Celebration 4 Flashcards
What is the mission statement of Israel?
Fall so deeply in love with Yahweh that they
1) Trust Him completely &
2) Tell the entire world about His salvation
What is the purpose of the book of Isaiah?
Isaiah measures Israel against their mission statement
What is the structure of the book of Isaiah?
1-6: Sermons and prophecies/ introduction and overview
7-12: History Ahaz
13:35: Sermons and Prophecies on trusting God
36-39: History Hezekiah
40-66: Sermons and Prophecies on Telling about God
What are the parallels between the two historical centers of Isaiah?
Crisis: Asserian aggression
Place: Jerusalem water source
Issue: who will rescue us
What is important about the introduction and overview of the book of Isaiah?
Chapter 6: Isaiah Trusts (correct response: woe is me, unclean lips: what comes out defiles, God save me)
Isaiah Tells (who will go? send me!)
Seraphs: glowing critter (maybe cherub may be something else
What are the aspects of Ahaz’s history in the book of Isaiah?
Ahaz: Judah, Resin: Aram (Syria), Pekah, Israel (ephraim)
Assyria coming to attack Syria and Israel: they want Judah’s help, no Syria & Israel attack.
Ahaz’ Failure: trusts in Assyria instead of God
What are the aspects of Isaiah’s sermons in response to Ahaz’s history?
Not smart Ahaz, God is to be trusted
- folly to trust in other nations, their end is destruction
- desert/Armageddon
- wisdom to trust in God: Garden/kingdom: curse reversed, landscape effected, blind, deaf, lame healed, lion& lamb
What are the aspects of Hezekiah’s history in the book of Isaiah?
Same spot as Ahaz: Gihon Spring
Learns from Ahaz and goes to God immediately in Trust God rescues
- God waits to kill Senacarib until he’s back in his god’s temple to show God’s power is not lessened by location
Hezekiah sick, get better, Babylon send envoy, Hezekiah show gold not God
- Failure not tell about God
What are the aspects of Isaiah’s prophecies and sermons in response to Hezekiah’s failure?
Focus on tell about God- the way people will know where salvation is
- John the Baptist, God will not share glory so people can be saved.
- Goal: God’s glory
How will God be glorified after the exile? How do they happen?
- The restoration of the nation–returning from exile, but mostly turning to God
- Ingathering of the Gentiles
- Salvation by the Servant Who will make it all happen
- Happen bottom to top
What are the servant songs of the book of Isaiah?
42, 49, 50, 52-53
Who Jesus is and His character
- ultimate servant who trusts and tells: fulfills the mission
What is the conclusion of Isaiah?
Ahaz: fail mission
Hezekiah: half complete mission
Messiah: Complete
Israel: Fail
What is the history of Micah and Zephaniah?
Israel is gone Judah has not been exiled yet
What is the theme of Micah?
God the king:
- all about failed kings and especially hope of a king who won’t
(main reason for exile: King failures)
- effect of messiah on the world & on Israel
What is the effect of Messiah on the world according to Micah?
- nations will know the solution is to go to Jerusalem and learn God’s ways (mind blowing vision when the Messiah returns)
- Law will go out from Zion
- Swords to plowshares & spears into pruning hooks (take resources spent on war and spend on agriculture- Cannot happen unless God changes hearts)
What is the effect of Messiah on Israel according to Micah?
Bethlehem, Ephrathah - ruler of Israel
- abandon Israel (586 BC): why not have a king
- Virgin birth (4 BC): until
- Shepherd flock: (2nd coming): king coming
What about Micah and the promises of the Old Testament?
Micah 5:2-4 goes on top of 2 Sam 7, Gen 49, Gen 12, Gen 3:15
Where the king will be born (Bethlehem, Ephrathah)
What do we see about Micah 7:20 and Luke 1: 54-55
Mary connected the angel’s words with Micah 7:20 - she knew the old testament
What is the main ideas of Zephaniah?
