CD- Duplication Flashcards
Why are complete dentures advantageous?
- Shorten process
- If pt has ideal set of dentures
- Need spare set
When are complete dentures used?
- Elderly
- When tolerance is compromised
- When duplicate denture is needed
How to make?
Cast model from current denture
Model formed on denture using silicone putty
Can be used to provide model on which special trays can be made - good pt strong gag reflex
Use alma gauge to form registration rims
How can compensate for dentures w/ worn teeth?
Increase OVD
What are the 5 steps for making CD - CLINICAL
- Make negative of denture in alginate flask - need separator between alginate
- Make adjustment to face height
- Try in - reline impression
- If try in satisfactory - an impression taken of fitting surface of template for denture to be processed
- Placement and check record
3 steps for making CD- technical?
- Template in wax and acrylic from negative
- Remove wax teeth and replace with acrylic teeth
- Process and finish
What happens if adjustment to face height needed?
Make adjustment in clinic - send to laboratory in registered position
Face height and duplicate dentures?
Often see small increase - often desirable
If unwanted - compensate for at try-in stage by reducing slightly