CDS Quiz Flashcards
The provisions that describe the rights, responsibilities, and relations of the parties to the construction contract are called the?
General conditions
What makes up the construction contract?
The Conditions (General, Supplamentary, Special), Drawings, Specifications, Owner-Contract Agreement
An open proprietary specification allows the substitution of approved equal products for those specified?
The product must match the quality and performance of the one specified.
What does the project manual consist of?
Technical Specs, bid form, instructions to bidders, general conditions
The Specs are divided into what?
divisions, sections, and parts
Basic services of the architect include:
preliminary estimate of construction, assisting the owner in obtaining negotiated proposals
Additional services of the architect include:
programming the requirements of the project, providing site studies, provifing services for planning rental spaces
Within 7 days of receipt of the application of payment the architect must?
Issue a certificate of payment to the owner, or notify the contractor and owner of the architects withholding of the certificate of payment.
Under the terms of the AIA General Conditions -Construction Manager-Adviser Edition in what order are shop drawings received?
Contractor, CM, Architect
If an owner stops payment to the architect what may the architect do?
The architect may terminate the agreement
If the contractor refuses to sign the contract until proof of funds by the owner what should the owner do?
The owner shall provide the evidence requested by the contractor.
Can an owner use your current drawings on a new and different project?
All drawings, specifications, and copies thereof furnished by the architect are and shall be remain his property. They are not to be used on any other project.
Record drawings are considered?
A change in service.
contingent liability
the architect’s liability for the acts of independent consultants who are retained to perform professional services such as consulting engineers
direct liability
an architect’s liability for his or her own acts and those of their employees.
Integrated project delivery
This type of project delivery method has the following traits:
There are a minimum of three primary parties; the owner, architect, contractor.
There is a single contractual agreement between parties.
Construction Manager as Advisor
There are three primary parties; the owner, the architect, and the CMa. There are two separate contracts ; the owner and architect, and the owner and CMa
Project Closeout
Defined according to the requirements of the contract documents, final inspection, final payment, submitted of documentation, and acceptance of the construction project.
Construction Specifications Institute
00 procurement and contracting requirements
01 general requirements
02 existing conditions
The CM advises the owner regarding constructability and budget issues during the design and construction process and assists the owner in contractor selection
The owner hires the CM first. The CM assumes financial authority and manger the entire project on behalf of the owner.
Hired by the owner when design is 30% complete. The CM advises the owner prior to construction and then builds the project, usually for a GMP based on the design documents at the end of DD
Direct Negotiation
Selection is based on reputation, experience, and or past performance. The fee is negotiated between the architect and owner
Qualification Based Selection (QBS)
Selection is based on solely on competence and qualifications. Fees, price, or any cost info is not to be consumed by the owner.
Best Value Fees
Selection is based on a combination of both qualifications and fees
Low fee
Selection is based on the lowest fee only
How much time does an architect have to process shop drawings submitted by the contractor ?
The architect is expected to review and approve or take other action with reasonable promptness, the time is not specified but usually 10 days.
Area, volume, and other single-unit rate methods
Used primarily in the programming and predesign phases this approach involves calculations based on definable units sub have as the number of hotel rooms or cost per square feet, or price if each type of space.
Elemental methods
Commonly used in the schematic design phase this approach involves dividing a building into several functions categories such as partitions , finishes , etc
Quantity survey method
This detailed approach used during DD and CD involves calculations for each component of a building. Prices are assigned to each material and include allowances for labor time
What are the three major elements of costs involved with building ?
labor, materials, and equipment; Other costs are overhead and contractor profit, and life-cycle
What is the order drawings are organized?
Title/ Index Civil Site/ Landscape Architectural Structural Plumbing Mechanical Electrical Other Consultants
What is included in the bidding requirement documents
invitation to bid prequalification forms instructions to bidders information available to bidders bid forms
What is included in the supplements to bid forms?
bid security form
subcontractor list
substitution list
What is included in the contract forms?
Performance Bond
Labor and Materials Payment Bond
Certificates of insurance
What are the two variations of a base bid specification
The first lists several approved manufacturers of a product. The contractor is free to bid on any one listed. This type satisfies the requirements for public work where at least three different manufacturers must be listed. The second variation is a base bid with approved equal language. THis spec states that one product or an approved equal must be used.
