cel3 III Flashcards
to do something harmful to somebody because they have harmed you first; s: revenge
The boy hit his sister, who retaliated by kicking him.
the power to choose something freely or to make your own decisions; s: free will
They left entirely of their own volition (=because they wanted to.)
1) to increase something in strength, esp. sound (to amplify a guitar/ an electric current/ a signal)
2) to add details to a story, statement, etc. (She refused to amplify further.)
1) to say that something is true, esp. in an argument; s: maintain;
I would contend that minister’s thinking is flawed on this point.
2) to compete against somebody in order to gain something (Three armed groups were contending for power.)
dirt that forms a layer on the surface of something (His face was covered with grime and sweat.)
to take a small walk or journey around a place, especially for pleasure
1) to make somebody have more of something than they can deal with; s: inundate (The department was swamped with job applications.)
2) to fill or cover something with a lot of water; s: engulf (The little boat was swamped by the waves.)
1) violent and cruel; s: brutal
She had a vicious temper.
2) (of animals) aggressive and dangerous - a vicious dog
3) (of an attack, criticism, etc.) full of hate and anger
She wrote me a vicious letter.
4) very bad or severe
a vicious headache
1) to accept and be satisfied with something and not try to have or do something better (Martina contented herself with a bowl of soup.)
2) to make somebody feel happy or satisfied (My apology seemed to content him.)
lordly - synonyms + collocations
s: noble, aristocratic, princely, majestic, magnificent, grand; arrogant, snobbish, pompous
c: - way, - creature, - airs, - appearance
without interest or color, boring
(She longed to be out of cold, drab little office.)
s: dreary, dull, somber, dismal
c: - cloth, - personality, - weather, - day
1) (of prices, business activity, etc.) tending to increase or stay at high level, usually showing financial success (a buoyant economy/market)
2) cheerful and being sure that things will be successful
(They were all in buoyant mood.)
3) floating, able to float or keep things floating (Salt water is more buoyant that fresh water.)
1) that does not stop holding something or give up something easily; determined (She’s a tenacious woman. She never gives up.)
2) continuing to exist, have influence, etc. for longer than you might expect
s: persistent (a tenacious ilness)
s: lazy, not employed, inactive, empty, unproductive, useless
c: hands, youth