Cells and its Organelle Flashcards
Cell walls were first seen by _________ in _______ as he looked through a microscope at __________. But it took the wonderfully crafted lenses of _________to visualize living cells.
- Robert Hooke (1665)
- dead cells from the bark of an oak tree
- Antoni Van Leeuwenhoek
Imagine Hooke’s awe when he visited _________ in _______ and the world of microorganisms—what his host called “___________”—was revealed to him.
Therefore, it was known that cells are found in animals as well as plants.
- Van Leeuwenhoek (1674)
- “very little animalcules”
__________ noticed that ___________- in water jiggled around and he called it “____________” which led him to discover
the “__________” .
- Robert Brown
- pollen grains
- “Brownian motion”
- “Nucleus”
In ________, ______________ -, a botanist who concluded that all ___________ are made of a unit of cells.
- Matthias Schleiden (1838)
- green plants
In _______, ___________, a zoologist who concluded that all ______________ are made of
- Theodor Schwann (1839)
- animals
German biologist ________ in ___________ stated that all cells come from the division of ________________.
- Virchow (1858)
- division of PRE-EXISTING CELLS
The 3 Basic Components of the Cell Theory
- All organisms are composed of o____________.
- The cell is the _________ of life in all living things.
- All cells are produced by the division of ____________.
- one or more cells
- basic unit
- division of pre-existing cells
Modern Cell Theory contains 4 statements, in addition to the original Cell Theory:
- The cell possesses __________________ which are handed on from __________ during the __________.
- hereditary units (DNA)
- cell to cell
- cell cycle
- All cells are the same in _________________ and ____________.
- Structural Composition
- Metabolic Activities
- All ___________are carried out ____________like movement.
- Basic innate functions
- Inside the cells
- __________ depends on the functions of ____________ within the cell.
- Cell activity
- Organelles
The basic structural and functional units of every
Are of two distinct types:
___________ and ___________.
- Cells
- Prokaryotic
- Eukaryotic
Organisms of the domains _________ and _______ consist of prokaryotic cells.
- Bacteria & Archaea
_____, ________, ______, & _____ all consist of
eukaryotic cells.
(“_________” is an informal term referring to a group of mostly unicellular ______).
- Protists, fungi, animals, & plants
- Protist
- eukaryotes
Prokaryotic cells lack ______ and other ____________ organelles,
- nuclei
- membrane-enclosed
Eukaryotic cells have _________ that
compartmentalize cellular functions.
The _______________ ratio is an important parameter affecting ____ size and shape.
- internal membranes
- surface-to-volume
- cell
Eukaryotic means “true nucleus” (from the Greek ______ & _______, referring to the nucleus)
- “true nucleus”
- eu (true) & karyon (kernel)
Prokaryotic means “_________-”
(from the Greek __________ ), reflecting the earlier evolution of prokaryotic cells.
- “before nucleus”
- pro (before)
All cells share certain basic features:
All cells are bounded by a
- functions as a ____________ that allows passage of enough oxygen, nutrients, and wastes
to service the entire cell
- plasma membrane
- selective barrier