Central Nervous System Flashcards
Lobes of Cerebral Cortex
Frontal Lobes
Parietal Lobes
Temporal Lobes
Occipital Lobes
Functions of Frontal Lobes
Intelligence (problem solving)
Control of motor activity
Speech articulation
Moral judgement
Function of Parietal Lobes
Functions of Temporal Lobes
Language use and comprehension
Function of Occipital Lobes
What is the Limbic System?
A ring of interconnected structures underneath the cerebral cortex
What is the function of the Limbic system?
To generate emotions and motivational drives (whether an experience or sensation activates a punishment or reward response)
What is the most potent area for reward? (pleasure centre)
Nucleus accumbens in the hypothalamus
Reward responses are dependent on the release of what neurotransmitter?
Functions of Hypothalamus
Feeding patterns (hunger and satiety - neuroendocrine control)
Control of pituitary gland secretion
Water conservation
Body temperature regulation
Sleep and circadian rhythms
Fight or Flight (or freeze)
Function of Amygdala
Control of sexual behaviors - erections, ejaculations, ovulation and uterine activity
Functions of Hippocampus
Long term memory
Anterograde amnesia
What is the Thalamus?
A mass of tissue under the cerebral hemispheres and above the midbrain.
Switchboard of the brain - almost all pathways from sensory receptors and organs travel through here to get to the cortex
vital for cortical activity
important for memory retrieval
Function of Brainstem
Links the spinal cord with the higher centres of the brain
Functions of spinal cord
Carries both ascending (sensory) and descending (motor) signals
mediating reflexes and functions including defecation and urination