Cell ID Flashcards
Segmented neutrophils
Long arrow - Eosinophil
Short arrow - Platelet
Arrowhead - Segmented neutrophil
Long arrow - eosinophil
Short arrow - segmented neutrophils
Arrows - nucleated red blood cells
Arrowheads - associated polychromatophilic erythrocytes
Long arrow - feline basophil
Short arrow - platelet
Long arrow - feline eosinophil
Short arrow - segmented neutrophil
Arrowhead - lymphocyte
Can you list 3 key differences between dog and cat erythrocytes?
1 – dog erythrocytes have a central area of pallor, whilst this is not generally visible.
2 – Cat erythrocytes are smaller in size compered to dog erythrocytes.
3 – Anisocytosis is usually present in cats, whilst dog erythrocytes are usually more uniform in size.
Band neutrophil
2 = monocyte
3 = neutrophil
10 - Platelet
11 - Neutrophil
12 - Eosinophil