CBA - L1403 Flashcards
What does the County recognize the Union as the sole and exclusive bargaining agent for which employee classifications?
FF, LT, Capt., CFO, FD Co-Pilot, FD Pilot, FD Chief Pilot, and FR Dispatcher
When was the CBA made and entered into effect?
first day of October, 2011
In what order are the employee’s rate of pay calculated?
Base pay, plus supplements (steps & %’s), then plus flat rates
How many personnel are reassigned from areas of the department to operations resulting in overtime savings?
(90) Personnel
Who shall train and assign select personnel on Temporary Restricted Duty (TRD) status to the Fire Prevention and Life Safety Division resulting in budgetary savings?
The Fire Chief
What is defined as any dispute involving the interpretation or application of the terms of the agreement?
A Grievance
What is any dispute which concerns two or more employees within the bargaining unit?
A Class Grievance
What must class grievances list?
All names of employees in the class covered
What is the exception in a class grievance which must name all employees in the class covered?
Except if the class is composed of an identifiable, homogenous unit such as LTs.
What shall each grievance state when filed?
Particularity the violation of the contract, facts of such violation, article violated, and remedy sought by Union.
How many extensions may be granted to either party during the grievance steps?
When a grievance is not processed by the Union within time limits in steps 2 or 3, what shall the grievance be considered?
Dropped with prejudice
What happens if the County fails to process a grievance within the time limit provided for that step?
Automatically proceed to the next step
When should an arbitrator issue the award of a grievance?
Within (30) days of the hearing
What assignments in the department shall be paid at a rate one step above their regular rate of pay, except employees at maximum step which will receive 5% above?
D/O, HazMat, TRT, MFF, Bureau OIC, Training, Air Truck, Logistical Support, Air Rescue, Diver, Special Operations Division
Which personnel shall receive 5% above their pay rate for assignment certification pay?
ARFF, Special Investigations, Special projects, EMS
What is the amount that firefighting personnel shall receive for hazardous duty pay supplement?
$125 biweekly
When is the exception that voluntary overtime shall not be refused whenever the need exists?
Personal emergency or substantial inconvenience
How will overtime always be hired when sufficient on-duty personnel are available including personnel working out of class
By rank
How many hours may be accrued in compensatory time that can be earned in lieu of overtime?
Maximum of 200 hours
What are CFOs working in an operational battalion capacity assigned to a 24 hour shift eligible for?
One-half (1/2) hour of OT
What are Captains working in Operations shall be eligible for?
(15) min. OT before shift and (15) min. OT after each operational shift
What are personnel hired for overtime not eligible for?
Paid OT for travel to their duty station
What shall be paid when it is necessary that an employee work in a higher classification?
A rate equal to minimum salary for classification with at least one step increase.
What should be considered when temporarily filling vacancies in a higher classification?
The promotional eligibility list
How many consecutive hours or more per shift shall an employee be compensated to work in a higher classification?
(6) hours
What does the employee get compensated minimally when it is necessary to require the employee to return to work from off-duty?
(4) hours
What is compensated overtime of (4) hours in a matter arising out of his-her employment?
Required by the department or by subpoena to appear to appear in court off-duty
How long will be those occurrences separated from the employee’s normal duty shift for call back and court appearances qualifying for payments?
Period more than (60) minutes
What are county paid holidays?
(13) [CCIMMPLE-NV] Christmas, Columbus, Independence, Memorial, MLK, President’s, Labor, Employee B-Day/Floating Holiday, New Years, Veterancs
All holiday leave is permitted to accrue up to how much?
Without limit
How many hours of accrued leave may an employee with 20+ years of service receive on a one time basis?
Up to (500) hours
What holidays benefits are suspended until 9/1/14?
Presidents, Fri. after Thanksgiving, Columbus
Annual Leave Scheduling
[ASO] 15th
What is the minimum vacation period?
(2) weeks
The operations division are granted vacation preferences by?
Rank Shift, Rescue
How many hours of annual leave may be accrued?
(500) hours
How many days of funeral leave with pay shall be granted?
(5) days or (60) hours
When an employee required additional funeral leave time, how many additional days can it be extended?
An additional (3) work days charged against their own time
Employees on a (3) platoon/(24) hour work shift will be interpreted as providing how many hours of funeral leave?
(60) hours
Who is defined as immediate family member for funeral leave?
Spouse, child, mom, dad, sis, bro, grandfather, grandmother, in-laws.
How many requests for leave will the department approve?
How many battalion days are reserved for leave for paramedic training?
How many requests of leave will be added upon the establishment of any new operational battalion?
