Centennial Woods Lab Flashcards
Comptonia peregrina
sweet-fern in the Myricaceae
Betula populifolia
gray birch in the Betulaceae
Rhumnus cathartica
common buckthorn in the Rhumnaceae
Rubus spp. is the Rosaceae
raspberry or blackberry
Populus tremuloids
quaking aspen in the Salicaceae
Celastrus orbiculatus
Asian bittersweet in the Celastraceae family
Prunus pensylvanicum
pin cherry in the Rosaceae family
Lonicera spp.
honeysuckle in the Caprifoliaceae family
Prunus serotina
black cherry in the Rosaceae family
Prunus virginiana
choke cherry in the Rosaceae family
Viburnum acerifolium
maple-leaf viburnum in the Adoxaceae family
Frangula alnus
glossy buckthorn in the Rhamnaceae family
Hamamelis virginiana
witch-hazel in the Hamamelidaceae family
Corgulus cornuta
beaked hazelnut in the Betulaceae family
Vibirnum alifolium
hobblebush in the Adoxaceae family
Berberis spp.
barberry in the Berberidaceae family
Populus grandidentata
bigtooth aspen in the Salicaceae family