Each Specification contains what three-part format?
Part 1: General
Part 2: Products
Part 3: Execution
What three three environmental goals might be addressed within a specification ?
Resource efficient materials and systems, energy conservation, and indoor air quality
What should the architect request the contractor to provide in regards to hazardous material?
MSDS- a material safety data sheet which lists the product safety info prepared by the manufacturers and marketers of products. They are required to list the health effects of the material, first aid, safe storage and disposal guidelines
What must the owner provide to the architect at the start of the project?
The owner must provide the program that gives the owner’s objectives, schedule, constraints, and design criteria. The owner must furnish land survey or any other site info. Lastly, the owner must furnish the services of a geotechnical engineer which may include test borings, determination of soil bearing values, etc.
Who can terminate the agreement under B101?
Both parties. On no less than 7 days written notice if the other party fails to perform according to the agreement. The architect can also suspend services after 7 days of written notice if the owner fails to pay payments when due.
What choices does the owner have if the budget is exceeded by the lowest bid?
To increase the budget, to authorize rebidding or renegotiating, to terminate the project, or to cooperate in revising the project scope and quality.
What types of services are considered Additional Services of the Architect?
Review of contractor submittals that are out of sequence from the schedule.
Responses to Contractor’s RFI’s which is given in the drawings.
Change Orders/Change Directives requiring evaluation of proposals.
Consulting relating to fire.
Evaluation of Excessive Number of Claims
Evaluation of substitutions made by the contractor/owners consultants
Preparation of drawings for alternate bids
CA services after 60 days of substantial completion
Who is responsible for paying for the building permit and other fees?
The contractor is responsible for the permits, governmental fees, licenses, and inspections necessary for the execution of the work.
Who is responsible for removing hazardous material?
The owner
What are some examples of supplementary conditions that might be added to A201?
Permission for the Architect to furnish instruments of service the the Contractor.
Additional info provided by the owner
Cost for the Architect to review requests for substitutions
Provisions for the owner to pay for utilities
Provisions for fast-track scheduling
Additional protection for the owner against claims
How long before a contractor is selected after all bids have been accepted and closed?
10 days ; the decision should be sent to all bidders
What actions must the architect take in the case the owner or consultant have filed a claim?
The architect must within 10 days: request additional info supporting the claim, suggesting a compromise, accept the claim, reject the claim, advise the parties that he is unable to resolve the claim
How long does the owner/contractor have to demand mediation or arbitration?
30 days from the date on which the party making the demand receives the final written notice from the architect on the claim.
What advantages does arbitration have over litigation?
speed, economy, privacy
When is the contractor required to submit the application for payment >
At least 10 days before the date established in the Owner-Contractor Agreement.
What reasons does the architect have to withhold payment to the contractor?
Defective work
Third-party claims
Failure to pay subcontractors
Evidence that the remainder work cannot be completed for the agreed balance
Damage to the owner or other party
Evidence that the work won’t be completed on time
Failure to complete the work according to the contract
What must the contractor submit to the architect before final certificate of payment is issued?
Affidavit of payrolls, materials, or other debts
Proof of insurance to remain after payment
Notice that the contractor knows of no reason for the insurance to expire
The consent of surety to final payment
What must the contractor submit to the owner upon completion of the work?
All warranties
A set of record drawings
Certificate of Occupancy
Extra Stock of Material
What are the three building codes used to create the IBC?
UBC- Uniform Building Code used in the west and central portion of the Us
BOCA-Building Officials and Code Administrators used in the northeast
SBC-Standard Building Code used in the southeast
Which organization is responsible for the testing of materials?
ASTM- American Society for Testing and Materials
What three tests are commonly used for fire-resistive assembly>
ASTM E-119, NFPA 252, NFPA 257
What is the minimum rating for openings in fire partitions?
1/2 hour except for corridors, which must be protected by 20 minute fire protection assemblies.
The IBC classifies occupancies into what 10 major groups?
A-Assembly B-Business E-Educational F-Factory/Industrial H-hazardous I-Institutional M-Mercentile R-Residential S-Storage U-Utility
What are the five types of construction?
