Cell Signal / Functions / Vomit Flashcards
Permeable extreme
Non polar
Essentially impermeable
Essentially permeable
DNA amino acids
Proteins atp po4 NA CL K
Estrogen h2o
O2 co2
Which direction ?
25mM 5mM
Membrane potential
Separation of charges of inside and outside the cell
Inside is negative
Electrochemical gradient
Combination of Electrical and chemical gradient !
Movement of water across the membrane
More water to less water
More solute = less water
Purpose cell eating bacteria viruses larger particle
Forms at plasma mem
Fuses with lysosome
Mechanism extrusion/ outward push pseudopodium
Size food vacuole
Structural protein (Actin cytoskeleton)
Receptors Regulated
Rare white blood cells yeast and fungi
Cell drinking
Sample ecf proteins polysaccharides
Forms at plasma mem
Fuses with lysosome
Mechanism invagination (inward pull) vesicle bud
Unregulated constitutive
Receptor mediated endocytosis
Harvest specific cargo
Ex Fe or cholesterol
Forms at plasma membrane
Fuses with lysosome
Mechanism invagination
Size vesicle
Receptor regulated
Export secretion
Ex insulin acetylcholine
Forms at golgibody
Fuses with plasma membrane
Size vesicle
Secretory (regulated )
G protein couple receptor
Transmembrane domains 7 Located plasma mem Activation mechanisms signal bounding and conformational shifts Activation result separated a unit Deactivation mechanism hydrolysis GTP to GDP Nucleotide involved GTP Key terms alpha beta gamma Gprotien GTP hydrolysis Gloop
Tyrosine kinase receptor
Transmembrane domains 1
Location plasma mem
Activate dymerazation cross phosphorylation
Activated result phosporelated tyrosine
Deactivation phosphotases
Nucleotide atp
Keyterms auto cross phosphorylation
Ligand gated channel receptor
Trans membrane domains 16-24 Location plasma mem Activation mechanism signal binding and conformation shift Activation result ion flow Deactivated ion pumps remove ion Nucleotide none
Location cytosol
Activation signal binding / confirmation shift
Result receptor enters into nucleus
Deactivation export from nucleus
Nucleotide none
Ligand gated ion channel receptors
- Ligand binds ion channel
- Confirmation shift to open channel
- Ca 2+ enter cell
- Ligand dissociates from channel
- Confirmation shift to closed channel
6 ca 2+ is pumped out of the cell
Increased Ca 2+
G protein coupled receptors
- Ligand binds to receptor
- Receptor undergoes conformational shift exposing g loop
- Alpha subunit binds to g loop
- GDP leaves alpha sub unit
- New GTP binds to alpha subunit
- GTP causes confirmation shift in gprotien sub units
7 . Beta gama kicked of alpha
Tyrosine kinase receptors
1a. Ligand binds to receptor
1b. Dimerzation occurs when ligand binds to 2nd receptor
2. Cross phosphorylation of tyrosine domains by opposite kinase
3. Phosphorylated tyrosine recruits effector protein
- Signal terminated by removal of phosphate using phosphatase
Intracellular receptors
- Nonpolar ligand crosses membrane and binds to intracellular receptor
- Ligand causes confirmational shift that exposes nuclear localization signal
- Receptor is allowed entry into nucleus
- Receptor binds to dna and recruits polymerase
- Transcription occurs
- Ligand leaves receptor and receptor returns to the cytosol
cAMP ⛺️
Source ATP Messenger cAMP Breakdown AMP Maker adenylyl Cyclase Target protein kinase A Breaker phosphodiesterase
IP3 pathway 💉💊🚬
Source pip2 phosphotidyl inositol si phosphate
Messenger IP3
Breakdown inositol
Maker phospho lipase c
Target IP3 gated calcium channels 🥛
Breaker phosphatase
Ca pathway
Source ca2+ in smooth er
Messenger ca2+ in cytosol
Breakdown ca2+ in smooth er
Maker IP3 gated calcium channels
Target protein kinase c
Breaker is the serca pump
cAMP transduction model
- Adenylyl cyclase is activated by a subunit of GTP usually
- Adenylyl cyclase binds to atp
3 converts ATP into CAMP
4 cAMP associates with the PKA - Confirmation shift by the PKA to its active form
6 PKA carries the signal to the next module
7 cAMP releases from the PKA
8 cAMP is broken down to AMP by phosphodiesterase
9 w/o cAMP PKA is deactivated
10 amp travels to the mitochondria to become ATP
IP3 transduction model
- Phospholipase c activated by receptor ( G protein or tyrosine kinase )
- Pip2 enters phopholipase c
- Pip2 is cleaved into IP3 and the DAG
- IP3 binds to closed ca2+ channel
5 channel opens
6 IP3 disassociates from the channel
7 channel closes
8 IP3 is broken down by phosphotases
Ca2+ transduction module
- Ca2+ exits the SER through open channel
- CA2+ and DAG bind to the PKC
- PKC becomes Active
4 The Active PKC passes signal to the next step
5 calcium leaves the PKC
6 calcium is pumped back into the smooth ER via the SERCA pump - PKA without. Ca 2+ is no longer activated
Somatic cells Growth repair single cell reproduction # of divisions 1 # of cells produced 2 Outcome 2 diploid clones
Reproductive cells / gametes Sexual reproduction and increase diversity Number of divisions in 2 Number of cells produced is 4 Outcome 4 haploid gametes
How many chromosomes does a human cell have in G1 phase ?
