Cerebral Hemispheres II Flashcards
Primary motor cortex
-located in the pre-central gyrus
-conscious control of skeletal muscles
-regions of the body are “mapped out” in the cortex
(body represented upside-down and crossed, and more cortex area for body regions with more precise motor control)
Premotor cortex
-helps plan skeletal muscle movements
Broca’s area
- directs muscles involved with speech
- only present in one hemisphere (usually the left)
Sensory areas
(Receives sensory input and allows conscious awareness of sensations)
- primary somatosensory cortex
- other regions of the cortex dedicated to processing input from other senses (primary visual cortex, primary auditory cortex, etc.)
Motor areas
- primary motor cortex
- premotor cortex
- Broca’s area
- Wernike’s area
Primary somatosensory areas
-receives touch and stretch input
-also had body mapping
(more cortex devoted to areas with more receptors, and represented upside-down and crossed)
Association areas
-allows interpretation of sensory information, and direction of motor regions: conscious thoughts, and emotions
Major association areas
- prefrontal cortex
- posterior association region
- limbic association region: emotions
Prefrontal cortex
-involved with intellect, personality, and working memory
Posterior association region
- recognizing patterns and faces
- localizing things in space
- understanding language