Cervical Cancer Flashcards
M/C cancer in women in India
Ca breast > Ca cervix
M/C genital cancer of women in India
Ca cervix
Most common cause of Ca Cervix
HPV - 99%
Screening method used for Ca cervix
Pap smear
Pap smear is taken from which area and Procedure
Done at transformation zone (area b/w endocervix and ectocervix) - then plate them on slide - fixed with 95% alcohol - solution passed through filter - Cells from transformational zone gets filtered
Instrument used for Pap smear
Ayre’s spatula
Also cytobrush and Cytobroom can be used - Liquid based Cytology
Sensitivity of Pap smear as screening method for Ca cervix
Incidence has reduced by 75 to 80%
Death reduced by 70%
Most common type of HPV responsible for Ca cervix and Also most malignant HPV
M/C - HPV 16
Most malignant - HPV 18
Transformation zone means
Area between columnar epithelium and Squamous epithelium where columnar cells are converting constantly into Squamous cells
Transformation is how much cm away from external os
1.7 to 2.3cm
When to do Pap smear
For >21 years all women
In India, usually 3 years after begining of sexual activity
21-29 yrs : once in 3 years if Pap smear is negative
Risk factors of Ca Cervix
HIV 1 and 2
HSV 1 and 2
Commercial sexual workers
Partners with STDs
Multiparous women
Low socioeconomic status
Early Intercourse (<16 yrs) - more exposure
Pap smear frequency after 30 yrs of age and other tests done
Once in 3 years if Pap smear is negative
Co Test - Pap + HPV DNA - once in 5 yrs
Pap smear after 65 yrs of age
Stop doing pap smear, specially if Last 3 pap smears are negative or 2 Co tests went negative
Stain used to see pap smear on microscope
Papanicolaou stain
Abnormal finding in Pap smear
Big nucleus
Reversal of nucleus cytoplasmic ratio
Dysplasia classification
If <1/3 Abnormal cells - Cervical inter epithelial Neoplasia 1 (CIN 1)
If >1/3 and <2/3 Abnormal cells - CIN 2
If >2/3 cells are Abnormal - CIN 3
If all cells are Abnormal - Carcinoma insitu
Bethesda classification
Low grade Squamous interepithelial lesion (LGSIL) - CIN 1
High grade Squamous interepithelial lesion (HGSIL) - CIN 2,3, Carcinoma insitu
CIN 1 can change into CIN 3 and CIN 3 to Ca cervix in how many years
CIN 1 to 3 - 5 years
CIN 3 to Ca cervix - 10 years
What to do if CIN 1 is +ve on Pap smear
CIN is not a precursor
Frequent pap smear once in 6 months
Antiviral or antibiotics
HPV DNA Assessment
Precursors of Ca Cervix
CIN 2 and 3
What to do if CIN 1 +ve for > 2 years
Continue surveillance or
Which test need to do confirm CIN 3
Colposcopic Biopsy or
Can do visual inspection under Acetic acid or Lugol’s iodine
Colposcopic Biopsy procedure
Vaginal Examination under illumination and magnification
Can see if there is any abnormal area