Cells and microscopes Flashcards
what are eukaryotic cells
have a nucleus and organelles enclosed within membranes (e.g. mitochondrion)
can become specialised for specific functions
cell membrane
phospholipid bilayer is partially permeable so can control substances going in and out of the cell
enclosed by a double membrane
contains chromosomes consisting of protein bound li near DNA and one or more nuclei
what does DNA control
protein synthesis
what do nucleoli make
rod shaped cell consisting of outer and inner membrane
inner membrane folds to form cristae containing ribosomes, enzymes and circular DNA molecule
increases the SA for enzymes and other proteins of respiration
site of aerobic respiration
produces ATP
surrounded by two highly selective membranes containing a stroma
what does the stroma of a chloroplast contain
a system of membranes, circular DNA molecule, ribosomes, starch grains and enzymes of photosynthesis
what do the stacked membranes of a chloroplast form and what do they do
forms grana containing chlorophyll
provides a high SA for chlorophyll, electron carrier and enzymes of photosynthesis
Golgi apparatus
stack of flattened membrane bound sacs of cytoplasm
receives and prepares proteins synthesised on the endoplasmic reticulum to be secreted out of the cell
makes glycoproteins = carbohydrates + proteins
Golgi vesicle
transport glycoproteins and release its contents when fused with cell membrane
type of Golgi vesicle which contains digestive enzymes called lysozymes
lysozymes hydrolyse cell walls of bacteria
breaks down old organelles and cells and digests contents of vacuole to reuse useful chemicals
not bound by a membrane and made up of RNA and protein
consists of a large and small subunit
uses information in nucleic acid to synthesise proteins
endoplasmic reticulum
network of flattened membrane sacs called cirsternae forming a system of channels for transporting materials through the cytoplasm and storing glycoproteins and proteins
rough ER
transports proteins and contains ribosomes on the cytoplasmic side
provides high SA for glycoprotein and protein synthesis
smooth ER
does not contain ribosomes
synthesises and transports lipids and carbohydrates
cell wall
made up of cellulose microfibrils and other polysaccharides
provides mechanical support and protection (prevents cell from bursting from turgor pressure)
allows water to pass along it through the plant