Cellular Replication and Variation Flashcards
Homologous Chromosomes
Chromosomes of the same type; usually a pair.
Cellular condition in which there are two of each type of chromosomes present in the nucleus.
Cellular condition in where there is one of each type of chromosomes present in the nucleus.
Nuclear division resulting in daughter cells having the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell.
Nuclear division resulting in the daughter cells having half as many chromosomes, but the same types, as the parent cell; a reduction division, from the diploid to the haploid condition.
A replicated chromosome, still attached to the original at the centromere.
Homologous chromosomes, each consisting of two chromatids, lying side by side.
Chiasma (Plural Chiasmata)
Connection between non-sister chromatids of homologous chromosomes during meiosis, where interchange occurs during crossing over.
Non-sex linked chromosome.
Sex Chromosomes
Chromosomes carrying information that determines the sex of the individual.
X Chromosome
Female sex chromosome in vertebrates and some other animals.
Y Chromosome
Male sex chromosome in vertebrates and some other animals.
Formation of gametes.
Formation of spermatozoa in animals.
Formation of ova in animals.
Spermatogonium (Plural Spermatogonia)
Germ (or stem) cell in a layer lining the tubules in the testes.
Primary Spermatocyte
Diploid cell formed from mitosis of a spermatogonium, which undergoes meiosis I to produce two haploid secondary spermatocytes.
Secondary Spermatocyte
Haploid cell that undergoes meiosis II to form spermatids.
Immature spermatozoon.
Sertoli Cell
Cells in the epithelium of tubules of the mammalian testes that protect and nourish the developing spermatozoa.
Spermatozoon (Plural Spermatozoa)
Small, motile male gamete.
Haploid female gamete.
A small diploid cell in the ovary that forms a primary oocyte in the female foetus.
Primary oocyte
A diploid cell developed by an ovarian germ cell in mammals, which may later develop into a ovum.