Cell Death Flashcards
is there a relationship btwn targets of innervation and the pool of innervating neurons?
remove limb bulb (target) from one side of chick embryo
-results: many fewer neurons in the region of the spinal cord that would originally internervate the ‘missing’ limb
limb ablation and limb addition
-ablation resulted in smaller ganglia with removal of target
-addition (supernumerary) resulted in a larger ganglia
what did Hamburger postulate about muscle and skin
muscle and skin made 2 different, specific agents/stimuli that control the development of their respective nerve centers
how do ‘agents’ from each target reach their respective nerve centers? (recruitment model)
agents travel retrogradely to their respective nerve centers (brachial lateral motor columns and spinal ganglia)
-regulate the development of corresponding centers
how do the agents regulate the development of these centers? (recruitment model)
-nerve centers send axons to their respective target areas
-axons would explore the size of the target area and send ‘agent’ to cell bodies
-promote the differentiation of adjacent undifferentiated cells, would then send more axons to target
-‘recuritment’ of undifferentiated cells would proceed until target is saturated with nerves
recruitment model
targets of innernation ‘recruit’ naive cells in the spinal cord/spinal ganglia adjacent to the neuronal cell bodies to become neurons
-‘recruitment’ factors acquired by axons and determine cell fate of naive cells
reduced and extra target material
remove limb bud: fewer neurons
additional limb bud: more neurons
Hamburger’s model
- decline in neuronal numbers is because many neurons that are initially present degenerate following ablation->atropy causes reduced numbers, not recruitment
- cell death occurs not only after limb ablation, but as an ordinary and normal feature of embryonic development
what is the molecular mechanism by which targets can regulate neuronal cell death?
neuronal survival requires acquisition of a target derived ‘survival factor’ which is present in limiting quantities, leading to competition for the survival factors by the pool of internervating neurons
-axons need to reach threshold of survival factor to survive, or they will die
what are the predictions of Hamburger’s model
- number of neurons arriving at single target increases, the number of survivors should stay constant, % of survivors should decrease
- # of neurons arriving at single target decrease, # of survivors should stay constant, % of survivors should increase
Mouse sarcoma 180
as it grows it gets invaded by nerves
-DRG/sympathetic ganglia closest to tumor get very large
-both sensory and sympathetic neurons invade tumor, but not other neurons (motor neurons)
is the survival factor a diffusable/ soluble substance?
Exp: put tumor on other side of allantoic membrane instead of inside embryo (no direct contact w/ embryo)
-survival factor diffuses everywhere
-results: ganglia was still enlarged when placed on other side of membrane
-conclusion:survival factor is likely a diffusable factor
fractionation procedures
-starting material is run through resin to fractionate
-fractons are assayed to identify desired molecules
-fractionate with diff resin->assay again (repeat)
what was the result of adding the survival factor to a chick dorsal root ganglia (halo assay)?
-when survival factor was added-> lots of extended neurites (halo)
-when no survival factor was added->dead ganglia
phosphodiesterase experiement: is the survival activity a protein or nucleic acid?
-if it was a protein there should have been a halo
-if it was a nucleic acid, there should be no halo
-results: there was a HUGE halo
what happened when a negative control (buffer) was added with phosphodiesterase (PDE)?
there was a huge halo
-this wasn’t expected because the control shouldn’t have any survival factor
-made researchers ask what the starting material that PDE was purified from->snake venom
what is a better homolog for snake venom producing organs?
male mose salivary glands
if we add extra NGF, neuronal cell death should decline and neuronal survival should increase (prediction #1)
Addition of NGF
-increased neuronal survival
-chemotaxis-growth of axons to site of injection
NGF is sufficient to promote neuronal survival
if we remove endogenous NGF, neuronal cell death should increase and neuronal survival should decrease (prediction#2)
immunosympathectomy: remove sympathetic nerves
-resulted in first ever use of function blocking anitbodies
-is there a halo with the function blocking Ab-> NO
FB Ab resulted in complete destruction of sympathetic NS, partial destruction of sensory SN and no effect on motor neurons
NGF must by synthesized in targets in proportion to the levels of innervation (prediction#3)
increased NGF levels and density of innervation supports the idea that production of NGF by target organs determines density of innervation
NGF must be synthesized in targets at the right time in development (prediction #4)
-NGF mRNA and protein synthesis both start around the time that the axon arrives to cell body
-heart still synthesizes NGF, despite no growth cones arriving->NGF isn’t induced by arrival of growth cones
how did researchers make larger quantities of NGF?