Type I- the most fire-resistive
Type V- least fire-resistive
Type I, Type II - are noncombustible
Type III, IV, V - are combustible
The means of egress consists of what three parts ?
The exit access( portion leading to the exit), the exit (provides a protected path of egress between the exit access and exit discharge) , the exit discharge (the termination discharge and public way)
What are the requirements for three exits vs four exits ?
Three exits are required when the occupant load is between 501-1000, four is required for greater than 1000
What is the minimum width of a corridor serving an occupant load greater than 50?
44 inches
What is the required width of the stair per code?
Less than 50 occupants - 36in
Greater than 50 occupants - 44in
If the stair is part of the egress the width must be 48in
The handrail must be at what height>?
between 34in and 38 in
Guards must be at what minimum height?
What is the minimum STC rating for walls?
STC 50
What is the minimum clear floor space for a wheelchair?
30inx48in and 60 in diameter
What is the minimum clear width for an accessible route?
36in clear and 32in doorway
Hardware for an ADA door must be a max height of what?
48 in in height AFF
What is the max slope for an ADA ramp?
1:12 the max rise is 30in; landing lengths minimum of 60in
What is the required mounting height of signage?
min=48in max=60in
If fixed seating is provided in a space how much space must be accommodating to ADA?
5% but not less than 1.
What is the minimum distance between handrails on a stair that is part of an accessible means of egress?
In order to be considered part of an accessible means of egress, a stairway between stories shall have a clear width of 48 inches minimum between handrails…
The Contractor wishes to terminate their agreement with the Owner. According to the A201, what is true about termination?
The Contractor may NOT terminate any time for convenience. There are specifics that are outlined in the contractor. Only the Owner has that right.
- The Contractor may termined if the work has stopped for 30 days at no fault of the Contractor or Sub.
- The Contractor may terminate if the Owner delays or interrupts the Work more than 100% of the total days schedules for completion
- The Contractor may terminate if an Architect has not issued a Certificate for Payment within the required timeline and has not provided information or evidence as to why.
What is the maximum height that a stair can extend before requiring a landing?
A flight of stairs shall not have a vertical rise greater than 12 feet between floor levels or landings.
What is the maximum length of a corridor with a dead end?
Where more than one exit or exit access doorway is required, the exit access shall be arranged such that there are no dead ends in corridors more than 20 feet.
Standard of care is measured by what?
“§ 2.2 The Architect shall perform its services consistent with the professional skill and care ordinarily provided by architects practicing in the same or similar locality under the same or similar circumstances. The Architect shall perform its services as expeditiously as is consistent with such professional skill and care and the orderly progress of the Project.”
If the bidders need clarification to the bid documents when do they need to submit a written notice to the architect ?
7 days prior to closing of the bids
Who’s responsible for contacting the surety in cases of changes to contract
When does final payment have to be made by
No later than 30 days after the architect issues the certificate of final completion to the owner.
The architect has the right to represent the owner according to what documents
General conditions and Owner Architect Agreement
When must an addenda be issued?
No later than four days prior to the bid opening
When can a bidder suggest a substitution ?
A bidder is required to submit q request for approval at least 10 days prior to the bid opening date.
The architect may terminate their agreement with a consultant under what conditions ?
Upon no less than 7 days written notice.
They are required to pay the consultant for services prior to termination.
What factors affect cost ?
Location complexity construction schedule and bidding environment
What criteria allows the architect to terminate the agreement with the owner?
If the owner fails to make payments to the Architect.
If the owner suspends the project for more than 90 days at no fault of the Architect.
Upon not less than 7 days written notice.
The consultant wishes to terminate their agreement with the architect what steps must they take?
The consultant may terminate if the architect fails to pay them.
The consultant must give no less than 7 days notice.
If the architect suspends the work for more than 90 days.
An owner wishes to terminate their agreement with the architect what must they do?
The owner must give the architect no less than 7 days notice.
The owner may terminate for convenience.
The owner must still pay the architect for services completed up until that point.
Which of the following must the Contractor do before the Owner is required to issue final payment?