- When you find yourself sinking to the level of the crowd
- God doesn’t grade on a curve: He has a standard
What is the structure of Zephaniah?
Universal Judgement
- Judgement against Judah
- Judgement against nations West, East, South, North
- Judgement against Jerusalem
Those who have knowledge are more accountable
What is Judah’s most objectionable action according to Zephania?
Bow down, starry host, LORD, also Molech (false god from Solomon’s time, infant sacrifice for parents own welfare and benefit
WORST THING: worshiping YHWH & Molech (Syncretism vs integration)
What is syncretism?
Mixing of truth and error so people cannot tell what is truth
- makes the world confused so judgement is coming
What is integration?
Careful collection of truth while separating it from error
- leading to a Chrisitan worldview
- this is a life enterprise
Where in history is Joel, Habakkuk, and Obadiah?
Israel exiled: Isaiah, Nahum, Micah, Zephaniah,
Joel (getting close)
Habakkuk (getting really close)
Judah exiled
What is the historical background of Joel?
- olive tree: important for food, cooking, and lighting
- plague will completely devastate the land and there will be no more food until the next harvest so the weak will die
What about the book of Joel?
Another example of God as the relentless pursuer (willing to do anything to bring the people back)
- introduces the day of the Lord (three, one for each chapter)
Ch1: Locust plague- past (Bugs, Deu 28:42)
Ch2: 586 Destruction- future (for him) (Babylonians, Deu 28:49)
Ch3: Tribulation- future (Boom)
What is the Day of the Lord?
A “Day” or time when God intervenes in history in a decisive way to judge or deliver His people
What about the book of Habakkuk?
A prophet’s private conversation with God
Q #1: Why allow sin continue among your people?
- God Answers: Won’t let it continue, Destroy Judah! (via Babylonians - at that time not big power)
Q #2: Why let wicked Babylon punish Judah?
- God Answers: Will punish Babylon, after they destroy Judah. It is time now be quiet and think about this
Q #3: Are we finished as a nation?
- Habakkuk answers
How do we know that Habakkuk was obedient to God’s instruction for him to be quiet and think about this?
Habakkuk’s answer is a studied review of God’s work in the past
- He takes the time creates a psalm (according to Shigionoth, Selah, to choirmaster)
- Main point: trailer to give a teaser, picture collage to tell a bigger picture
- Not a linear telling: bounces around OT to tell of God’s awesome power and that He is the king of all history from beginning to end
(Egypt plagues, Nile & Jordan rivers, read sea, sun stand still, victory over pharaoh)
What does Habakkuk conclude?
Considering God’s history, even though judgement is coming and I don’t like it I will wait patiently because I trust God’s character because God gave me the ability to trust.
What about the book of Obadiah?
Not a new message, the importance is the timing (its more meaningful now after Judah’s exile has occurred)
- Judah holocaust, go down south Edom take advantage
Judgement on Edom: as you have done will be done to you (curse you, cursed)
*Even though the Messianic covenant is broken there is still the unconditional Abrahamic covenant
Genesis 12:1-3
What is the history covered in Jeremiah? (The “weeping” prophet) What were the questions being asked?
Records fall of Jerusalem, Story of Jehoiachin ~560 BC
- 560BC? Why? Whose fault?
What is the Big Idea of Jeremiah?
Is God vengeful and sadistic to Israel?
- Absolutely not: God only reluctantly carried out ultimate curse of the law (exile) after the people forced Him to by their conscious and continuous rejection of Jeremiah
What was the situation of Israel and Judah in Jeremiah?
Israel: went to the high hill (closer to God) uner spreading trees (fertility) and committed adultury
- God “thought” they would return: b/c after see emptiness of what they wanted
- faithless Israel certificate of divorce of 722
- 722-586BC Judah continues what usrael was punished for
- Faithess Israel more righteous than unfaithful Judah: b/c they saw Israel’s example and did it anyway
What was Jeremiah told about his ministry? What was the progression?