1.isolation of NGF cDNA as a probe to detect NGF mRNA on RNA blots
2.improved immunological assays to detect NGF proteins using monoclonal antibodies
what target derived trophic factors act in the CNS?
brain derived neurotrophic factors
-65% amino acid homology to NGF
-both are neurotrophins
are there more members of the neurotrophin family?
sequenced highly conserved regions shared btwn NGF and BDNF
-found that NT3 and NT4 were homologous
PC12 cells
transformed cell line that differentiates in response to NGF but doesn’t require NGF for viability
-neural precursor to neuronal phenotype
Is tyrosine phosphorylation involved with NGF?
tyrosine phosphorylation
-rapid increase in tyrosine phosphorylation correlates with NGF treatment
-resulted in 2 proteins on immunoblot
what proteins do NGF interact with on the plasma membrane?
found2 proteins (158 kDa and 98 kDa)
-proposed that binded to a 85 kDa and a 60 kDa molecule
-would require 2 cross-linking events to occur (very rare)
-not a super plausible model
Purify 158 kDa crosslinked complex to determine what was present
-add non radioactive NGF and covalent crosslinker (that was reversible)
-label all NGF containing complexes with radioactivity
-then reverse cross links
-if 85+60 model is right, we should see 85 and 60 bands
-results: no 60 kDa band existed and a 135 kDa protein was present
what was the 135 kDa band
-an orphan receptor
-NGF causes rapid tyrosine phosphorylation of trkA
-trkA rescues mutant PC12 cells that are unable to respond to NGF, allows good neurite outgrowth->shows that it is an important receptor of NGF
where can the NGF signal be aquired
at the tips of the growing neuronal process to promote neuronal cell survival
-when there was no NGF at tips, there was very little neuronal survival
-when there was NGF at tips, there was significant neuronal survival
how is the survival signal relayed back to the cell body?
through signal cascades carried through the axon (kinesin)
neuronal cell death can be delayed by blocking protein synthesis
-NGF represses cell death program, it is a growth factor
universal mechanism of animal development
C. elegans
-genome is fully sequenced
-131 cells always die
ced-3 and ced-4
mutant: animal cells with no cell death, have too many cells
normal function: promote cell death
mutant: animal cells with too much cell death
normal function: prevent cell death
interleukin converting enzyme; part of the immune system
-related to ced-3
-cut in precise location to activate IL-1 beta
how do ced-3/ICE medicate cell death in fibroblasts
mouse ICE cDNA: a lot of cell death
worm ced-3 DNA: a lot of cell death
-suggests that ced-3/ICE mediates cell death via protease function
-cell death machinery is in place, just needs a trigger
how do ced-3/ICE mediate cell death in neurons
no NGF (survival) and crmA (ICE inhibitor)=no cell death
what protein is ced-9 similar to in mammals?
-both are anti-cell death cells (survival cells)
-ced-9 worms transfected in WT mouse bcl-2 cDNA = normal cells of cell death
-bcl-2 can promote cell survival in worms and mamilian neurons
apoptosis in mouse
- influx of Ca2+ from outside of cell and release from Ca2+ from internal stores, raising intracellular Ca2+ levels
- high Ca2+ triggers release of diablo protein from mitochondria
- diablo binds to IAP (inhibitors of apoptosis proteins), can no longer block caspases
- caspases signal and apoptosis results
how does bcl-2 inhibit apoptosis
blocks release of diablo
-cells need lots of bcl-2:bcl-2 heterodimers to stop apoptosis
-if there is little bcl-2:bcl-2 heterodimers, and there is more bax the cell death pathway will be active
does NGF signalling really induce bcl-2 transcription?
Ricco et al., Science 1999 (section paper)
-CRED is a transcription factor that is necessary for NGF signalling
-CRED promotes survival, even in absense of NGF (acts downstream of NGF-trkA)
-NGF mediated induction of bcl-2 gene transcription requires CRED
-Conclusion: NGF signalling activates CRED, which induces bcl2 gene transcription, resulting in cell survival
cortical (CNS) interneurons
if transplant various numbers of cells into animals, ~40% of cells die regardless of how many are transplanted (doesn’t fit target derived neurons)
-cortical interneuron death is determined intrinsically