CCO Ultimate Study Guide COPY COPY Flashcards
Controlled Airspace A
- 18000MSL up to and including FL 600, including the airspace overlying the waters w/in 12nm of the coastof the 48contiguous states and Ak.
- Conducted IFR
Controlled Airspace B
- generally sfc-10,000msl
- busiest airports, individually tailored, upside-down wedding cage.
Controlled Airspace C
generally sfc-4000agl (charted MSL) surrounding airports with control twr. radar AC, and have IFR ops.
-individually but usually w/ 5nm radius, and 10nm that extends 1200’ to 4000’ above airport.
Controlled Airspace D
- sfc-2500’ above airport (charted in MSL)
- individually tailored and when instrument approach procedures are published, the airspace is normally designed to contain the procedure.
- Arirval IAP’s may be class D or E airspace.
- 2way communication rqquired to enter and then maintain afterward.
Conrolled Airspace E
- Controlled but not abc or d airspace. A large amt of US is class E.
- Safe for IFR
- Not depicted means E begins at 14,500msl
Controlled Airpace G
- Uncontrolled
- Extends from sfc to the base of overlying class E airspace.
- VFR minimums must be observed
Special Use Airspace
Warning areas: sim. to restricted, however US does not have jursdiction. 3nm outward from coast, containing activity that may be hazardous to nonparticipating a/c.
Alert Areas: Inform nonparticipating pilots containgin high volume of pilot trng.
Restricted Areas: hazardous to nonparticipating a/c of unusual, often invisible haz to a/c.
Military Operation Areas (MOAs): vert/lat limits separating certain mil traning from IFR.
Prohibited Areas: Prohibited w/in defined dimentions for nat. security and welfare.
Controlled Firing Areas:
Other Airspace Areas
Define a few
Local airport advisory (LAA)
Mlitary training route (MTR)
Tempory flight restrictions (TFR)
Parachute jump aircraft operations
Published VFR routes
Terminal radar service area (TRSA)
National security area (NSA)
Air defense identification zone (ADIZ)
Flight restricted zones (FRZ)-in vicitnity of white house and capital
Special awareness trng for pilots to operate w/in 60NM of Washington DC VOR/DME
Wildlife areas/wilderness areas/national parks and request to perate above 2000AGL
Tethered baloons uo to 60,000.
Airspace A-G, Entry Requirements, Equipment Requirement, Minimum Pilot Cert.

Classes of Airspace Visibility (in sm) and Cloud Clearance
E (less than AND greater than 10,000MSL)
G (RW 1200’ or less above sfc regardless of MSL)
G (RW more than 1200’ above sfc but less than 10,000MSL)
G (RW more than 1200’ above sfc at or aboe 10,000MSL)
- *A-** IFR Only
- *B-** 3 CofC
- *C/D-** 3 512 (500’ below, 1000’ above, 2000’ horizontal
E (less AND greater than 10000MSL)- 3 512 - 5 1’s (1000’ above, below and horizontal)
G (RW 1200’ or less above sfc regardless of MSL)- day 1/2 CofC - night 1 CofC
G (RW more than 1200’ above sfc but less than 10,000MSL)- day 1 512 - night 3 512
G (RW more than 1200’ above sfc at or aboe 10,000MSL)- 5 1’s
Dangerous Cargo
Hot refuel
Subzero fuel sample
Mishap Reports & Investigations
Dangerous Cargo- May be carried in approved containers aboard a/c w/ or w/o passengers, provided the container is secured by proper tie downs, the lid is sufficiently tight to prevent leakage, and no more than 3/4full at loading.
Hot refuel- Will not be conducted when sfc is colder than 0f/-18c as reported by Airforce weather. If weather is not avail, use a/c FAT gauge.
Subzero fuel sample- will be taken when temp is 0c/32f or warmer
Mishap Reports and Investigations- All avn mishaps will be reported safety and unit will send timely Serius Incident Report (SIR) to the USARAK CDR within 4 hours
Flight boot authorized for winter months -
Cold weather survival gear worn from dates _ to _.
Synthetic flight training system- briefing officers will annotate onthe mission sched/brief any visual flight simulator period that was completed w/in (time) of aerial flight.
Aviators scheduled for syn flight training systems will arrive (time) befroe flight for mission planning and/or instruction.
No notice- each crewmember will receive a no-notice proficiency ___.
arctic mukluk