Cavernous Sinus Anatomy/Skull Base - ENC Flashcards
What are the borders of the cavernous sinus?
- Anterior: superior orbital fissure.
- Medial: sella and both clinoids.
- Posterior: petroclival ligament/tentorium.
- Posteromedial: clivus.
- Inferolateral: funnel-shaped area around foramen lacerum.
Which two cranial nerves enter the cavernous sinus superiorly?
- CNs III and IV.
What is the entry point into the cavernous sinus for CN VI called?
- Dorello’s canal (limited superiorly by the petroclival ligament and the petrous apex inferiorly).
Which 3 cranial nerves pierce the cavernous sinus posterioinferiorly?
- CNs VI, V1, V2.
How many triangles are there in the roof of the cavernous sinus?
- Two - clinoidal and oculomotor.
How many triangles are there in the lateral wall of the cavernous sinus?
- Two - supratrochlear and infratrochlear.
What are the limits of the anteromedial (clinoidal) triangle?
- Medial border: optic nerve.
- Lateral border: oculomotor nerve.
- Posterior border: dura between both, which relates to the distal dural ring of the ICA.
What structure needs to be drilled to access the clinoidal triangle?
- Anterior clinoid.
What are the contents of the clinoidal triangle?
- Anterior loop and horizontal segment of the parasellar ICA.
- Venous trabeculae.
- Fibrous tissue related to the proximal ring of the carotid artery.
What are the limits of the oculomotor triangle?
- Medial border: interclinoidal dural fold.
- Posteromedial border: posterior petroclival ligament.
- Anteromedial border: anterior petroclival ligament.
What are the limits of the supratrochlear (paramedian) triangle?
- Superior: CN III.
- Inferior: CN IV.
- Posterior: dura between both.
What can you access via the supratrochlear triangle?
- The medial loop of the cavernous ICA and part of the meningohypophyseal trunk.
What are the limits of the infratrochlear triangle (Parkinson’s)?
- Medial: lateral border of IV.
- Lateral : medial border of V1.
- Posterior: dura between entry point of both IV and V1.
What are the limits of the anteromedial triangle?
- V1 and V2.
What are the limits of the anterolateral triangle?
1 V2 and V3.
What two nerves delineate the limits of the posterolateral (Glasscocks) triangle?
- GSPN and V3.
What artery is included in the floor of Glasscock’s triangle?
- MMA.
What area do you access if you drill through the floor of Glasscock’s triangle?
- Infratemporal fossa.
What are the limits of Kawase’s triangle?
- Posterior aspect of V3 and greater petrosal nerve.
What structures can be accessed via Kawase’s triangle?
- Cochlea and petrous carotid.
What are the limits of the inferolateral triangle?
- Superolateral: CN IV.
- Inferomedial: CN VI.
- Apex: junction between superior petrosal sinus and a vein just lateral to the porus trigeminus.
What structure is in the center of the inferolateral triangle?
- The porus trigeminus.
What are the limits of the inferomedial triangle?
- Superolateral: CN IV.
- Inferomedial: CN VI.
- Superomedial: posterior clinoid process.
What can be accessed through the inferomedial triangle?
- CN VI entering Dorello’s canal underneath the petroclival ligament.