- Jeremiah’s ministry: 2 to 1 bad to good
- God tells not to be terrified of the people or He would terrify Jeremiah
- progression: Jeremiah was discouraged- annoyed, complaint- depressed (b/c of treatment) then angry with God
How did God respond to the effect of the people’s treatment of Jeremiah, the point?
- God told Jeremiah to repent
Point: The people’s harsh rejection distracted Jeremiah and basically caused him to forfeit his ministry - God told Jeremiah to repent and then graciously reinstated him in his ministry
*this is how bad the people were
What was the king’s attitude in Jeremiah?
Jehoiakim: scroll material expensive and ORIGINAL copy
- show s unfathomable contempt for God and His word
What is the Hope amidst despair in Jeremiah?
New covenant discussion: Jeremiah 31:31-32
time is coming, new covenant not like the one before that they broke even though God was a good husband.
- this covenant: in minds and on hearts
What about this New Covenant Jeremiah speaks of?
- It is superior because changes the heart, want to obey the law and because lasts forever (cannot be broken)
- “Know the LORD” door to door evangelism: One could be apart of Israel and not be saved, not so in Jeremiah 31
(First mentioned in Deuteronomy 30)
What about the New Covenant of Jeremiah and Luke 22:19-20?
Is Israel replaced with the Church?
- no
- this overlooks the fact that many of the first church were Jewish
- (peppermint gum principle): God can give New Covenant blessing to the church without taking them away from Israel
– partial blessing to the Church now (Spirit)
– Not preclude full New Covenant blessing (spiritual & physical) to Israel in the future
What is the final hint of hope in Jeremiah?
“planting” Jehoiachin: take off prison clothes and eat at king’s table
- important because of David and grandfather of Zerubbabel
What should we notice about Lamentations?
-Dependance on Deuteronomy: Hey, Deuteronomy 28 just happened = exile is not an accident but a fulfillment
- Acrostic form:
Ch 1,2,4, & 5 all 22 verses,
Ch 3 66 verses and in the middle:
- The Hope: Lamentations 3:21-26: steadfast love of LORD never ceases, there is hope, He is my portion, good to wait quietly
Where is Kings verses Chronicles on the timeline and in the Hebrew bible? Two important notes?
- Timeline: Kings covers (end) David to Jehoiachin Chronicles covers long before and long after
- Hebrew Bible: Chronicles @ end
1) K & C do not overlap completely in time
2) when cover same events, does so in very different ways
What do we see about the former prophets with respect to the land?
Joshua (enter the land), Judges, Samuel, Kings (exit the land: no land (exile), people (Deuteronomy broken), or leader (prison)
What do the tail of two kings cause us to ask? Who would we want to write our history?
1) Manasseh
- K: all the evil he did - C: humbled b4 God, pray, remove alters
2) Solomon
- K: gold, horses, wives, lead astray, gods…
Why does the author of kings so clearly display the failure of the kings?
- Chronicles!
What is the structure of kings? Why?
Solomon succeeds to throne
- throne threatened
– wisdom
— reign characterized
—- building projects
— reign characterized
– folly
- throne threatened
Rehoboam succession to the throne
Focus: temple & dedicatory prayer followed Deu 28 outline: keep covenant of love, hear prayers toward temple & forgive, drought, famine, plague repent
* Making it easy for people to repent
What was the goal of the author of Kings?
Prosecuting attorney making a case before court
- emphasis on sin (tale 2 kings)
- emphasis on repentance (dedication prayer)
- outlines Deu 28-30; repentance
- solution to exiled Israel’s problem
Why does Kings present a solution to exiled Israel’s problem? The responses?
- Kings: 1st call for repentance (solution)
- Daniel: 1st response - understand near end of 70yrs so repented following Solomon’s dedicatory prayer
– problem with return from exile: not enough Daniels - 2nd call: John the Baptist & Jesus: Repent!
What is the summary of the differences between Kings and Chronicles?
Kings: to a hardened people in exile to convince them of their own sin and repent
Chronicles: to discouraged believers in the land to encourage them in their faith to wait for a new return
*When you need rebuke, read Kings; when you need encouragement, read Chronicles
What is an intro to Chronicles?
