6. Spine Flashcards
of spinal nerves?
8 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral, 1 coccygeal
Total 31
% people with low back pain sometime in life
Definition of acute low back pain
Nonsurgical tx for spinal stenosis
- Analgesics (acetaminophen)
- Steroid injections (inflammation)
- Anesthetic nerve blocks
- Restricted activity
- PT
- Back brace
Irritation of LMN from mechanical/chemical insult to nerve root at single spinal level.
Burning pain/numbness with weakness/loss of reflex in corresponding nerve distribution
> 1 nerve root compression
Lasegue sign
Straight leg raise test (for disc herniation)
If cervical disk herniation at C4-C5, which nerve root will be affected?
lower nerve root
Spurling test
Increased pain along nerve distribution from cervical extension with axial compression/rotation of head (decrease size of neural foramen)
Cervical myelopathy
LMN symptoms in upper extremity (loss of manual dexterity/muscular atrophy), from chronic pressure on cervical spinal cord from degenerative process.
+ neck pain, stiffness, clonus, hoffman/babinski signs
Red flags in spinal eval
Fever, pain in recumbent position, weight loss, B&B dysfunction, trauma, hx cancer, saddle anesthesia, failure to respond to tx
Schober test
Measures movement of lumbar spine
10cm proximal and 5cm distal to line between posterior superior iliac spine in midline - at least >5cm in extension
Malnourished patient with symmetric paresthesias in feet/hand and poor proprioception
Knee reflex
Achilles reflex
Lateral recess stenosis, SLR negative or positive?
GBS and SLR?
SLR often positive in GBS
back pain, radiculopathic symptoms + SLR, and hx of viral event
Patrick test for lower extremities (FABER test for flexion, abduction, and external rotation)
Arthritis of hip
1. figure 4 of hip
2. pressure on tested knee
look for pain (anterior hip capsule)
SLR nerve root
L5 and S1
Types of nerves in dorsal ramus of nerve root
Dorsal portion of trunk carrying visceral motor, somatic motor and sensory to/from skin and back muscles
Types of nerves in ventral ramus of nerve root
Visceral motor, somatic motor and sensory to/from ventrolateral body surface, body wall and limbs
Lateral recess stenosis and herniated lumbar disk pain with sitting
LRS: relieved by sitting
HLD: exacerbated by sitting
Why C5 radiculopathy can follow anterior/posterior decompression even after no obvious complication
C5 radiculopathy (deltoid weakness) from traction of nerve root from posterior migration of cord (shortest length from foramen to muscle ending)
Paget disease: urinary metabolite
Spinal tract for lower limb subconscious proprioception
Intercristal line on AP and lateral x-ray
Confirms location of L5 and L4-L5 disk
L’Hermitte phenomenon
Electric sensation running down back
MS, cervical myelopathy, subacute combined degeneration
Compressive lesion of craniocervical border - nystagmus?
Cape-like sensory deficit
Central cord lesion damaging second seonsory neuron crossing to join lateral spinothalamic tract
How can C5-C6 disk cause C7 symptoms
Prefixed brachial plexus - normal levels of innervation abberrant by 1 level
Mechanical vs ankylosing spondylitis back pain
Relieved by rest vs morning/noctural pain
Why are disk herniations usually posterolateral?
Posterior longitudinal ligament in the center prevents herniating posteriorly directly
What makes up the annulus fibrosis?
Most common extraarticular manifestation of ankylosing spondylitis
Acute anterior uveitis
Types of spondylolisthesis?
Spondylolisthesis: forward displacement of vertebra
Congenital, ischemic, degenerative, traumatic, pathologic, iatrogenic/post-surgical
What spondylolisthesis is thought to result from stress fracture of pars interarticularis?
isthmic spondylolisthesis
Main causes of thoracic myelopathy from degenerative dx
Herniated disks, ossification of posterior longitudinal ligament/flavum, posterior bone spurs
What MSK conditions can mimic lumbar spine problems?
Hip osteoarthritis - check hip internal rotation
Vascular insufficiency/claudication (peripheral vasc. exam)
Piriformis syndrome/inflammatory sacroillitis (mimic S1) with buttock pains/radicular pain in S1
How long must elective surgery wait for patient taking clopidogrel?
7-10 days
Lab test to test coagulation for patient on clopidogrel
Bleeding time (PT/PTT/INR may be normal)
Cervical level of inferior edge of mandible
Cervical level of hyoid bone
Cervical level of thyroid cartilage
Cervical level of cricoid ring
Largest/strongest cervical vertebra
Which vertebra has no body
Cervicothoracic inflection point (point where cervical lordosis becomes thoracic kyphosis)
Best way to verify T7 when patient is prone
line between scapula tip to another
Normal ROM of cervical spine
Flexion 45
Extension 55
Lateral 40
Rotation 70
Sensory/motor distribution and reflex of C5
S: lateral arm
M: deltoid
R: none
Sensory/motor distribution and reflex of C6
S: lateral forearm
M: wrist extension, biceps
R: brachioradialis
Sensory/motor distribution and reflex of C7
S: middle finger
M: tricep, wrist flex, finger extension
R: triceps
Sensory/motor distribution and reflex of C8
S: small finger
M: finger flexion
R: none
Sensory/motor distribution and reflex of T1
S: medial arm
M: interossei
R: none
Which nerves arise from lateral cord?
lateral pectoral nerve (pectoralis major)
musculocutaneous (biceps)
Which nerves arise from posterior cord?
