Celebration 3 Flashcards
What are other names for the book of Psalms?
Israel’s prayer book or meditations on Deuteronomy or what would Jesus think
When were the Psalms written?
They span 1,000 years from Moses ~1400BC to the Return from the exile in 500BC though most are written during David and Solomon’s time which makes sense because this was a unique time of peace
Who wrote the Psalms?
David, 73 - or at least this is how many are associated with David (by, for, or about) (50%)
Sons of Korah - 11, part of the temple choir/ choir directors
Asaph - 12, choir director at the temple
Heman and Ethan - 2
Moses and Solomon - 3
Anonymous - 49 (33%)
How are the Psalms organized?
- The psalms conclude with five Psalms (146-150) that begin and end with “praise the LORD,” the Hebrew word HalleluYAH
- May the LORD God of Israel be Blessed Forever Amen and Amen shows up four times, breaking the Psalms into five books
- Book I: 3-41 prayers of David
- Psalm 1 and 2 introduce the book
- Laments decrease and praise increases throughout the book emphasizing the effects of Psalm 1 and 2
Where does the Title of the book of Psalms?
Hebrew word (Tehilm) meaning Praises
Greek word Psalmos means songs
- from LXX Septuagint: 70 Hebrew scholars that translated the OT from Hebrew to Greek (about half of OT quoting in NT is from LXX Septuagint)
What types of technical words are in the Psalms?
Although we are not exactly sure what they mean, we believe that they
- Describe content
- Describe Time for singing
- Denote a Melody or Instrument
- Give Directions
- Others really obscure
What are the technical words in the psalms that describe the content?
Maskil - teach us to be skillful at living (learn from another’s example)
Mikhtam: witty, ingenious poem
What are the technical words in the Psalms that describe the time of singing?
To the choir director = public worship and temple choir
Song of ascent = on the way UP to Jerusalem (because it was on a mountain). To be sung during the three festivals when everyone was to come to Jerusalem
What are the technical words in the Psalms that indicate a melody or instrument?
Gittith: stringed instrument
Shoshanim: a melody (means Lillies)
Al-tasheth: a melody (means Do Not Destroy)
What are the technical words that give directions or are really obscure?
Selah: Pause and think about it during a musical interlude
We really don’t know what they mean: Mahalath, Leannoth
What are the types of Psalms?
Thanksgiving, Individual Praise/Lament, National Lament, Royal, Songs of Zion (patriotic), Confessional (Penitential), Imprecatory (calling down Judgement on God’s enemies), Messianic, Wisdom
What about Psalm 1?
Introduction to the entire book and final Hebrew section “writings” focusing on the good Torah of God
Begins with Blessed
- v1: constructive parallelism
- v1,2: antithetic - does not mean don’t hang out with the wicked but don’t follow their values
- Meditates: gnaw on, will be like a tree
- v 3,4 antithetic: trees do not blow away rather they are strong and stable (reliable)
What about Psalm 2?
Introduction to entire book with focus on Messianic
- Four parts with different speakers
1-3) Narrators speaks: fits many scenarios but ultimate raging is against Jesus to kill him
4-6) Father speaks and laughs at the nations’ futile rage
7-9) King speaks: Jesus’ baptism and David’s coronation
10-12) Narrator Speaks: Father and anointed one are together. You get to the Father by relating well with the son
Ends with Blessed
What does Job begin? What is the purpose of it and how is it different from the rest of the OT?
Begins the Wisdom Literature that teaches universal lessons applying to all people that are crucial and timeless (Suffering, Justice, Death, Life, Sex) instead of just the Grand storyline of one nation we have seen so far
What is the background for Job?
Isn’t much
- Timing isn’t described: ancient b/c wealth from animals
- Location: Uz, far away from Israel
- Characters: non-Israelites
WHY: these are universal lessons to apply to all people not just Israelites
What is the point of the book of Job?