- Exile and after: Israel is a pale shadow of her former self
Measures: - King: King (Jehoiachin) to carpenter (Joseph)
- Temple: Solomon’s Porsche to Zerubbabel’s Geo Metro (weeping of older generation)
- High Priest: Urim & Thummim –> Clueless
- Holy of Holies; God –> no God
NOT Deu 30: Ezra/Nehemiah: we are slaves today
How was Chronicles written?
- Idealization of David & Solomon as temple building anointed ones
- no mention of D’s 1st 7 yrs when Israel not recognize him as king, Uriah/Bath, Tamar/Absalom/Amnon
- not mention rebellious Kings of Israel: super focused on David’s line - Ends with subtle and curious “do-over” of the return
- 9 chapters of genealogies to start
- brings distant genealogies to the present, making it personal: this effects you directly
What is the purpose of the book of Daniel?
Answers the question: Is YHWH weak? For all the people everywhere
(God’s response to the Babylonians)
(Jeremiah answered whose fault was the exile? for God’s people)
What is Babylonian theology?
- Many gods exist
- These gods vary in power
- More powerful the god, the more he can empower his army
- Military victories & defeats are ultimately very spiritual experiences
- Destruction of Jerusalem and Temple clearly prove the god of Babylon is greater than YHWH
What is the Jewish Response to Babylonian theology? Evidence?
- Destruction of Jerusalem not because YHWH was weak
- His faithfulness in punishing disobedient people
- Evidence: Deuteronomy, Jeremiah, Kings
Babylonian response: that’s what they all say
What is the clues of the structure of the book of Daniel?
Kings: Nebuchadnezzar, Belshazzar, Darius, Belshazzar, Darius, Cyrus (rearranged for a reason: not straight history)
1, 8-12: Hebrew - for Israel
2-7: Aramaic: for all people (Gentiles and Israelis)
What is the common thread through all the stories of Daniel?
NOT: Faith, Daniel, Good Jewish people, Dumb kings, or the audience
IS: God Himself
(Speaks in the language of the Babylonians, literally, and speak by power)
What are the aspects of Daniel chapter 1?
Written in Hebrew:
- God gave us over (not to convince Babylonians)
- temple articles, God’s home turf (seems to say God was defeated at own temple)
- food: going to live by Torah not drink wine: poured out to god
What are the aspects of Daniel chapter 2? (Nebuchadnezzar’s first dream - statue)
- audience: spiritual leaders
- language: Aramaic
- If you can say what the dream was, you are really in touch with gods
- king: your God is God of gods (Babylonian people have to listen to their king)
What are the aspects of Daniel chapter 3? (Bow down to statue)
- audience: governmental crowd
- “rescue”: worst, going to heaven
- king: Most High God - praised (pieces and rubble for those who do not agree)
What are the aspects of Daniel chapter 4? Nebuchadnezzar’s letter
- Audience: all people
- King: Most High God, does as He pleases with all people
What are the aspects of Daniel chapter 5? (Writing on the wall)
Belshazzar: God’s temple goblets at immoral feast: suggest God is weak
Writing: you are a light weight
What are the aspects of Daniel chapter 6? (Lions den)
- Darius loves Daniel and hopes Daniel’s God will rescue him
- King: Fear & revere living God
Why do we not need a Daniel today?
Someone greater than Daniel has come. Daniel’s miracles pale in the context of what Jesus has done.
What are the two options for progress? What does this have to do with eschatology?
Linear (technology) or cyclical (fashion)
- Evangelical interest in prophecy is cyclical from fever pitch to apathy
What historical factors have dictated interest in eschatology?
70 AD: Jerusalem destroyed
135 AD: Bar Kochba says Messiah, Rome comes and Jews exiled for good
1948: Jews back to land become nation
1967: miracle 6 day war to take back Golan heights, west bank, and Sinai peninsula (US hasn’t been this effective) - get attention–> prophecy fever
1988: 88 reasons Jesus coming back in 1988…
2020: embarrassment
What is eschatology good for?
