptoms like postcoital bleeding may mimic those of cervical cancer, so exclusion of malignancy is essential.
What role does patient education play in managing cervical ectropion?
Education helps women understand the benign nature of the condition and the available treatment options if symptoms are bothersome.
How does pregnancy influence cervical ectropion?
Pregnancy increases oestrogen levels, making cervical ectropion more likely to occur or worsen.
What psychological impacts can cervical ectropion have on women?
Women may experience anxiety about symptoms like bleeding or discharge, fearing they indicate a more serious condition.
What is the role of a cervical smear test in patients with cervical ectropion?
A cervical smear test ensures that no abnormal or malignant changes are present in women with symptoms.
Can cervical ectropion resolve on its own?
Yes, it often resolves spontaneously, particularly after menopause or when hormonal factors are removed.