Incorrect: why the righteous suffer (Job never finds out), how trials purify God’s people (that’s James, Job actually turns away from God half-way through the book)
Actual: why Job obeys God
*Know from heavenly conversation: what the entire book turns on
What is the description of the man Job? Why is this important?
Blameless (deals with sin rightly) upright, fears God and turns from evil
- God says this and Satan doesn’t disagree but wants to know why
- Suggests Job obeys because God blesses
Is it wrong to serve God because it’s good for us? What’s central to this question?
Central: what is the essence of our salvation?
- A relationship based upon economic advantage is not really a relationship at all: God calls it a relationship and Satan calls it a business transaction
*Motives do matter in a relationship
(Is Satan right? Test by taking all possessions away)
Why do Job’s trials come? What were the trials and the results?
Not to purify but to isolate the more important question of Why Job serves God
- Lose wealth and children: blesses God and does not sin by charging God with wrongdoing (author’s claim)
- Lose health (no one suffered more or responded better) did not sin by charging God with wrongdoing
What are the cycles of dialogue in Job? What happens as the dialogue progresses? What is the purpose? Who wins?
Good friends: sit for a week without talking then three cycles: E, J, B, J, Z, J except last cycle Z doesn’t speak b/c has nothing more to say
- At beginning Eliphaz, Bildad, Zophar, dominate conversation but toward end Job dominates
- Purpose: ideas are clarified: minds are changed or solidified
- Job “wins” the battle with his friends
What do we see in the first cycle of dialogue in Job? Where are Eliphaz and Bildad coming from?
E: Job is not righteous, God loves you enough to punish, feel better and repent (He did not know what we know)
J: Not true, didn’t sin
B: (bad cop) God did not make a mistake and punish when you did not sin
- Retribution Theology: Get what deserve. Righteousness–>prosperity, Unrighteousness–>poverty
Is retribution theology biblical? What happens if Job assumes it is true?
1) Corporately (whole Israelite nation) but not always individually true
2) Cannot work from right to left (result to cause)
- Lead to belief that God is not just
What do we see in the progression of Job’s responses? What do we question?
Ch 1: Job did not charge God with wrong doing
First response to B: third person wish for God to show up
First response to Z: first person desire/declaration to argue with God
Ch 19: first person condemnation that God has wronged Job
Has Satan won? (Has Job cursed God to His face as Satan predicted)
What are the aspects of Job’s reflection after the dialog cycles? Has Satan won? Problem?
29: The past: nostalgically - his respect
30: the present: lost respect
31: Job’s commitment: Lust (understood problem with desires, Jesus’ standard), just, merciful, loyal to God, hospitality, handling the land
No, Satan has not won yet. Job is angry and believes God has wronged him but chooses to serve God. Satan probably pleased with progress.
Still at impasse, how does Job move forward? Solution: Elihu
What are the post-dialogue speeches of Elihu?
1) Cannot say Job sinned to bring trials (Contra E,B,Z) Right!
2) God is NOT wrong (Contra Job) Right!
- Broken up impasse, both sides ready to listen to someone else (GOD)
What is round one of YHWH speaking?
(Job gets what he wants, sort of)
- Obscures my plans: Does Job really think God acted haphazardly?
- Asks Pertinent Questions: God asks questions only He can answer because Job had been talking as if he were God
- Problem: Job began recognizing God as Judge and himself as mortal but through the dialogue they became equals and then switched places
What is Job’s response to round one of YHWH speaking?
God has to pull it out (What is your response)
Job says he’ll shut up
- no apology so need round 2, Job didn’t get it
What is round two of YHWH speaking?
- Discredit My Justice?
- Do what only God can do?
- Behemoth and Leviathan: if you cannot take on these creatures, can you take Me on?
What is Job’s response to round two of YHWH speaking?
Job volunteers to speak
- too wonderful for him to know
- Job recognizes difference between himself and God
- repent in dust and ashes (of calling God wrong and not trusting Him through entire process, return to proper places)
If I serve God because its good for me…
- Am I serving Him at all?
