Anything less than a complete structure of a cell is not having independent existence, true or false?
What is another name of blue-green algae?
Cynobacteria (anabena, nostoc).
The division of labor takes place in multicellular organism. True or False?
Who observed cell wall for the first time?
Robert Hook In 1665. Cork cell (dead cell) of oak tree (Quercus sober).
Robert hooke published his findings in which book?
Micrographia in 1665.
Who discovered living cell?
Anton von luewenhoek.
Who discovered the nucleus?
Robert Brown in the root cells of orchids.
Who discovered nucleolus and it was named by whom.
Discovered by Fontana and named by Bowman.
What observations were made by Scleiden?
Scleiden worked on different parts of plants and observed that plants are made up of different kind of cells which ultimately forms tissue.
What were the statements given by Schwann?
- Animal cells are surrounded by thin outer covering, which is today known as plasma membrane or cell membrane or plasma lemma.
- Cell wall is the unique feature of plant cell.
- Schwann hypothesized that the body of plants and animals are made of cells and products of cells.
What is the limitation of cell theory?
One of the major limitations of cell theory is that it fails to explain the origin of cell.
What was the role of Rudolf virchow in the cell theory?
Rudolf virchow gave the cell lineage theory.
“ Omnis cellula e cellula” means all cells arise from pre-existing cells.
Unit membrane bound cells are present in prokaryotes.
True or false.
False. In case of prokaryotes unit membrane bound cells are absent.
Prokaryotes shows compartmentalization. True or false.
False. Compartmentalisation is absent in prokaryotes.
What type of envelop system is present in prokaryotes?
Single envelop system
Do eukaryotes shows compartmentalization?
Yes. Unit membrane bound cells are present and hence compartmentalisation occurs.
What type of envelop system is present in eukaeyotes?
Double envelop system.
What type of genetic material is present in prokaryotes?
Double stranded, circular, closed, GC rich, devoid of histone, remains suspended in cytoplasm.
The genetic material of prokaryotes is wrapped around what?
What is Genophore?
Genetic material of prokaryotes.
What type of genetic material is present in eukaryotes?
Double stranded, linear, AT Rich, wrapped around histone, present inside nucleus.
What is histone?
Low molecular weight, globular basic protein around which DNA is wrapped.