CC13: Emergency care and cardiogenic shock Flashcards
What is cardiogenic shock?
-Primary cardiac disorder characterised by a low cardiac output state of circulatory failure
-Results in end-organ hypoperfusion and tissue hypoxia
Causes of cardiogenic shock
-Acute myocardial ischaemia
-Mechanical defect: MR, MS, AS, cardiac tamponade
-Contractility defect: cardiomyopathy, septic shock, myocarditis
-Pulmonary embolus
-Aortic dissection
Normal rhythm with no cardiac output?
-Cardiac tamponade
Other causes of cardiogenic shock?
-Cardiotoxic drugs (doxorubicin)
-Medication overdose (beta/CCBs)
-Metabolic derangements (acidosis)
-Electrolyte abnormalities (calcium)
What factors increase risk of cardiogenic shock after STEMI?
-Age>70 years
-Systolic BP < 120
-Sinus tachycardia/bradycardia
-Long duration of symptoms before treatment
Pathophysiology of cardiogenic shock
-Ischaemia to myocardium decreases LV function and contractility
-This causes reduced CO and BP which worsens ischaemia and contractility
What are the compensatory processes in cardiogenic shock?
-Activation of sympathetic system
-Causes peripheral vasoconstriction
-Improves coronary perfusion at cost of increased afterload
-Tachycardia increases myocardial oxygen demand
-This worsens myocardial ischaemia
Symptoms of cardiogenic shock?
-Altered mental status
-Cold, clammy skin
Diagnostic evaluation of cardiogenic shock?
-Arterial blood gas
-Cardiac biomarkers
-2D echo
-Coronary angiography
Treatment/management of cardiogenic shock?
-Early restoration of coronary blood is most important
-Medical management to restore CO and prevent end-organ damage
-Mechanical ventilation for oxygenation and airway protection
-Percutaneous coronary intervention and coronary artery bypass
Types of mechanical circulatory support (MCS) in cardiogenic shock?
-Intra-aortic balloon pump (severe MR, VSD, when other MCS cannot be placed)
-Extra Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) - patients with poor oxygenation not expected to improve rapidly with other devices
-Left ventricular assist device - bridge to recovery, transplant or destination therapy
-Cardiac transplant not expected to recover after MCS
Differential diagnoses for cardiogenic shock
-Septic shock (infection)
-Shock due to haemorrhage (hypovolaemia)
-Neurogenic shock (trauma/toxicity to nervous system)
List of cardiac emergencies
How to treat asystole?
-Drugs (adrenaline, atropine)
How to treat VF?
-Defib shock
How to treat PEA?
-Drugs (adrenaline)
Reversible causes of cardiac arrest (5Hs)
-Hypovolemia - give fluids
-Hypoxia/hypoxaemia - ventilation
-Hydrogen ion excess (acidosis) - ventilation/sodium bicarbonate
-Hypo/hyperkalemia - ventilation/sodium bicarbonate
-Hypothermia - Active warming measures
Reversible causes of cardiac arrest (5Ts)
-Tamponade - Pericardiocentesis
-Toxins - Supportive care
-Tension pneumothorax - needle decompression
-Thrombosis (pulmonary) - embolectomy/anticoagulant
-Thrombosis (coronary) - PCI/bypass
What are peri-arrest situations?
-Acute MI
-Profound bradycardia
-Fast AF
Investigations for peri-arrest situations
-Blood pressure
-Coronary angiography
-Arterial blood gas
-Cardiac biomarkers