- test: still do it even when we don’t want to
What are the final questions of the book of Job? Which is more important?
1) Will you be blameless and upright?
2) WHY (most important)
What is proverbs with respect to wisdom literature?
It is wisdom literature in its purest form
What are the definitions of wisdom?
Modern: knowing lots of stuff and how to use it
Ancient times: universal search to learn by observation of the world and human experience how the Creator designed the creation to function and then ordering one’s behavior in accordance with that plan to achieve life as it’s supposed to be
What is the general principle of wisdom literature?
See how God has generally designed the world to work (especially in Proverbs) and where following his ways directs us to human flourishing
1) exception to the rule (Job: good guys don’t always finish first)
2) Ecclesiastes: curse introduces alien invaders (pain, suffering, death) are enemies but not conquerors of human flourishing
don’t let exceptions distract from wisdom
What is the uniqueness of “wisdom” literature?
- It is not God directly speaking to man who writes it down “Thus says the LORD”
- God revealing things in life experiences man condenses them seeing reoccurring things to book: “usually”
What are the foundational assumptions of Biblical wisdom?
- To all of reality: no secular/sacred
- God embedded truth (secrets about how things work) within all reality: God creates; we discover
- Essential answers can be learned from experience & careful observation
- God embedded universe with order: live accordingly you will do well, not: you are to blame (consequences, forgiveness)
- “hedonsim” asks “What is good for humans?” so “Hedonism” next to godliness because God’s ways lead to life now
What is the tension between the OT Prov 1 and NT 1 John 1:9?
Prov 1: (wisdom calls out, if reject, will laugh @ calamities) Consequences
1 John 1:9: (Confess will forgive) Forgiveness
No tension, there is both. Do not pray for God to take away consequences.
How do we interpret wisdom literature?
1) Not usually prophecies or promises: usually very general, exceptions do exist–a spectrum on the “guarantee vs principle” scale exists (always to most of the time)
2) “Opposing” proverbs occur - depends on situation
3) few are anachronistic: covenant conditioned (ie physical prosperity, for Mosaic covenant)
4) Hyperbole, or deliberate overstatement for emphasis is not unusual
What is the structure of Proverbs?
Context: 1-9
Introduction & purpose, two appeals to youth, encourage toward Wisdom and Warnings against folly, and ends with two appeals to youth
Anthology of Solomon’s Proverbs: 10-22
Various Collections: 23-30
Final example of wisdom: 31
What is the introduction to the book of proverbs?
Purpose: to make simple wise and wise even wiser
Audience: MY SON, but does not neglect daughter, as wisdom is embodied as female
What are the counterfeits in the book of Proverbs? Summary?
Ch 1: Taking vs working
Don’t murder: stealing vs work, taking vs giving, no effort vs effort: Don’t cut corners or take shortcuts
- God designed the universe for you to work for what you need
Ch 2-9 sexual pleasure vs marriage
Summary: Satan will tempt you to attain in a wrong way the good things God wants you to have
What are the various views on Ecclesiastes? The problem?
- Bruce Walter: most misunderstood book of the entire Bible
- Old Scofield Reference Bible: Conclusions and reasonings of a man–not truth from God
Problem: Solomon is the author (similarly described to Solomon in 1 Kings) & Conclusion of book: book says this is wisdom
When does Walter Kaiser believe Ecclesiastes was written? What did he think about Ecclesiastes 2:24-26?
From the beginning of Solomon’s reign in 970 BC to his death in 930 BC Solomon got farther away from God until chastisement brought him back up towards God 2:24-26 – Close to God will enjoy life, Far from God will have vanity/emptiness
What is the problem with Walter Kaiser’s thoughts on Ecclesiastes?
Vanity/meaningless: applies to all people, not just the sinner
What is the importance and definition of “vanity” (dictionary/scripture)?
