Cerebral vascular Flashcards
Broca’s area?
inferior frontal gyrus anterior to articulatory areas of primary motor cortex
Wernicke’s area?
superior temporal gyrus adjacent to primary auditory cortex
What fissure for visual cortex?
Calcarine in occipital lobe
Arteries that vertebrals come from?
vertebrals travel in what foramina?
in transverse processes of cervical vertebrae, then up in foramen magnum to form basilar
Bone that cervical ICA enters?
course of ICA? (4 steps)
- cervical segment up
- petrous segment in temporal bone
- S shaped turn in cavernous
- Supraclinoid/intracranial: along anterior clinoid process, pierces dura
Branches of ICA? (5)
- ophthalmic
- pcomm
- anterior choroidal
What artery comes off the ACA to supply head of caudate, anterior putamen, GP, IC?
recurrent artery of Huebner
WHat causes alexia without agraphia?
lesion of left occipital cortex and splenium of corpus callosum
Name the artery involved in the clinical syndrome:
contralat face/arm weakness, nonfluent aphasia, face/arm cortical sensory loss
superior left MCA
Name the artery involved in the clinical syndrome: fluent aphasia, right VF deficit, right face/arm sensory loss
left inferior MCA
Name the artery involved in the clinical syndrome: right pure motor hemiparesis, +/- aphasia, cortical deficits
deep left MCA
Which way is gaze preference in large MCA stroke
Toward the infarct, from involvement of hemicortical areas driving eyes to opposite side
Name the artery involved in the clinical syndrome: profound left hemineglect, left VFD, right gaze preference
Right MCA inferior division
left PCA stroke involving splenium of corpus callosum causes what?
alexia without agraphia
% of people with stroke within 48hrs and 3 months after TIA?
15% in first 3 mos, 1/2 of those in first 2 days
Thalamic supply involved when you get a pure sensory lacunar stroke?
thalamoperforator branches of PCA
What is in the cavernous sinus?
ICA, CN 3, 4, V1, V2, VI
What drains the cavernous sinus?
superior petrosal sinus into transverse sinus
inferior petrosal sinus into IJV
what is an empty delta sign?
superior sagittal sinus triangular region on axial CT and MRI images, doesn’t fill w/ contrast when there is a thrombosis
Involves CN 5, 9, 10, 11, SNS
What vessels
Lateral medullary syndrome
Vert or PICA