§ 9.10.2 Neither final payment nor any remaining retained percentage shall become due until the Contractor submits to the Architect (1) an affidavit that payrolls, bills for materials and equipment, and other indebtedness connected with the Work for which the Owner or the Owner’s property might be responsible or encumbered (less amounts withheld by Owner) have been paid or otherwise satisfied, (2) a certificate evidencing that insurance required by the Contract Documents to remain in force after final payment is currently in effect and will not be canceled or allowed to expire until at least 30 days’ prior written notice has been given to the Owner, (3) a written statement that the Contractor knows of no substantial reason that the insurance will not be renewable to cover the period required by the Contract Documents, (4) consent of surety, if any, to final payment and (5), if required by the Owner, other data establishing payment or satisfaction of obligations, such as receipts, releases and waivers of liens, claims, security interests or encumbrances arising out of the Contract, to the extent and in such form as may be designated by the Owner.
What is the current flow baseline for showers as outlined by the EPA?
- 0 gpf is for urinals
- 6 gpf is for toilets
- 2 gpm is for facets.
- 5 gpm for showers
The Contractor discovers conditions on-site that differ from the contract documents. After noticing the issue, how many days does the Contractor have to notify the Architect?
21 days
For the legal concept of Agency, how many parties must be involved?
What information does the A305 the Contractor’s Qualification Statement contain? Select all that apply.
The A301 requires the contractor to submit a financial statement, references, and their business model.
On the job site, the Contractor uncovers conditions that differ from the contract documents. How long does the Contractor have to provide notice to the Owner and Architect?
3.7.4 …the Contractor shall promptly provide notice to the Owner and Architect before conditions are disturbed and in no event later than 21 days after first observance of the conditions…
The construction work is divided among the construction trades according to what?
trade union rules and business judgement
Sustainability affects what components of design?
Cost, Function, Aesthetics, Time
Where would provisions for liquidated damages normally be found?
Owner-Contractor Agreement
Where would close-out procedures be located in the contract documents?
Division One
What does project close-out entail?
Submission of record drawings and specifications as well as maintenance manuals, warranties. Delivery of tools and spare parts. Removal of temporary facilities. Start-up testing of equipment. Final touch-ups
Which delivery method allows the owner to participate in the design process?
another benefit is basing costs on complete construction documents. The architect acts as an agent in this case.
Which delivery method allows the owner to address constructability and costs during design?
CM management delivery
In this case the CM acts as the advisor for the owner. Portions of the contract can be sent for bid before design is done.
Which delivery method would the architect be acting as a vendor rather than the agent?
Typically the owner would have some type of management role.
According to AIA Instructions to Bidders, bidding documents are issued to whom?
General Contractors Only
The architect’s legal status in representing the owner’s interests during construction is defined in?
the Owner Architect Agreement; the General Conditions
Which parties hold lien rights?
GC, Subcontractor and material suppliers
A bond involves which parties?
The surety, The principal (the contractor), The obligee (the owner)
Construction contracts require what parties to carry liability insurance?
A201 requires owner and contract to hold liability insurance. The architect is stated to carry insurance in B101 but this document is not part of the construction contract docs
The owner usually carries builder’s risk insurance because?
Title to construction work passes to the owner upon payment for work completed.
If an architect determines that work requires special testing or inspection they must first?
secure written permission from the owner.
The contractor has how many days to make a change the effects the contract sum? (change order)
21 days
What is a proposal request?
It notifies the contractor of an anticipated change and requests a proposal from the contractor stating the cost or time impact of the change
What are examples of product data?
Product data is a type of submittal that includes brochures, charts, instructions, performance data, catalog pages, and other information that illustration some portion of the work.
Samples and shop drawings are different types of submittals.
How is the General Conditions different from the General Requirements?
Ther General Conditions is administrative and the General Requirements is legal
Can the GC pick and choose which bid alternates to include in his/her bid?
All alternates must be bid otherwise the owner will have inconsistent bids
Performance bond and labor and materials bond is written for what amount?
The amount total for the construction contract
The architect shall maintain what insurance?
General Liability
Auto Liability
Workers Compensation
Professional Liability
During the bidding process one of the Contractors has a question about the contract documents. How many days prior to the receipt of bids is the Contractor permitted to ask questions?
§ 3.2.2 Bidders and Sub-bidders requiring clarification or interpretation of the Bidding Documents shall make a written request which shall reach the Architect at least seven days prior to the date for receipt of Bids.