Importance: repeated at beginning and end of book
Dictionary: Transience, perplexity, vapor
- Romans 8: “Vanity” the trouble which comes from the curse of Gen 3
- Genesis 3: Toil, death: dust to dust
- Ecclesiastes 3: Dust to dust: under the sun (as far as life right now is concerned) the curse will get you just like it gets road kill
What is a fuller definition of vanity?
Futility, frustration, limitation, and ultimately death which every person experiences as a result of living in a sin-cursed word
“Life as a result of the curse”
What is Solomon’s Goal of Ecclesiastes?
Show us how to approach life after Eden and before the Kingdom (no pat answers allowed)
What is the intro to the Book of Ecclesiastes?
Intro: 1:1-11
1:2-4 all life effected by curse, this is not normal, man is more important than earth but earth remains as generations come and go
1:11 - the problem: no one remembers people
15: cannot find cure (fix, get away) for curse while living under the sun
What cures for the curse did Solomon try in Ecclesiastes?
sensuality, intellect, work
Discussion: good/bad, cannot cure pain of curse
What is Solomon’s main argument about sensuality?
(sensuality ineffective) 2: 1-11 felt everything
Laughter: good clean family
Pleasure: Saturday night raucous
- whatever: both do not cure problem of curse
Drugs, wine, etc: as a scientist
Projects: nothing satisfied
Singers, harem, delights
(we’re made out of same stuff, would not satisfy)
Conclusion: everything vanity, chasing after the wind nothing gained under the sun
Pleasure not cure pain of curse
What is Solomon’s argument about knowledge?
(2:12-17) (think away the curse)
Wisdom instead of doing
Better to be smart than dumb but same fate overtakes both
- inherent goodness in wisdom not cure curse
What is Solomon’s argument about labor?
(work away the curse, workaholic) (2:18-6:9)
vanity: repeat 4x - curse is bad but God wants you to enjoy life.
- 3:1-8 poem: cannot take first part and leave second
- Man and animals both die
- Death is not how its supposed to be
First mini conclusion of Ecclesiastes
Although no immediate “cure” for the pain of the curse, God wants you to be deeply satisfied in life
So when feel curse & want to run (find a cure): only find satisfaction if turn to God and not away
What picture of God is Solomon’s trying to paint in the first half of Ecclesiastes? What about the second half?
First half: Even though curse makes it hard to enjoy life God wants you to because He loves you
Second half: practical extension: two things prevent it from being enjoyable
What in the second half of Ecclesiastes must man avoid?
6:12 - Man does not know what is good (7-8)
- better be good (heart) than appear good (appearance)
- better off going to funeral: prioritization make life better
- God knows all: what you think is bad might be good for you one day
- Don’t let what you think is bad keep you from enjoying life
Man does not know what the future holds (9-11)
- worry about it or life in it
- & not live and enjoy life now
- Tree: don’t let fear of what might happen keep you from enjoying life
- As age increases so does grip of curse
What is the Exhortation & conclusion in Ecclesiastes 11-12?
Exhortation: Enjoy life as you’re young
Conclusion: fear God and keep His commands.
- No one else rather be your friend
- Live and live to the full right now
- Enjoyment for life not end goal: enjoy as meet worlds deep need. Not comfort and safety
Who is a Nazarite? Levite? Priests? Prophet? King? (What are the differences)
N: One special dedication to God, voluntary, must be clean: no grapes, no hair cuts, corpses
L: Workers in the temple: woodchopper, had to Trace lineage to Levi
P: Temple sacrifices, trace linage to Levi through Aaron
Prophets: proclaimer of truth, called by God
King: Chief executive officer: lineage to Judah through David
What is a Prophet’s assignment description?
Doctor: show up when patient is sick - when they show up its not a good thing
Deuteronomic: Always preach from Deu b/c Constitution of the land
What things does a prophet do?
