Cerebrum: 2) Surface of the Brain II Flashcards
The anterior end of the cortex is part of the frontal lobe; the opposite end of the cortex is part of the occipital lobe. Label these two lobes on both views.
The two extreme ends of the cortex are often referred to as poles, the frontal __________ and the __________.
pole; occipital pole
The ___________ sulcus extends over the superior surface of the brain and runs a short distance on the medial surface. As it turns over the top, the sulcus is closer to the __________ pole than to the opposite pole.
central; occipital
Although most of the boundaries are imprecise, the cortex is conventionally divided into four lobes. Locate and label them on the diagram.
The occipital pole of the cortex is at the __________ ior end of the occipital lobe; the precentral gyrus lies __________ ior to the central sulcus; at the anterior end of the frontal lobe is the __________. Most of the temporal lobe lies __________ ior to the parietal lobe; the lateral sulcus lies __________ ior to the superior temporal temporal sulcus.
posterior; anterior; frontal pole; inferior; superior
Identify the frontal pole with arrows. A course traced from the frontal pole over the superior surface of the cortex will pass from the __________ lobe to the __________ lobe to the __________ lobe.
frontal; parietal; occipital
The parietal lobe is bounded anteriorly by the __________ lobe, posteriorly by the __________ lobe, and inferiorly by the __________ lobe.
frontal; occipital; temporal
The boundary between parietal and frontal lobes is the __________.
central sulcus
Much of the border between the parietal and temporal lobes is indefinite and forms a zone (shaded on the diagram) called the parieto- __________ area.
There are other indefinite borders (shaded in) on the lateral aspect of the brain in addition to the parieto-temporal area. There are the parieto- __________ and __________ -occipital transition areas.
parieto-occipital; temporo-occipital
On the lateral surface of the brain, the __________, __________, and __________ lobes appear to be continuous.
frontal; parietal; occipital
2.12. This diagram shows that a line connecting the preoccipital notch and the parieto-occipital sulcus forms the anterior boundary of the __________ lobe on the lateral surface of the cortex.
The parieto-occipital sulcus and preoccipital notch are not prominent on the lateral surface of most brains. On the diagram, shade in the approximate extent of the occipital lobe.
On the lateral surface of the cortex, the occipital lobe is the __________ est in area of all of the cortical lobes.
Trace the parieto-occipital sulcus from the lateral surface over the superior aspect of the brain to the medial surface. Label the arrow marking the parieto-occipital sulcus on the medial view.
The occipital lobe is __________ er in area on the medial surface than it is on the lateral surface. Label the parieto-occipital sulcus on the medial view.