Cell And Developmental Flashcards
Percentage components of chromatin
10% compact transcriptionally inactive heterochromatin
What are Hox genes? + properties
-a group of related genes that control the body plan of an embryo along the anterior-posterior (head-tail) axis
-post embryonic segmentation
-Hox proteins determine the type of segment structures (e.g. legs, antennae) that will form on a given segment
-control segmental identity, but do not form the actual segments
Protein product is a transcription factor
Contain homeobox DNA sequence
Genes organised in the same as the order of their expression (anterior-posterior axis of body) on the chromosome, thus said to display colinearity
Modifications to RNA
Poly A tail added
Methalyinated cap
Histone modifications
Post translation modifications:
- acetylation
- methylation
- phosphorylation
- ubiquination
- ADP ribosylation
Modifications alter the electro
Histone tail acetylation and deacetylation
Histone acetyl transferases (HATs) - add acetyl group - activation of gene expression
Histone deacetylases (HDACs) - removes acetyl group - repression of gene expression
Main acetylation include lysine residues 9, 14, 18 and 23
Deacetylasation - positive charge = tight electrostatic interaction between DNA and histones so transcription factors and RNA pol cannot bind.
Acetylasation - removes positive charge, therefore neutral = looser binding between DNA and histones.
Polytene Chromosomes
Chromosomes replicated without cell division
Found in drosophila salivary glands - required to provide large amount of glue proteins for pupation
Bright banding represents areas of transcriptional activity
X Chromosome inactivation
Female must have 2 copies of X chromosome
One copy must be silenced - example of dosage compensation
In placental mammals this is random, in marsupials the paternal X chromosome is always deactivated
Early in embryonic development one copy of the X chromosome is inactivated in each cell in female mammals
-Only one copy is transcribed
-Irreversible in somatic cell but is reversed in germ cell
Inactivation involves shortening and condensing of one X chromosome to form Barr body
What does the X chromosome encode?
Contains 1000 genes
Include genes encoding important proteins for growth and development
Can females develop X linked recessive diseases?
Do not usually display symptoms …
Dosage compensation in drosophila
Transcription of male X chromosome is doubled
Single male makes same amount of transcript as two female chromosomes
Achieved through acetylasation …
Histone methylation at specific lysine residues
DNA Methylation
Addition of methyl group to cytosine base that is part of CpG dimers
Involved in initiation and maintenance of gene silencing
Targeted to certain regions of the genome (eg Repetitive DNA, transposable elements)
Promoters of housekeeping genes (expressed in all cells eg RNA polymerase) are hypomethylated and therefore transcriptionally active…
Define Epigenetics
The study of heritable changes in gene function that occur without a change in the sequence of the DNA
Discuss the role of homeotic genes in Drosophila embryo development
How are DNA methylation patterns inherited?
What are histone proteins and how can they be modified to regulate gene expression?
How is the coat pattern of calico cats epigenetically regulated?
How is the anterior-posterior axis established in Drosophila embryo development?
CCK Signalling
- Peptide secreted by the mucosal cells of the duodenum into bloodstream
- secretion is increased when
- CCK binds to its GPCR, activated associated heterotrimeric G protein
- G protein activates effector (PLC)
Large family - thousands known in mammals
The CCK receptor structure
Single polypeptide
What does PLC hydrolyse when activated?
PIP2 - a plasma membrane phosphoglyceride
Products of this are IP3 and DAG - intracellular second messengers
IP3 Action
- water soluble, diffuses into cytoplasm where it binds to receptor on ER
- results in release of
Disease that can be brought on by:
-migrating gallstones (through