Cerebellum Flashcards
overall function
- equilibrium and coordination of eye movements
- maintain muscle tone and posture
- coordinate and adjust mid course motor movements
- plan and program voluntary movements
- learning of motor movements
functions at the unconscious level, assists ipsilateral 1/2 of body
cerebellar agenesis
dizziness, nausea delayed standing, walking, talking dysarthric speech unsteady gate positive rhomberg dysdiadochokinesia dysmetria
interior cerebellar peduncle
restiform body
afferents: spinal cord and inferior olive
some efferents: vestibular nuclei& brainstem RF
middle cerebellar peduncle
brachium pontis
afferents: contralateral pontine nuclei
superior cerebellar peduncle
brachium conjunctivum
efferent: deep cerebellar nuclei to thalamus and red nucleus
afferent: ventral SCT
climbing fibers
afferents from contralateral inferior olivary nucleas
travel by ICP
terminate on purkinje cell
carry training info - what movement should be
mossy fibers
all other cerebellar afferents
terminate on granule cells
carry state info - what muscles and environment are doing
purkinje neurons
project to and terminate on neurons in the deep cerebellar nuclei (DCN)
all outputs are inhibitory to DCN
dendrites receive up to 100,000 granule cell inputs
deep cerebellar nuclei
fastigial, globose, emboliform, dentate nucelei
axons exit via SCP to red nucleus and ventrolateral nucleus of thalamus
also synapse on vestibular nuclei and brainstem RF
spinocerebellar tracts
mid course corrections
unconscious sensations
limb position, joint angles, muscle tension and length
vermis & paravermis
fastigial, glovose, emboliform nuclei
vermal and paravermal subdivisions
inputs - ipsilateral SCT: unconscious proprioception
ipsilateral trigeminal system - unconscious proprioception (mesencephalic nucelus
contralateral M-1 via the pontine nuclei in MCP : motor program
equilibrium and eye movements
flocculonodular lobe and fastigial nucleus
inputs - vestibular ganglion and nuclei
projects to ipsilateral vestibular nuclei
control of axial m. and vestibular reflexes by activation of the vestibulospinal tracts and eye movements through connections with the PPRF
vermal portion of spinocerebellum
regulates accuracy of trunk, leg, head, and eye movements - posture, locomotion, gaze
M-1 to vermis to fastigial nucleus to VL to M-1 with effect on corticospinal, vestibulospinal and reticulospinal tracts
(inputs into vestibule and RF as well)
vermis gets spinocerebellar tracts in
paravermal portion of spinocerebellum
regulates accuracy of voluntary movements - reaching and grasping movements (limb m. )
M-1 to paravermis to globose and emboliform to VL to M-1
effect on CSt and rubrospinal tract (output to red nucleus too)
input of spinocerebellar tract
programming and planning, motor learning
M-1 and PMC to pontine nucleus and inferior olive, both to lateral hemisphere to dentate nucleus to VL to M-1/PMC
effect on CST and distal limb m.
no inputs from periphery
highly skilled movement of digits and complex motor tasks
cerebellar signs
ipsilateral decomposition of movements ataxia dysmetria dysdiadochokinesia intention-tremor slow onset of movement