Central Acquired Dyslexias Flashcards
What is acquired dyslexia?
Results from damage to the brain e.g. stroke
All patients slightly different due to nature of injury
What are the 2 types of acquired dyslexia?
Central - problems in later stages of learning
Peripheral - problems in early stages of reading
What is phonological dyslexia?
Problems with non-words & new/ unfamiliar words
Lexicalisation (Non-words into words) & visual errors
Impaired STM (digit span shorter)
Not affected by spelling regularity or word length
What is a case study for phonological dyslexia?
WB (Funnell, 1983)
Common nouns reading - 93/100
Non-word reading - 2/20
Lexicalisation errors made (input words for non-words)
Show use of visual input lexicon & struggle with graphemes & aligning phonemes
What are the explanations for phonological dyslexia?
Dual - damage to non-lexical route at connections between visual analysis system and phoneme level
Visual input lexicon preserved
Connectionist - semantic damage - spare word reading but not no-words
Patterson (2000) CJ dependence on semantic processing
What is surface dyslexia?
Can’t recognise familiar words
Fewer errors to regulate words
Regularisation errors
Word length effects (difficulty with long words)
What are case studies for surface dyslexia?
Bub et al (1985) MP
McCarthy & Warrington (1986) KT
Both poor at reading rare irregular words, regularising pronunciation
Impairments in working out word meaning (semantic impairment)
What are some explanations for surface dyslexia
Dual - damage to lexical route components
Damage to entities in visual input lexicon (not recognised)
Damage to entries in phonological output lexicon (lexical route) - allow non-lexical to catch
Connectionist - damage to semantic units leading to regularisation errors - stronger orthographic & phonological links
What are similarities between surface & phonological dyslexia?
Double dissociation
Mirrored in impairment - sub-lexical impaired in phonological, whole word impaired in surface
Back up dual routes
What is deep dyslexia?
Semantic, regularisation & visual errors
Inability to read non-words
Problems with abstract words
Function word substitutions
Who came up with the dual route model?
Coltheart et al 1993
Who came up with the connectionist model?
Plaut 1997
Who came up with the connectionist model?
Plaut 1997
What is neglect dyslexia?
Miss letters at beginning of single words & miss letters at sentence beginning
Letter substitutions & deletions
What are the case studies for neglect dyslexia?
VB - Ellis et al (1987) left neglect, gave meaning for words read out, not words written
JB - Riddoch et al (1991) added # before word leading to improvements