How many sister chromatids does a human cell have in G2 phase
Sister chromatid
Duplicated chromosome
Condensed chromosome vs uncondensed
1/2 of duplicated chromosome
Duplicated chromosome stay together until separated in anaphase
Condensed are more tightly coiled / packed which is needed to prevent loss and damage during transit
G1 growth of cytosol organelles differentiation
S phase duplication of chromosomes AKA replication
G2 editing and repair of chromosomes
Mitosis division of nucleus/ chromosomes
Cytokinesis division of cytoplasm
Chromosomes de condensed and duplicated
Nuclear envelope intact
Spindle apparatus duplicated centrosomes
Chromosomes conduesing
Nuclear envelope degrading
Centrosomes splitting
Spindle forming
Chromosomes condensed
Nuclear envelope degraded ☢️🔅
Spindle formed contacting kinetichores
Chromosomes are condensed
Nuclear envelope degraded
Spindle apparatus alignes chromosomes on the metaphase plate
Chromosomes are condensed and splitting
Nuclear envelope is degraded
Spindle apparatus is separating chromosomes
Chromosomes are uncondensed and un duplicated
Nuclear envelope is reforming
Spindle apparatus
Plant cells are unable to cleavage how is cytokinesis done vs animal cells
Plants build a new cell wall and membrane at the metaphase plate by fusing golgibody derived vesicles
G1 checkpoint
G2 checkpoint
G1 just before the beginning of s phase
External factors like nutrients room to divide growth factor singnals
G2 just before mitosis
Condition of dna
Replication complete
DNA damage
M checkpoint metaphase / anaphase boundary
Chromosomes are aligned along the metaphase plate
Cyclin in cell cycle
MPF maturation promoting factor
It consists of CDK and cyclin when active cell goes into mitosis when MPF is lost cyclin is degraded the cell goes to anaphase and telophase
CDK or cyclin dependent kinase it helps control cells through cycle at cell checkpoints they phosphorylate proteins that carry out various stages of the cell cycle
Cyclin binds to CDK and activate it
Produced by cell signaling
Through regulation of gene transcription they are destroyed when completed their job
Proto oncogenes
Tumor surppressor genes
DNA repair genes
⛽️ gas pedal
Regulate gene growth (G1 checkpoint)
When mutated becomes oncogene which is always on
🖐🏼 breaks
Slow cell division
When mutated can lead to loss of negative control to cell growth.
👨🏽🔧 mechanic
Checks for and repairs damaged DNA
When not working properly can lead to rapid accumulation of mutations
Growth factor dependence
Density dependent inhibition
Nutrient dependence
Anchorage dependence
Cells need external signals to induce cell division and is lost in benign tumors
Cell stop growing when they’re too crowded
Lost in malignant tumors
Cells need nutrients to divide and grow these are really lost but benign tumors can shift to perder a faster glycarate metabolism
Cells specialize to become certain types of cells with certain characteristics
Cells lose their Norma characteristics in malignant tumors
Cells must be anchored to something in order to decide
Lost in matastic tumors
Direct contact
Very short range
Signal travels through gap junction to a cell that is touching it
Heart muscle cell contraction signals
Cell to cell
Very short
Ligand attached to outside of the cell attaches to the receptor on another cell
Ex G4 cells in the immune system
Hand shake
Very general
Long range
Gland secrets a hormone or chemical messenger into the bloodstream/ duct which is then sent throughout the body
Adrenaline/ norepinephrine
Radio / satellite broadcasting
Cell releases messengers in all directions in a short range
Cell damage releases histamine which causes inflammation in the surrounding tissue
Synaptic signaling
Distant but the actual synapse is short
Neuron / action potential travels down the axon of the neuron which then release neurotransmitters that carry the signal across the synaptic gap which is then received by the next cell
Neurons in the brain
Phone call ☎️
Active transport
Goes up / against the gradient
Requires energy
Splits into
Primary transport
Secondado active transport
Secondary active transport
Electrochemical gradient
Driver -up
Passenger - down
Symporter - passenger and driver move in the same direction
Anti porter - passenger and driver move in opposite directions
Primary active transport
Requieres ATP
Sodium potassium pump
Serca pump
ATP synthase
Passive transport
Goes down the gradient
Conformational shift / uniporter
Channel proteins / holes with gates
Ligand gated
Voltage gated
Mechanical gated ions like k+ NA+ H2O