CBL 8: Newborn_first 24 hours and adaptations and discomfort of pp_safe sleep Flashcards
What are you checking in prenatal visits (normal ranges)? (5)
- Blood pressure (systolic 100-140 / diastolic 60-90)
- Symphysis fundal height (+/ 2-3 cm of GA, routinely gaining about 1 cm per week; use top of pubic bone as anchor and measure to the top of the fundus) {variation – in care provider, baby may have dropped, long/short waisted people may measure differently)
- Position (start with the fundus, lateral, pawlick’s, pelvic) – looking for fetal pole (cephalic with homebirth; checking for position)
- Fetal movement – observe; ask parent have you been feeling regular movement following babes regular patterns? Where are you feeling the kicks? (6 movements in 2 hours)
- FHR – intermittent auscultation (doppler; pinard; fetoscope)110-160, acels are good, regular rhythm, decels 15 of 15 beats below baseline; listen for minute; listen over the fetal back
How often check vital signs of adult immediate pp?
HR, RR, BP, Bleeding, Uterus: q 15 mins for first hour
Temp – once in first hour
All signs at 2 hours.
What are you observing in adult in immediate pp? (9)
Vital signs
uterus (at umbilicus +/- 1)
Bladder/Bowels (has voided)
Pain/Comfort, Emotions
Dyad (first feed within 1-2 hours)
When take APGAR score?
1, 5, 10 mins
What is being looked at in APGAR score (5)
HR (>100 bpm)
RR (good, crying)
Reflex response (cough, sneeze, cry)
Muscle tone (active/flexed)
Colour (completely pink)
Normal APGAR?
Normal newborn measurements?
Weight: for term infants is 2500 – 4500 g
Height: 46 to 54 cm
Head Circumference: 31-38cm
How often nb vital assessments?
RR, HR, Temp initially, then every 15-30 mins in first hour
30-60 mins second hour
(RR- full min; HR – full min initially, then 30 seconds if normal)
Normal nb findings?
RR: 40-60 breaths/minute (may be 30-60 in first 12 hours)
HR:100 -160 bpm
Temp: (axillary) 36.5-37.5 C
What form do you fill out for record of birth at homebirth?
Community Liaison Record NEWBORN
PSBC Guideline on bedsharing?
Recent evidence supports that there is no increased risk for sudden, unexpected infant death during sleep among healthy breastfeeding infants that bedshare in the absence of known risk factors (i.e., breastsleeping)”
3 things when counselling on safe sleep?
Sleep environment
Sleep position
Sleep surface
What is the min duration recommendation for room sharing?
6 mo
What are the risk factors of bedsharing? (7)
Smoking (household)
Drinking (anyone in the bed)
Baby on Back
Baby not swaddled
Healthy baby full term
Safe sleep surface (firm mattress, no extra pillows heavy blankets)
Normal newborn breathing?
May be irregular/breathing in clusters/grunting