NOT: charts & calendar bout Jesus’ return or bad movies
BUT: encouraging believers that God will reclaim His hi-jacked world when it appears He has walked off the job
Especially: 586 BC - Daniel’s Day & 90AD: John’s Day (revelation)
What about Daniel’s visions?
Statue, animals all point to four sections of history: Babylon, Media-Persia, Greece, Rome
What do we see with Daniel 7? (Ancient of Days Reigns, Son of Main is given dominion)
The future is merely history to God and His promises will become reality in due time
- Rev 4 throne room scene expands Dan 7:9-10
- Rev 5 slain lamb: expand Dan 7:13-14
– John: Daniel is true, lets expand and get a better picture
- Matthew 27: who Jesus says He is on trial: points back to Dan 7 (son of man who gets dominion)
What about Matthew 24-25 and Daniel?
Temple will be torn down
The sign of the coming is the Abomination that causes desolation from Dan 9
What about Daniel’s 70 “sevens”?
- Daniel repents at the end of the 70 yr exile
- Angel’s answer: this return (536) is not the full restoration of Deu. 30 which will be at least 490 more years (70x7)
What is the timeline of Daniel’s 70 “sevens”?
Dan 9:24
445 BC: decree to restore city
7 - 49 yrs
62 - 434 yrs (at which Messiah cut off and have nothing- not get dominion)
then Messiah comes; March 29, 33 AD (Luke 19:42 know the day)
Crucifiction: April 3, 33 AD
AD 33: atone for wickedness
AD 70: Jerusalem destroyed by Rome (ruler come destroy city & sanctuary)
1 - 7 yrs: antichrist come and in the middle: abomination that causes desolation
Second coming: finish transgression, atone for wickedness, everlasting righteousness, seal up vision/prophecy
What about Revelation and Daniels 70 “sevens”?
Revelation picks up same language when referring to Daniel’s last seven years
- Time, times, and 1/2 a time = 3 1/2
- Months: 42
- Days: 1260
*Seems pretty literal
What was the foreshadowing abomination that causes desolation?
The sacrifice of a pig on the temple alter
How does Daniel add to the prophecy stack?
Daniel 9:24-27 When
Micah 5:2-4 Where
2 Sam 7 Who
Gen 49
Gen 12:1-3
Gen 3:15
What is Ezekiel all about? Where is Ezekiel and what happens to him?
Ezekiel is “the Jeremiah of Babylon”
- tells the people in exile the same thing Jeremiah tells the people in Jerusalem
- Ezekiel is in Babylon having a vision about Jerusalem
What is the prophecy of Ezekiel about?
- Idol of Jealousy: to another god, makes God jealous so He is getting ready to leave
- Over chapters: God moves from Holy of Holies to temple threshold, to entrance to Mount of Olives where goes up into heaven: God is reluctant to leave
- Spirit of God leaves and does not return until
What about the New Testament and Ezekiel?
Spirit of God returns at Pentecost (tongues of fire like column of fire in tabernacle)
- Jesus’ triumphal entry started at & His assention was at the Mount of Olives
- Return: same way, split mount of olives and enter at east gate (currently blocked by stones and graves)
What about the length of the exile?
605-536: people gone for 70yrs
586-516: temple gone for 70 yrs
What about Chronicles’ location? In English/Hebrew Bibles?
- English: because 2 Chronicles 36 and Ezra 1 have the same passage “Ezra is continuing the story”
- Hebrew: at the end because Chronicles is written four generations after (see 1 Chron 3 geneology)
Why did the writer of Chronicles stop?
KNEW: no spirit of God came back to the temple
- Our 536 return was not Deu 30. we need a do-over
- metaphorically rewind and try again
- THIS TIME: with deep repentance and a son of David to sit on the throne
- Ezra & Nehemiah: we are slaves: remind of Solomon’s temple dedication taken from Deu 28-30. Daniel also realized
What are the assumptions of Esther? What do you need to note?