Within how many days must requests for leave be submitted by?
Within (21) calendar days, no later than (2) shifts
What is the rate at which sick leave is earned?
(124) hours per year
What amount of sick hours can be converted to annual?
The first (62) of unused hours
Firefighting personnel with 20 or more years of service are entitled to receive pay for the sick leave hours that qualify to be converted to annual leave each year for any consecutive six-year period after their 19th year of service to a maximum of how many hours?
(372) hours
What shall firefighting personnel killed in the line of duty or who are approved for in line of duty disability retirement receive?
100% of accrued sick leave paid
Employees on military leave are allowed the option to have a minimum of how many days to study for promotional exam after the active duty period?
(60) days
ALS transport Rescue should be staffed with:
(1) PM OIC, (2) Certified PM FFs
ALS Suppressions:
(1) PM OIC, (1) PM Tailboard
At NO time ALS units staffed by less than (2) PM
At NO time ALS units staffed by less than (2) PM
How many moves may the department impose additionally for employees who possess certifications?
Additional (6) shifts/year
Who will administer the paramedic protocol test?
The FD’s Medical Advisor
How many protocol paramedics currently assigned to an ALS unit will be present during the test?
How many times will the department protocol testing be scheduled?
At least twice per fiscal year or when (6) or more employees request testing – testing to commence within (45) days
Who shall not be required to perform building repairs or maintenance, lawn maintenance?
Personnel covered by CBA
When may staffing strength be reduced by (1) person per unit?
Not to exceed (8) hours period - [UA/Emergency Leave, Voting, Med. Exams, Med. Transportation]
When may staffing be reduced by (1) person per battalion for short periods not to exceed (12) hours?
For training
How many units may be out of service for training?
(7) Rescues - (21) personnel, (7) Suppressions - (28) personnel, (1)/Battalion x (14) = (14) = (63) TOTAL
When will units be taken out of service for training?
At least (2) individuals assigned scheduled for training
What are the rules for personnel riding out of class?
Not to exceed one classification up
Who will all bids in operations positions be awarded to?
Most senior bidder meeting minimum qualifications
When must certifications be obtained in order to count toward bid requirements or preference?
Obtained prior to the bid announcement
When will all vacancies be bid?
Twice per year, advertised Oct. 1/April 1
When will awarded bids be filled within?
(2) pay periods
When will closing dates for bid vacancies be?
(1) pay period after advertised
How many times may the department move an employee from his/her bid position?
Up to (4) shifts per year
What if an employee placed in a bid position and subsequently fails to qualify for certification?
Shall revert to previous position.
While attempting the resolution of personnel conflict issues, how many times shall the department have the authority and discretion to move the employees?
Up to (6) times each year
An employee may not bid their previous bid position until what?
After the bid has been advertised at least one time
For vacancies that are anticipated to be less than (4) weeks, the relief position of D/O will be filled how?
CR D/O when on D/O CR, senior D/O on apparatus, D/O in division
When vacancies that are anticipated to be greater than (4) weeks, how will they be filled?
Announced and filled with the IAPs
What shall personnel on Temporary Restricted Duty (TRD) not receive with an awarded bid?
Any supplemental pay until actually able to work in position
To offset overtime, units shall not be selected for shut down more than how many times?
(3) times during calendar year
Personnel on units of shutdowns may be moved for no more than how many hours?
What are personnel moved from shutdown units be considered?
Extra on duty personnel
When will parties agree to meet to establish the relief factor?
Annually before the close of each fiscal year
Who shall be consulted on any additions or deletions to the current study materials?
The Union
What shall the County provide each promotional applicant?
A complete set of all suggested materials excluding books
The time in grade eligibility requirement for promotional exams shall be measured how?
In terms of continuous service from date of hire.
Time in grade eligibility criteria:
Lieutenant - (5) years, Captain (3) years as LT, CFO - (2) years as Capt.
What is the opening date of the promotional exam?
At least (60) days prior to the closing date
How many days prior must promotional exam be administered prior to the expiration of respective list?
(14) days
When will firefighting personnel promotions be made within?
(2) pay periods after vacancy occurs
What is the effective time of certification for a promotional eligibility list?
At 0001 the day the list is certified
How long shall promotional eligibility lists last?
Not exceed (1) year from date of certification
When does a classified position become a vacancy?
At 0700 day after separation of service
New relief positions for the fiscal year are considered vacancies effective when?
0700 of the first pay period
Budgeted positions or approved overages for new programs and services will not be considered vacancies until when?
0700 of the day the position is implemented