cell processes Flashcards
overall structure of membrane
thin (~8nm) felxible fluid mosaic - “sea of lipids which proteins float like icebergs)
50% lipid, 50% protein held by H BONDS
cholesterol and glycolipids
75% lipid
amphipathic (n-p tails & p heads) –> spontaneous layer
hydroPHOBIC core
fluidity and proteins in membrane
composition of leaflet can be asymmetric
tail length (long = less fluid), double bonds (less = less fluid), cholesterol (more = less fluid)
integral proteins (embedded) peripheral proteins (inner/outer surface of mem). receptors, cell identity, enzymes, channels, linkers etc
proteins - since some mol can’t permeate hydrophobic core
selective permeability of membrane
- n-p uncharged mol. (O2, N2, BENZENE)
- lipid soluble mol (steroid, fatty acid, some vit.)
- small uncharged polar mol (H2O, urea, glycerol, CO2)
- large uncharged polar mol (glucose, aa)
- ions (charge)
diffusion (new info)
rate of diffusion sets a limit on size of cells - ~20μm
electrochemical gradient, conc of ions in and out of cell
cells maintain diff of ions inside & out –> electrical gradient
mem store and separate charge
Na+ in (down conc gradient), K+ out UNTIL electrical gradient even
~30% of resting energy in cells - maintain conc & electrical G
osmosis and osmotic pressure
only occurs if mem PERMABLE to WATER, NOT to certain SOLUTES
Pw = Pd + Pf
Pf = aquaporins (9 isoforms –> diff permeability). large, temp independent
Pd = diff through bilayer. small, temp dependant (fluidity)
osmotic oressure = pressure applied to soln –> prevent inward flow of water across mem. DIFF in osmolarity moves water across mem
ion channels
rapid (no binding), diffusion
water filled pore - protect ions from PHOBIC core
Hphillic aa lines inside of channel
selectivity - size, charge, harnesses energy stored in gradients
gated channels: gate blocks pore, stimuli (ligand, pH temp, phosphorylation etc) control gate
how to measure ion channel function
patch clamp technique
millions of ions flowing per second –> measurable CURRENT (~10^-12amp)
fluctuations = opening & closing channels, conformational changes in channel (gate)
carrier mediated transport and different types
uses transport proteins
bind (–> slower) –> change confirmation –> open other side
like enzymes - binding site, inhibition, competition, saturation BUT DON’T CATALYSE - just mediate transport faster than normal rate
TYPES = passive/facilitated, active - primary & secondary
transport of glucose (passive/facilitated carrier mediated transport)
direction depends on conc
- glucose bind to GLUT (tp)
- change shape –> glucose move across mem
- kinase enzyme reduce glucose conc inside cell- glucose –> glucose-6-phosphate
primary active transport (examples)
directly from hydrolysis of ATP (~30% of energy on p AT) eg. H/KATPase, Ca/KATPase Na/KATPase: 1. 3 Na+ bind 2. ATP split , Na+ OUT. (Ph group bind to protein --> shape change so Na+ leave) 3. 2 K+ bind, Ph releases 4. K+ IN maintains LOW conc. of Na+ and HIGH conc of K+ INSIDE CONTINUOUS - Na & K leak back into cell WHY? - resting potential - muscle contraction - maintain steady state cell volume - uptake nutrients - electrical excitability
secondary active transport (examples)
energy stored in ionic conc gradient (made by p AT) used (harnessed) in s AP - INDIRECTLY use energy from hydrolysis of ATP
Na+ SYMPORTERS/COTRANSPORTERS: glucose & aa in with Na+ ions
Na + ANTIPORTERS/EXCHANGERS: Na+ IN (passive), energy used –> H+ or Ca2+ OUT
tight junctions and role in transepithelial transport
in inter/paracellular space between epithelial cells
barrier - restrict movement through int.cell. space
fence - prevent mem proteins from diffusing in plane of lipid bilayer
apical + basolateral mem
paracellular transport (epithelium types)
in space between cell interior
diffusion + tightness of junctions
electrical resistant to ion flow measured - higher resistance = more tight junctions
leaky epithelium = paracellular transport more. PROXIMAL eg. duodenum, PCT
tight epithelium = transcellular. DISTAL eg. colon