- Preaching about the present (80%)
- Natural Prediction about the future (10%)
From God
- Super-Natural Predication about the Future (specificity) (5%)
Where did all the prophets minister?
Northern Israel: Amos, Hosea
Nineveh: Jonah, Nahum
Babylon: Ezekiel, Daniel
Judah (Southern Israel): everyone else
What are the prophet classifications?
- Later prophets: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and the twelve (Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah)
- Major: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel
- Minor: Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah,
What about Daniel?
English: a lot of prophetic material in Daniel
Hebrew: who wrote it? He was not a full-time prophet, his is in the writings
What are the hinge points of the prophets?
Pre-exilic (most prophets)
- Major Goal of prophets was to prevent the exile
Post-exilic (few prophets)
- Once it happened there was not much point
Mountain peaks with valleys in between?
Hard to see distance in between mountain peaks when valleys are in between
1) Prophet’s own time
2) Captivity and Restoration
3) Christ’s First coming
4) Millennium & Ultimate Restoration
- From prophet’s perspective all happened on top of each other: time frame hard to figure out (1 Peter 1:10-11, prophets were accurate but not always figure out time esp suffering of Christ (3) and glories to follow (4))
Isaiah 61:1-2 Example of prophetic timing
Isaiah 61:
1) Spirit, LORD, anointed (Messiah) me: trinity
2) Messiah do: favorable year & day of vengeance
Luke 4:
- this is the moment Isaiah spoke of
- Different quoting: left out about vengeance b/c not first coming but second coming: put in period instead of comma
Micah prophet timing example:
Kingdom divided, exile near, Judah needs a leader
Micah 5:2-4 - portrait of all Jesus will do.
- covers 586BC: abandoned, 4BC labor gives birth, 2nd coming shepherding
If Jesus was Messiah why isn’t He here reigning?
Book of Matthew laid out to answer this
- 1-11: Jesus is Messiah
- 12-23: b/c Israel’s rejection
- 24-25: reign postponed
What does the title “Song of Songs” mean?
This is Solomon’s best work
What is the history of the interpretation of the Song of Songs?
- Allegory: Christ & the Church - pseudo-spiritual approach avoids the real issue
- Celebration: sex is good or fun: legit message but that’s really a side issue
- Manual: “Six E-Z Steps”
Why do we meet the cast of the Song of Songs? Who are the cast?
- Reader’s theater or Opera: play not supposed to be acted out
- Groom/Husband: like real wedding, necessary but not focal point
- Bride/Wife: her story tells for benefit of DOJ
- Daughters of Jerusalem (DOJ): The younger, single girls in Israel
What is the quick note about Song of Songs?
- stay to the end
- Poetry is powerful and sometimes inexact, but when you put the whole book together the essential message is very clear
What begins the book of Song of Songs? (1:1-5:1)
- Conversation between wife & DOJ about being married
- King nuts about his wife
- Conversation between married couple: love him and being married to him
Does the wife share too much information about marriage with the DOJ? What’s going on?
Not too much information and not trying to be provocative for its own sake but for a specific reason
- Deliberately leads to embarrassing…
– then slams door shut
– all intimacy long for is in marriage and really good
– Don’t you dare get involved before the right time: 2:7 key verse (again 3:5, 8:4)
What would the wife in Song of Songs respond to “easy for you to say” after the first 2:7 Back off verse?
- Wasn’t easy for us, had every excuse to be physically involved but didn’t
- 2:8-9 Physically
- 2:10-3:4 Romantically
– He initiated, desired to know (face, voice), resolve & avoid conflicts, mutually committed, always searched for one like him)
What about the memory of the wedding day/night in SOS?
- B/c we “backed off” there are good memories
- poetry allows for clarity and dignity in wedding night: it was their first time
– Garden locked up, spring enclosed, sealed fountain
What about the bad blood in SOS? What is the principle?
