Cell Organelles and Components Flashcards
Eukaryotic Cells
Have a membrane bound nucleus and organelles
Prokaryotic Cells
Do not have a nucleus or organelles
Nuclear envelope
-Has a double membrane
-Has nuclear pores to allow passage of molecules in and out
Where ribosomal assembly occurs
Where respiration and energy production occur
How do mitochondria replicate?
Binary fission
Inner mitochondrial membrane
Active site for electron transport chain and citric acid/Krebs cycle (matrix is the space within)
What the inner mitochondrial membrane invaginates as, increasing surface area of the membrane
Endosymbiotic theory
Bacteria engulfed another cell and used it as an internal battery, leading to the birth of mitochondria
Outer mitochondrial membrane
Separates the mitochondrial intermembrane space from the cytosol
Where DNA replication can occur
Nucleus and mitochondria
Endoplasmic reticulum
Net-like organelle that is continuous with the nuclear membrane; has a double membrane
What the endoplasmic reticulum invaginates as to increase its surface area
Rough ER
Contains ribosomes all over its surface
Protein-RNA complexes that synthesize proteins
Rough ER
Where proteins made by ribosomes are sent to be folded
Chaperone proteins
Help the rough ER fold proteins
Smooth ER
Important for lipid metabolism, steroid hormone synthesis, and detoxification
Exported out of the cell or embedded into a cell membrane
Where proteins made by membrane bound ribosomes are transported
Intracellular proteins
Proteins synthesized by free ribosomes
Smooth ER
Organelle that produces the phospholipid components of cell membranes and stores calcium for muscle contraction
What synthesized proteins are packaged in to be sent to the golgi apparatus
Golgi apparatus
Processes and packages proteins and lipid molecules, specifically proteins to be exported out of the cell
Golgi apparatus cis face
Where GA receives protein-packed vesicles
Golgi apparatus trans face
From where protein-filled mebrane bounds vesicles bud off to be sent elsewhere (typically plasma membrane to be sent out of the cell)
Garbage disposal system of the cell
Endocytosis (lysosome related)
How extracellular stuff that needs to be broken down enters the cell - vesicle pinches off from cell membrane and fuses with a lysosome inside the cell
Intracellular debris in the cytoplasm can become enclosed within a vesicle that then fuses with the lysosome for degradation
Lysosomal enzymatic function pH
pH 4.5-5
Accumulates and neutralizes peroxides, protecting against oxidative stress
Cytoskeleton components
- Microfilaments
- Microtubules
- Intermediate Filaments
Microfilaments (size, components, function)
-Smallest cytoskeleton components
-Made of two strands of actin polymers
-Important for cell motility
-Contribute to formation of cleavage furrow during mitosis
-Interact with the motor protein myosin for muscle contraction
Actin monomeric and polymeric forms
G-actin and F-actin
-Wider than microfilaments
-Polymers of alpha and beta tubulin dimers
-Maintain structural integrity of the cell
-Highways along which motor proteins traffic intracellular proteins using ATP
Microtubulin (what they form)
Form mitotic spindles and flagella and cilia
Microfilaments (what they form)
Form cleavage furrow during mitosis
Anterograde movement motor protein (center of cell -> out)
Retrograde movement motor protein (outside of cell -> center)
Capping proteins
Can prevent the growth or shrinkage of the polar ends of microfilaments and microtubules
Intermediate filaments
-In between sizes of mt and mf
-Provide structural support and are responsible for structural support and cell-to-cell adhesion
Red blood cells
Only cell type that expels all organelles and DNA during maturation