CDC Vol 2, 201 TACS Organization Flashcards
- On which principle is the TACS design based?
Centralized control and decentralized execution
- Who represents the Air Force to the JTF Commander?
COMAFFOR - The Commander, Air Force Forces
- Whom does the JFC normally assign as the JFACC?
The component commander who has the preponderance of air assets and the capability to plan, task, and control joint air operations. In most cases, the JFC selects the COMAAFOR as the JFACC.
- What two things improve the coordination of a multinational force MNF?
- Liaison networks
- Coordination centers
- What are the two primary forms of multinational partnership encountered by the JFC?
- Alliance
- Coalition
- What does the deployable nature of the CRC require?
That all elements are able to integrate and interoperate with C2 systems within the Air Force, other service systems, and allied systems.
What is the backbone of the Air Force forces’ contribution to the theater air ground system (TAGS) and consists of units specifically trained and equipped to plan, coordinate, control, and execute aerospace operations?
TACS - Theater Air control System Organization
In the event of a crisis that requires a military response, what will geographic combatant commanders (CCDRs) usually form to respond to the crisis?
Tailored Joint Task Force (JTC)
When Air Force forces are attached to a JTF, they stand up as part of an air expeditionary task force (AETF). Who is in command of the AETF?
COMAFFOR - The Commander, Air Force Forces
Who is designated to achieve unity of command and unity of effort for joint air operations?
JFACC - Joint Force Air Component Commander
Who is the single face for the Air Force to the JTF commander?
COMAFFOR - The Commander, Air Force Forces
Who is responsible for tasking joint air forces, planning and coordinating joint air operations, or accomplishing such operational missions as assigned by the JFC
JFACC - Joint Force Air Component Commander
Who does the JFC typical appoint as the JFACC?
COMAFFOR - The Commander, Air Force Forces
If the JFC does not appoint a JFACC, what may happen?
The JFC may directly exercise control of joint air operations.
What is the COMAFFORs mechanism for commanding and controlling component air and space power?
The TACS - Theater Air control System Organization
What is the theater air ground system (TAGS)?
It is when the TACS is combined with other components’ C2 elements, such as the Army air-ground system, the Navy tactical air control system, and the Marine Corps air command and control system.
In general what command structure greatly increases a MNF’s (multinational force) ability to achieve unity of effort?
A more centralized command structure.
Can the President relinquish national command authority over US forces?
Nations often participate in multinational operations; however, they rarely, if ever, relinquish national command of their forces. How does this affect the command structure of a multinational force (MNF)?
forces participating in a multinational operation will always have at least two distinct chains of command:
- A national chain of command
- A multinational chain of command
What are two key structural enhancements that improve the coordination of a multinational force (MNF)?
- Liaison Network
- Coordination Centers