Cause of problem (intimacy disagreement, leave)
Attempt to resolve, reconciliation
- make up and mature: become stronger - another wedding night scene longer than the one before, more deeply in love
* The kind of relationship that endures conflict and continues to grow is founded on committed and informed relationship marked by physical restraint
What is the bottom line of SoS?
Not: virgin - OK, not - trouble
Not: God punishing for past mistakes or forgiveness
IS: proactively building a beautiful marriage now and in the future
Why is SoS about proactively building a beautiful marriage now and in the future?
Borrowing future privileges of a covenantal relationship is foolish
1) Sex makes a solid “second story” to the marriage house (but is a sand foundation)
2) “foundation” has to be a solid relationship (formed without the intoxication of sex)
What is the proper order of things according to Song of Songs?
1) God
2) Marriage
3) Sex
The desire for sex is really the desire for intimacy only God can satisfy
- We glorify sex when we imagine it will satisfy our hunger for God (John 4: women at well)
- We are designed for intimacy with God first and then with another person in the bond of a marriage covenant any other way is following enemy’s shortcut to failure
What is the structure of the book of Jonah?
Ch 1-2: God’s word, prayer, rescue
Ch 3: God’s word, prayer, rescue
Ch 4: Object lesson (like an arrow the point is at the end)
How does Jonah compare to the sailors?
Sailors: afraid (know storm supernatural), terrified Jonah run from God (greater spiritual sensitivity), instead row back (more pro-life), pray to YHWH, fear LORD and sacrifice
Beginning of wisdom: Fear the LORD
Jonah: asleep (NOT: spiritual trust, BUT: so out of touch not hear God knocking), rather die than go to Ninevah
What is the sign of Jonah?
Preview of most important event of all time: Come out Three days later alive (miracle)
What happens in Jonah chapter 3?
three days to go through or around Ninevah, but first day preaching the whole city repents
Spiritual state of Ninevah: fruit so ripe it falls off the tree.
What do we see in Jonah’s response to all that has happened? How has Jonah progressed?
4:3-4 J “better die than live” G “right to be angry?”
- unhappy b/c God spared Ninevah, happy because of personal comfort
4:8-9 J “better die than live” G “right to be angry?” J “yes!”
- Jonah has gotten worse
(Direct disobedience to reluctant obedience down to anger at God)
What is the question at the end of Jonah? Who is it directed towards?
Shouldn’t God care about the city?
It goes out to us: do you have personal comforts that keep you from seeing the value of people?
What is the point of Jonah? How does it relate to Ecclesiastes?
Jonah is a caricature: an exaggeration –> Is there a lot of Jonah in me? Is there some?
God-honoring values & goals + Ecclesiastes = abundant life
God-neglecting values & goals + Ecclesiastes = Jonah
Ecclesiastes miss applied:
- Enjoy life as you carry the good news of God’s grace to the world
Who is God according to the book of Jonah?
The creator of all people (and cows), who grieves for His creation and mercifully provides salvation, for all who will receive it.
What are the two characteristics of God seen in Nahum?
Sarcastic and vengeful
What are the differences between Nahum vs. Jonah?
Jonah: went to Nineveh, preached to the Ninevites, preached salvation
Nahum: did not go, did not preach, preached destruction, wrote his letter to comfort Israel
What is the survey of Nahum?
God’s character as avenger
His character shown in vengeance on Assyria: three declarations: completeness, permanence, imminence of her end
Very graphic & detailed account of the battle and city’s defeat
Hopelessness: compare to Thebes, Sarcastic address to prepare
Specific address to king: 6th century BC trash talk
What is the point of the book of Nahum?
How God treats those who touch the apple (cornea) of His eye.
- It is God’s job to take revenge (He knows how much, how often)
- Our job to bless our enemies.
Who is YHWH according to Nahum? How does this relate to Jonah’s understanding?
