Cell differentiation (continued) Flashcards
Specifically on Human Colon
Which cell type Forms crypts and Villi in the human colon?
Columnar epithelial cells.
Which type of cells are found at the bottom of crypts?
Stem cells.
What are Colonocytes?
Absorptive epithelial cells.
What are Goblet cells?
Mucus secreting cells.
What are entero-endocrine cells?
Peptide-hormone secreting cells.
What are paneth cells?
Antimicrobial-peptide secreting cells.
Also perform phagocytosis and efferocytosis.
Take up heavy metals.
Preserve barrier integrity.
How is proliferation regulated in the human colon?
Controlled by +wnt ligands.
+Wnt comes from paneth cells at the bottom of crypts.
Not present at top (no proliferation).
Higher up the crypt means more differentiated but less proliferated.
How is differentiation regulated in the human colon?
Notch signalling -
Notch on:
Wnt low = notch on.
absorptive fate.
Generates enterocytes and M-cells.
Notch off:
Wnt high = notch off.
Secretory fate.
Tuft, Goblet, Paneth and entero-endocrine cells formed.