Celebration #4 Flashcards
What is Israel’s mission statement in Isaiah?
To fall so deeply in love with God that you trust Him completely and you tell the entire world about Him
What is the structure of Isaiah?
1-6: sermon
7-12: Ahaz (father)
13-35: sermon
36-39: Hezekiah (son)
40-66: sermon
What does Isaiah do?
Trusts and Tells
Ahaz is king of ?
Rezin is king of ?
Pekah is king of ?
Ahaz is king of Judah(south 2 tribes)
Rezin is king of Aram (syria)
Pekah is king of Israel(north 10 tribes)
What happened on the map in Isaiah?
Syria and Israel needed Judah’s help to take down Assyria, but they said no, so Syria and Israel turned on them; which turned into Assyria taking down Judah
What was Ahaz’s crisis? Solution? Instead? Lecture?
Water source (Gihon spring) was outside the walls,
solution: Isaiah says trust God,
instead: Ahaz calls Assyria for help,
lecture: you should have trusted Yahweh
What was Hezekiah’s crisis? Lecture?
He was on his death bed, and God saved him; he showed off all of his gold, but not of God;
Lecture: tell about Yahweh
Does Ahaz or Hezekiah trust God? Does Ahaz or Hezekiah’s tell about God?
trust: A, no; H, yes
tell: A, -; H, no
God will be glorified after the exile of 3 things:
- restoration of the nation
- ingathering of the gentiles
- salvation by the servant who will make it happen
What are the Servant Songs?
Description of the Messiah, who is the ultimate servant, who trusts and tells (52-53 is longest
What is the Day of the Lord?
A day or time when God intervenes in history in a decisive way to judge or deliver his people
What does the book of Joel communicate?
Wake up and turn to God
What are the days of the Lord given in Joel?
- Locust plague (bugs)
- 586 bc destruction (babylon)
- Tribulation (boom)
What does Habakkuk 2:4 say? What 3 passages is it key for?
- Righteous live by faith
- Romans 1:17, Gal 3:11, Heb. 10:38
What did God big picture do in Habakkuk?
Raise up Babylon to punish Judah, but would eventually punish Babylon
What does the resolution of Habakkuk teach?
Even though nothing good is coming, rejoice in God and live by faith
What is important from Obadiah
- has remnants of messianic covenant, but is still an unconditional promise
- has Gen 12:1-3 written all over it
What is the main idea of Jeremiah?
God reluctantly carried out curse (exile) after the people forced him to by their conscious rejection of Jeremiah
What was Jeremiah’s call?
Don’t be scared of the people, even if you have a bad message for them (1:18-19)
What was Jeremiah’s progression of emotions? Point?
annoyed, depressed, angry with God
- told by God to repent
Who is Jehoiakinm?
The king who burns the book of Jeremiah
What is the hope amidst despair in Jeremiah?
The New Covenant in Jeremiah 31
Partial blessing to the _____ now does not preclude full New Covenant blessing to _____ in the future
Partial blessing to the church now does not preclude full New Covenant blessing to Israel in the future
Main ideas of Lamentations
4 things
- lament of end of covenant
- reflects deut. 28
- is an acrostic poem
- notice the hope in very middle