CDC Vol 2, 205 ASOC Flashcards
What are the four ASOC titles?
- ASOC Director
- Assistant ASOC Director
- Fighter Duty Officer
- Fighter Duty Technician
What ASOC duty positions does a fighter duty officer (FDO) fill?
- Senior Air Director (SAD)
- ATO Manager
- Air Space Manager
* What ASOC duty positons does the flight duty technician fill?
- Senior Air Director Technician (SADT)
- JARN Voice Operator
- Procedural Controlers (PC)
* What agency is directly subordinate to the AOC for planning, coordinating, and directing tactical air support for ground forces?
* As a tactical level element, the ASOC combines with what other elements to form the joint air ground integration center (JAGIC)?
The Army’s senior tactical fire cell (FC), airspace, air and missile defense, and aviation elements
* Who is the JFACC’s primary representative to the senior tactical ground commander?
The ASOC director
* Who assists in managing the airspace in the ground commander’s AO?
The Air Space Manager (ASM)
* Which ASOC duty positon records and reviews immediate voice JTARS?
JARN Voice Operator
* Which ASOC duty positon relays JTARS to tasked aircraft?
Procedural Controlers (PC)
* Who oversees ASOC support personnel?
The communication flight commander
At level does the ASOC plans, coordinates, and directs tactical air support of ground forces?
Normally at the Army corps level or below.
Name the two sections the ASOC is divided into?
- ASOC Operations Section - ASOC Support Section
Who is normally becomes the ASOC director?
The senior air liaison officer (ALO)
Who exercises operational control (OPCON) of all subordinate TACPs?
ASOC Director
What position is normally a rated officer (pilot, navigator, or air battle manager) and are responsible for executing operational functions in the ASOC?
Fighter Duty Officer (FDO)
Who filles these ASOC duty position:
- Senior Air Director (SAD)
- ATO Manager
- Air Space Manager
Fighter Duty Officer
Who filles these ASOC duty position:
- Senior Air Director Technician (SADT)
- ARN Voice Operator
- Procedural Controlers (PC)
Fighter Duty Technician (FDT)