The creator of all people (and cows) who grieves for His creation and will execute justice and vengeance on all who reject his mercy
- God is not just OR merciful but just AND merciful
Just because He requires payment for wrong doing
Merciful because He is the justifier
What is the basic theology of Hosea?
Bad News then Good News
- Bad: God will Break off His relationship with the nation due to their unfaithfulness
- Good: God will renew it in the future because of His faithfulness
How did Deuteronomy predict the basic theology of Hosea?
Deuteronomy 30:
1) Disperse: Exile
2) Return: Repentance
3) Gather you again: Regathering
4) Circumcise your hearts: heart surgery, change you from the inside out.
How is the basic message/theology of Hosea communicated?
- Through the Kid’s names
- Jezreel, Lo-Ruhamah, Lo-Ammi
- They are puns: two meanings, good news & bad - Through the Couple’s marriage
- Marriage –> Divorce –> Remarriage - Through the Nation’s future
Old Covenant –> Exile –> New Covenant
What are Hosea’s children’s names? What do they mean?
Jezreel (valley of Jezreel very fertile)
- positive: scattering seed, planting (replant in the land)
- negative: scattering, throwing away (Exile)
Lo-Ruhamah: Lo means not
- not my loved one
Lo-Ammi: not my people
- in context of covenant vows (She will be my wife/they will be my people) NOT: they will no longer be my covenant people (language of divorce)
- Scattering to exile: not loved/my people
- Planting in the land after: loved/my people
What is the bad news about Gomer in the book of Hosea?
God told Hosea that his wife would become a prostitute
- “rebuke your mother” = “prosecute your mother” or “take mom to divorce court”
- The children knew mom had been unfaithful,
- She is not my wife: end of the marriage divorce
(she supported herself by her lovers, like Israel with idols)
What is the good news about Gomer in the book of Hosea?
I will allure her, leader into the wilderness,
- romantic language, wilderness is where they got married the first time
- Hosea: bought her back & remarried her (language of marriage ceremony)
What is the message of Hosea and the timeline of Israel?
Initial marriage - years together of unfaithfulness - divorce - years apart - Remarriage
Sinai law, Suzerain/Vassal - Judges and Kings - 722/586 - 586 to present - 2nd coming and new covenant
Zerubbabel shows that the return off from the exile was not THE return. He was royal not kingly
What is Dr. Miller’s title for Amos, why?
- Farmer Bob goes to the Big city: realistic about how hard this task is
- B/c: historical situation: Jeroboam does not want to reunite so sets up barrier: place of worship at Bethel
- Amos go to people of Bethel and they wouldn’t want to listen expecting him to condemn them
- Amos begins shrewdly:
What’s wrong about Bethel in the time of Amos?
Wrong gods, wrong place, wrong personnel
Very counterfeit situation
How did Amos deliver his message?
- 3rd person: these nations deserve judgement Samaria, Tyre, Sidon… then Judah and Israel
- 2nd person: you also deserve Judgement (to bring to repentance)
What is the last part of the book of Amos?
Picturing Judgement
- In that day “when Messiah comes” David’s fallen tent
– Tent was up 1000-586 when it fell
– Some time in future The SON of David will reign
- Days are coming reaper will be overtaken by plowman: Harvest so good not need to worry about essentials so do what we were intended to do
Is work important to God?
- It is at the center of who God is the first thing we learn about is creation
- we were given baton to continue His work (diff b/w work & toil)
- Jesus glorified God by doing the work given to him to do
- We will continue to work in heaven: not bureaucrats or everlasting service
– creative team effort with splendid leadership and comprehensive cycles of productivity & enjoyment
What is the contrast in the book of Proverbs?
Two women
Metaphysical: “lady wisdom” and “lady folly”
Physical: Proverbs 31 vs Adulteress
What about Proverbs 31?
95% applies to men and women
- 10-31 is acrostic: complete embodiment of wisdom
- Good wise life: simple faithful, fear of God and love of people
- written by King Lemuel: applies to all people, this wisdom is not from an Israelite