cerebellum Flashcards
distal musculature
ongoing motor excution
input: contracting muscle, spinal cord
axial&proximal musculature of the limb
ongoing motor excution, balance truncal coordination
input: contracting muscle, spinal cord
INJURED:Romberg sign: difficulty maintaining posture, gait or balance, loss balance with eye open(DD dorsal column: fall with eyes close)
Truncal ataxia, dysarthria
motor planning
planning and coordination, voluntary movement of extremities
input from cerebral cortex & inferior olivary nucleus
INJURIED: fall toward injured side(ipsilateral), tremor with intended movement without paralysis or paresis ipsilateral
flocculonodular lobe
control balance & eye movement, balance
input: lat. vestibular nucleus–> vestibulocerebellar track
molecular layer
outer most basket: GABA-->DC stella cell:GABA-->DC parallel fibers (axons of granule cell) Dendritic tree(purkinje cell&Golgi II)
purkinje layer
middle largest neuron axon will leave the cortex, inhibiting,efferent pathway deep cellular nuclei-->(GABA)inhibitory climbing fibers
granule cell layer
inner most, intinsic neuron
synape with purkinje
Golgi: GABA–>granule cell
Form glomeruli with Golgi, granular and mossy fiber
Granule cell body : target DC via glutamate–>excitory
excitory mossy fibers
input of cerebellum(+)
ipsilateral inferior peduncle: climbing fiber(+)–>purkinje
contralateral middle peduncle: mossy fibers–>granule cells(+)
output of cerebellum(-)
*deep nuclei: DON’T EAT GREASY FOOD-(-)
dentate- lateral-(cerebellodentatothalamic tr.)VL of thal
emoliform, globose- intermediate-(cerebellodentatorubral)Red nucleus
Fastigial-vermis-(fastiaiobulbar tr.)medulla
* purkinje axon(trigemino tr.)-(cerellovestibuar TR)-lateral vestib. nuc
appendicular ataxia
apraxia 失用症 dysmetria测距不准 dysdiadochokinesia轮替代运动障碍 intensional tremor fall with eyes closed lateral hemispheres
sensory ataxia
dorsal columns
unsteady stomping gait with heavy heel strikes
postural instability
+romberg sign
flocculonodular lobe ataxia
postural instability
seperate feet when standing
titubation(forward-backward falling)
truncal ataxia
wide-based drunk sailor gait
uncertain start and stops
lateral deviations