CBC Flashcards
WBC abnormalities tell us?
Drug rxn
Hgb/Hct abnormalities tell us?
Polycythemic (bone marrow dz)
Platelet abnormalities tell us?
Bleeding disorders
Hypercoag states
WBC Count components?
1) Count = total WBC (leukocytes)
2) Differential = % of ea type of leuko
WBC Differential compenents?
Neutrophils (fight acute bact) 70%
Lymphocytes (fight acute viral, chronic bact) 20%
Monocytes (chronic inflamm, viral inf)
Eosinophils (fight parasites, allergy)
Basophils (allergies, parasites)
Granulocytes are?
WBCs w/ granules and multilobed nuclei
Nongranulocytes are?
WBCs w/o granules
Philia or Cytosis vs Penia?
Philia or Cytosis is higher than normal cell count
Penia is lower than normal cell count
Leukocytosis is sign of?
Bacterial infection
Leukopenia is sign of?
Viral infection Overwhelming bacterial infect Bone marrow fail Drug toxicity Autoimm
Left Shift is?
Caused by?
elevated WBCs from ↑ neutrophils and bands (baby neutros)
(P) see ↓ in lymphocytes
acute bacterial infection
Leukemoid Response is?
development of early neutophils in response to infection
Neutrophilia is sign of?
Bacteria infect Leukemia Chronic Inflamm Meds (steroids) Stress
Neutropenia is sign of?
Viral infect
Aplastic Anemia
Overwhelm bact inf
Meds (chemo, sulfa, antithyroid)
Lymphocytosis is sign of?
Viral infect
Lymphocytic leukemia
Lymphocytopenia is sign of?
Eosinophilia is sign of?
NAACCP Neoplasm Allergic rxn Addision's (adrenal) Collagen vascular dz (lupus) Coccidiomycosis (valley fever) Parasites
Eosinopenia is sign of?
Eosinophils and basophils do not respond to what things?
bacterial or viral infections
Monocytosis is sign of?
Chronic inflamm
Viral infect
Monocytopenia is sign of?
Increasing WBC counts may indicate?
worsening infections
Decreasing WBC counts may indicate?
resolving infections
If WBC count is abn but clinical is benign, next step?
check medications for cause
What things can influcence WBC count/diff other than bugs?
pregnancy/recent delivery
Signs of sepsis?
hypoTN, tachy, hypothermia, shock
Hct measures?
% of total blood vol made of RBCs
Polycythemia is?
high % of RBCs in total blood vol (opposite of anemia)
Causes of polycythemia?
Dehydration (↑ plasma vol)
Polycythemia vera (bone marrow disorder)
2° (↑ erythrop prdxn from hypoxemia - COPD, altitude)
Causes of ↓ RBCs production?
B12/folate/iron deficiencies bone marrow failure renal failure (↓ erythropoietin)
MCV measures?
RBC size (cytics)
MCH measures?
weight of Hgb in RBCs
MCHC measures?
Hgb concentration (chromics)
RDW measures?
variation in RBC size
Microcytic anmeia caused by?
1) Iron deficiency (micro/hypo -> ↓ MCHC)
(U) 2° to blood loss or inability of absorb Fe
2) Lead poisoning
3) Thalassemia (↓ MCV)
Macrocytic anemia caused by?
B12/folate deficiency (↑ MCV)
Normocytic anemia caused by?
ACD (normal MCV)
renal fail
acute blood loss
Polycythemia vera is?
Characteristics on CBC?
bone marrow disorder:
overprdxn of erythroid cells
↑ Hbg/Hct
↑ RBC mass
Polycythemia vera presentation?
HA, dizzy, blurred vision,
Fatigue, pruritis
Engorged retinal veins
Polycythemia vera tx?
Thrombocytosis is?
Sign of?
↑ platelets
Thrombocytopenia is?
↓ platelets
Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) is?
Body response how?
Antibodies againsts own platelets
Massive phago of immune complexes in spleen
ITP signs/sxs?
Labs findings?
petechiae, purpura, epistaxis, heavy flow
↓↓ platelets
other counts and smear are normal
ITP tx?
Self-limit in kids
Steroids in adults