CBG04 Flashcards
What size are RNAPs
What is the structure of RNAP
- two identical alpha subunits involved in binding rnap to dna
- a flap to stop dna falling off
- two beta sub units which form a clamp which the active site slips between
- an omega subunit to stabilise the entire subunit
- rudder to destabilise the rna/dna hybrid
What is an apoenzyme?
protein component of enzyme separate from prosthetic group, rewuires presence of conezyme to become active holoenzyme
What does the sigma subunit do?
apoenzyme needs to sigma to bind to dna as without sigma it cannot recognise the promoter region.
plays a similar role to initiator proteins - regulates transcription
what is the error rate for transcription in pro and euk?
What is RNAPs proof reading mechanism?
incorrect ribonucleotide added rnap can back up and active site perform excision.
this resembles the reverse of polymerisation reaction except water inst4ead of pyrophosphate nis used and nucleoside monophosphates released
What are the 3 types of Eukaryotic RNAP
*structurally similar to each other and bacterial enxyme but transcribe different genes
What type of RNA do Archea and Eukaryotes have?
Archea - one RNAP similar to Eukaryotic
Prokaryotes - one kind
Describe RNAP-2
like bacterial RNAP but without sigma and with extra subunits and CTD tail
C terminal domain tail - very long repetitive tail that sticks out of enzyme
What inhibits RNAP-2
alpha amantin in death cap mushroom.
doesnt kill instantly but body cant make any more mrna so becomes weaker and dies
What is the promoter region in bacteria and eukaryotes?
Bacteria -Pribnow box tataat seq of 6 nucleotides
eukaryotes - tata box
What are the 3 sigma factors?
sigma 70- primary sigma factor - transcribes most genes in growing cells- keeps essential genes and pathways open
sigma 32 - heat shock sigma factor - turned on when sigma is exposed to heat - more sigma 32 is expressed, more likley to bind with rnap apoenzyme - expresses other heat shock proteins eg. chaperones, proteases, dna repair enzymes
sigma 38 = starvation, stationary phase sigma factor - helps adjust to stress
Describe transcription initiation in bacteria
1.sigma factor associates with core enzyme = rnap holoenzyme
2. complex adheres weakly to bacterial dna and slides along dna until it dissociates
3. when it reaches promoter region, sigma factor recognises and binds to it = pribnow box
4. rnap holoenzyme then opens up double helix to expose a short stretch of nucleotides on each strand.
5, doesnt used atp like helicase does, instead rnap and dna undergo a reversible structural change that results in a more favourable structure than binding.
What does transcription in eukaryotes require?
many different protein transcription factors. (unlike bacteria 1 sigma)
= general/basal transcription factors GTF
general because tehy are needed at nearly all promotors used by rnap11 denoted tf11 for rnap 11
What do GTF aid it?
positioning of rnap at promoter region.
pulling apart 2 strands of dna
releasing rnap from promoter into elongation mode once transcription has begun.