- Prov 31 woman
- model of devotion
- Emulate Esther!
(Are we really sure?)
Note: - Esther is almost the last book in the OT chronologically
- Bring entire OT to bear or you’ll be lost in a sea of romantic moralism
What about God in the book of Esther?
God is NOT present: name, law, worship, prayer
What about Esther in the book of Esther?
Compare with Daniel…
- Foreign soil: D had no choice, E chose not to go back and is farther from the land than Babylon
- Food: D big deal from Ch 1, E: ate what prepared for her (blends in)
- “Jewishness” D: did not hides, open window! E: hides
- Conest: not beauty
(Ezra & Nehemiah at this time are getting on the Israelite men about having foreign wives, Esther really gets a free pass? Really?)
How do Catholics and protestants deal with Esther?
Jews: apocrypha: add prayer and mourning
Protestants: It doesn’t say that she prayed, but she probably did
What about Mordecai and Haman in the book of Esther?
*Lineage mentioned twice
Mordecai: son of kish, son of Shimei: relative of Saul, cursed David
Haman: Agagite: of king Agag who Saul spared and Samuel killed
- Not about religious faith: not bowing to someone other than God, (Daniel did: honor to who honor is due)
- These two hated each other!
What should the reader get from the beginning of Esther?
Drunk: do not take these people seriously
- everyone is out of control (but the One not mentioned), read carefully
Who is the story of Esther told for?
The people in the land who are questioning if God still cares
God’s answer: let me tell you about these people who do not care enough about ME to come back to the land or obey my laws and let Me show you how faithful I am.
What about Pur?
Die: pur
Dice: Purim
What is Mordeci and Esther’s conversation on Jew’s savlation?
- not go at first b/c not summoned in 30 days NOT a love story
Will arise from another place: may talk about YHWH, but why not say so? - alternatively: Will it arise from somewhere else?
Fast: no mention about pray
What were Haman’s three boasts? What about the gallows?
Wealth, Sons and Honor
Poor translation: tall spike to show the world how much you hate them (that you killed them)
What’s the reversal of Haman’s hopes?
Haman wants to kill, King wants to honor,
Wife: you cannot come out on top about Jewish
What does Mordecai get at the victory? Esther’s request?
Mordecai gets Haman’s honor and position, wealth
Esther: another day of slaughter then impale Haman’s sons
*God turns it back on Haman’s head
What is the big idea of Esther?
God is faithful to His people even when they are faithless to Him
Theology: God will be faithful to Israel
Humility: God is faithful despite my unfaithfulness
Behavior: I want to be faithful to those unfaithful to me
What are the quick facts of Ezra/Nehemiah?
- last of writings before Chronicles
- one author, originally one book
- three persons
- only inspired source of this history: what life like after the exile
- theological history: revealing God’s perspective
- carried forward sad trajectory
What are common in the three sections about people in Ezra/Nehemiah?
- Persian king decree
- leader opposed and overcome but
- sad anticlimax
What is the section of Zerubbabel in Ezra/Nehemiah?
1-6 “Planted in Babylon”
1-2 Decree to rebuild temple
3- alter
4-5 - opposition
6 - built small temple no glory
What is the section on Ezra in Ezra/Nehemiah?
7-10 Torah
7-8 Decree teach torah
9 - intermarriage
10 - divorces
What is the section on Nehemiah in Ezra/Nehemiah? `
1-7 city walls
1-3: decree rebuild walls
4-6 opposition
7- completed in hostility
What do we see at the end of Ezra/Nehemiah?
8-12: Spiritual renewal, Ezra/Nehemiah teamed up
- Ezra reads torah, people confess sin, pledge to obey the law
13: but no: ultimate anticlimax: find temple neglected, sabbath dishonored, walls to malls
- Chronicles at very end ask for do over: this did not work
Daniel 9:26 or 9:27?
26: anointed one - Messiah
27: anti-Christ