Central Nervous System drugs Flashcards
It assess motor symptoms and the extent which is they interfere with activities of daily living.
Process which information is carried across the gap between the neuron and postsynaptic cell.
Synaptic Transmission
It improves the patient ability to carry out the activities of daily life.
Therapeutic Goal
Drugs that block receptors for ACh.
Anticholinergic Agents
It’s abnormal motor phenomenon.
Most commonly prescribed anticonvulsant drug.
Treatment for absence and atypical absence seizures.
Can be use as daytime sedative “sleeping pills”
It decreases unpleasant effects resulting from abstinence (anxiety/ restlessness)
It used for detoxification and maintenance, decreases craving, administered SL, IM and IV.
Buprenorphine (Subutex)
Effective for spasticity of cerebral origin.
Dantrolene Sodium
It inform patients that the benefits may be delayed for week to months.
It affects the extrapyramidal system which it influences movements.
Parkinson’s Disease
Improves the bradykinesia, gait disturbance and postural instability.
Therapeutic Goal
An directly/indirectly cause activation of dopamine receptors.
Dopaminergic Drugs
It is general term that applies to all types of epileptic events.
It’s a group of disorders that characterized by excessive excitability of neurons in the CNS.
Excitation undergoes limited spread from the focus to adjacent cortical areas.
Partial Seizure
It is effective against partial seizures and generalized tonic-clonic seizure but not absence seizures.
It’s a treatment of respiratory depression caused by drug overdose and COPD.