Cervical Conditions - Cancer, Ectropion Flashcards
Cervical cancer screening
-who is screened, and frequency
HIV positive - yearly
25-49 - 3 yearly
50-64 - 5 yearly
Cannot be offered if 64+
Never been sexually active => can opt out of screening due to very low risk
Pregnancy => delayed until 3 month post partym
Best time - mid cycle
Cervical management of results
Negative hrHPV => normal recall
Positive hrHPV => cytology
If cytology abnormal => colposcopy
If cytology normal => repeat at 12months
At 12 months
If cytology normal but hrHPV+ => 12 months
At 24months
If cytology normal but hrHPV+ => colposcopy
If cytology normal and hrHPV- => normal recall
Inadequate sample => repeat in 3months
-2 inadequate samples => colposcopy
Treated for CIN1, 2, 3 => 6 months for TOC
Treatment of CIN
Large loop excision of transformation zone
-subtypes to be aware of
-cytology changes
Cancer - 16, 18
Genital warts - 6, 11
Koilocyte formation
-big nucleus
-irregular nuclear membrane contour
-darker stain
-perinuclear halo
Cervical ectropion
-risk factors
-presentation if not asymptomatic
Stratified squamous meets columnar epithelium of cervical canal
-columnar becomes visible on the ectocervix
COCP use
Often asymptomatic so found on smear
-vaginal discharge
-post coital bleeding
Ablation if symptoms are distressing
Cervical cancer
-risk factors
SQUAMOUS most common (80%)
Adeno (20%)
HPV greatest risk factor
Early 1st intercourse, many sexual partners
High parity
Lower SES
COCP use
Abnormal vaginal bleeding - postcoital, intermenstrual, postmenopausal
Vaginal discharge
Management determined by staging and patient wishes to maintain fertility
-maintain fertility and confined to cervix - cone biopsy with negative margins
-RT, chemo, palliation
Cervical cancer
-staging and management
FIGO staging + wishes of patients to maintain fertility
1A - cervix + only seen on microscopy + U7mm
-hysterectomy +- LN clearance
-if fertility important - cone biopsy
A1 - U3mm deep
A2 - 3-5mm deep
-node evaluation and clearance needed
1B - cervix + visible + 7mm
B1 - U4cm diameter
-RT (brachy or external beam) + chemo (cisplatin)
B2 - 4cm+ diameter
-radical hysterectomy + pelvic LN dissection
2 - tumour extends beyond cervix but NOT pelvic wall
3 - tumour extends beyond cervix and to pelvic wall
-RT + chemo
4 - tumour extends beyond pelvis, with bladder or rectal involvement
A - bladder or rectum
B - outside pelvis
-RT + chemo
Recurrent disease
1ary surgery => chemo or RT
1ary RT => surgery
Complications of cancer treatment
-bleeding, damage to surrounding structures
-anaesthetic risk
Cone biopsy => increased risk of preterm birth
Radical hysterectomy => ureteral fistula
Short term - diarrhoea, vaginal bleeding, radiation burns, pain on peeing, tiredness, weakness
Long term - ovarian failure, fibrosis of bowels/skin/bladder/vagina, lymphoedema