Upper subscapular nerve (C7/8) to subscapularis
Lower subscapular nerve (C5/6) to teres major
Thoracodorsal nerve (C6-8) to lat dorsi
Axillary nerve (deltoid)
Radial nerve (Tricheps, brachioradiali, finger/wrist extensors)
Motor/sensory distribution of L1
Sensation of anterior thigh
Innervation of psoas muscle
Motor/sensory distribution of L2
Sensation of anterior thigh/groin
Innervation of quadriceps
Motor/sensory distribution of L3
Sensation of anterior/lateral thigh
Innervation of quadriceps muscle
Motor/sensory distribution of L4
Sensation of medial leg/foot
Innervation of tib ant
Motor/sensory distribution of L5
Sensation of lateral leg/dorsal foot
Innervation of ex hal long
Motor/sensory distribution of S1
Sensation of lateral and plantar foot
Innervation of gastroc and peronealis
Dissection of psoas muscle should take into account which nerve on anterior surface of the muscle?
Where/how does disk herniation cause radiculopathy?
Posterolateral disk herniation: compress traversing nerve root
Lateral herniation: compress exiting nerve root
Large central herniation: single/multiple caudal nerve roots (caudal equina)
Posterolateral vs lateral L4-L5 disk herniation affects what roots?
Posterolateral: L5
Lateral: L4
Superficial abdominal reflex
Stroking each four quadrants of abdomen - mvm of umbilicus toward stroked segment (nml - UMN reflex)
Asymmetry suggests intraspinal pathology (thoracic MRI)
Anatomic landmark to verify location of lumbar pedicle
Crest of transverse process
Which ligament serves as ventral extent of safe dissection to avoid injury to spinal nerve root during exposure/decortication of transverse process?
Intertransverse ligament
The first vertebra that can safely accomodate a pedicle screw?
C7 (no vertebral artery)
Sympathetic plexus lies ventral to what joint?
Costovertebral joint
Sympathetic outflow arises from what nucleus of the cord and what spinal cord levels?
Intermediolateral nucleus of T1-L2
Best place near nerve root to expose intervertebral herniated disk
Shoulder of nerve root
Indications for surgery in lumbar spine?
Emergent: cauda equina/progressive motor deficit
Elective: incapacitating leg pain, nerve root tension signs, failure to respond to conservative tx
Indications for cervical spine surgery?
Significant radicular pain, progressive neurologic deficity, myelopathy or radiculopathy
Surgical intervention for spinal infection
Open biopsy (if closed failed) Drainage of abscess Decompression of cord/nerve root with neurologic deficit
Surgical indication for primary spine tumor
Open biopsy
Failure of chemo/radiation
Decompression of cord/root for neurologic deficit
Surgical indication for metastatic spine tumor
Open biopsy
Failure of chemo/rad
Intractable pain despite steroids
Indication for adult spine scoliosis
Progressive deformity, intractable pain, cardiopulm symptoms
Name for dorsal ramus of C1 nerve root
Suboccipital nerve
Anterior cervical diskectomy
- Plastysma (first muscle)
- Palpate carotid - displace laterally
- Identify esophagus - displace medially
- Anterior spine
Which groove is the recurrent laryngeal nerve located?
Tracheoesophageal groove
Which side of neck does laryngeal nerve have more variable course?
Right side - increased risk of injury
Complications from anterior cervical diskectomy/fusion?
Postop dysphagia, hematoma, recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy, esophageal perforation, Horner
How can patient develop horner syndrome after anterior cervical diskectomy?
Disruption of sympathetic plexus - dissection too lateral on longus colli muscle
Occipitocervical fusion - where is it safe to drill a hole and place a screw in the occiput?
Halfway between foramen magnum/transverse sinus, 3cm off midline
Drugs that inhibit bony fusion
Steroids, NSAIDS, immunosuppresants, nitocine
Somatosensory evoked potential?
Direct feedback on integrity of posterior columns by stimulating posterior tibial nerve and recording response of somatosensory cortex (spinal cord function, but not motor)
Transcranial motor evoked potential
Stimulate scalp over motor cortex - integrity of corticospinal tract
Pedicle screw stimulation
Integrity of pedicle. Bone is insulator - intact pedicle require threshold of 8 mA to activate nerve
Bone morphogenetic protein
Bone growth factor to promote bone formation
How is far lateral disk herniation identified; most common location?
Lateral to line drawn between 2 adjacent pedicles - most common is L4-L5
Best place to insert intrathecal baclofen pump
T10-T12 - spastic diplegia
C5-T2 - spastic tetraplegia
C1-C4 - generalized secondary dystonia