Causes Of The Pilgrimage Of Grace Flashcards
Gentry objected to increase taxation
Peasants had economic demands exacerbated by poor harvests in 1535 and 1536
1534 tax
Subsidy act
Of uses which regulated inheritance of land
Peasant tax
Cattle and sheep tax,
Gressam (tenancy tax),
rack renting and
enclosure of common land
Repeal of tax on
Cattle and sheep demanded in York articles
Pontefract articles demanded that the
Gressam be charged no more than every 2 years and demanded the end to enclosures
Cumberland commons
Rose on their own after Bigod’s arrest in protest at overcharging of rents on the earl of Cumberlands land
No direct political challenge to Henry in Lincolnshire or Yorkshire
Nobles wanted to destroy Cromwell
Lady Mary reinstated
Northern nobles and gentry wanted restoration of traditional regional independence
Repeal of the treason act
No march
In London from Yorkshire
Made a truce
With Norfolk in Doncaster and later offered clarification in form of pontefract articles- willing to negotiate rather than fight
Of pilgrims in Yorkshire swore loyalty and only criticised ‘evil councillors’
Nobles wanted Low born
Like Wolsey- nobles wanted to destroy
Nobles wanted to Destroy architect
Of subsidy bill and statue of used
Nobles wanted to Destroy architect
Of religious changes
Lady Mary
Reinstated requested in Lincolnshire and Yorkshire and pontefract articles
Lord Hussey’s wife
Arrested due to calling her ‘princess mary’- political requests could be due to religious objection to Protestant church
Earl of Northumberland
Had been forced to name his heir as Henry
Increased statue of
Statue law rather than common law since the break with Rome
Request for second parliament
In York or Nottingham made in pontefract articles
Pontefract articles also requested
‘Common laws may have place as was used in the beginning of you grace’s reign’
Any rebel who disagreed
With kings supremacy wanted the treason act removed because it punished words as well as deeds- pontefract articles requested repeal
Objections to the dissolution of the monasteries
Peasants concern over rumours that the Parish churches would be targeted after the monasteries
Objection to the break with Rome ensuing changes
The act of the dissolution
Of the smaller monasteries 1536 made the break visible at local level
Lincolnshire only reference is grievance
About the dissolution of the monasteries
Yorkshire rebels actually restore
16 of the 55 closed institutions
Pontefract articles call for punishment for
Leigh and Layton, cromwells commissioner’s responsible for monastic visitations
Lincolnshire rising precipitated by
Heanage’s arrival in Louth to inspect the parish church’s property (echoed Valor Ecclesiasticus which preceded dissolution of the monasteries)
Peasants contributed to the upkeep
Of the parish churches and were aggrieved property would be seized
Rebels in Yorkshire march under the
Banner of Christ and swore oath ‘for the love of almighty god’
York articles criticism of the politically
Appointed reformist bishops
Pontefract articles ask for suppression of
‘Heresies’ and restoration of the Pope as head of the church
Objected to Gressum tax
Resentment that Cromwell had intervened in a murder case
Resentment at government attempts to eradicate ‘flocking’
Complained about tenants rights
Hostile to enclosures
Anger about changing composition of kings council
Almost all host armies (9 in total) resented
Suppression of the monasteries. Only west Cumberland did not mention them but did complain about the lack of feast days.
Wide spread concern about the ‘alteration of the power of the bishops of Rome’
Captain Poverty
First appeared at the massive Richmond assembly on October 15th and a document emerged from this stating a number of demands including the restoration of monasteries
Captain poverty’s letter raised all but 2 of the 8 hosts as it was copied
Loss of holy
New taxes on
Baptism, marriage and funerals
Arrival of Cromwells
Commissioners in the north led to Lincolnshire rising- spontaneous
Francis Bigod
Lead the rising in Cumberland but he was Protestant so had a political reason not religious
Low born
Thomas Cromwell agreed the gentry and nobles who sought his removal
Wanted to reinstate Lady
Mary- Catherine of Aragon’s daughter after he divorced Catherine and married Anne Boleyn. Catherine was catholic
Percies feared the loss of their
Social and economic standing
Bad harvests in
1535 and 1536 resulted in crop failures and price rises
West riding began to
Enclose land
Hated the extension of
Entry fines (a payment charged when tenants took over new land)
Subsidy tax should
Not have been levied as it was peacetime and there was no war
Of uses forced the gentry to pay feudal dues when their estates passed to their heirs
People in the north felt excluded
From London and wanted a parliament in York or Nottingham
Lincolnshire rising
1-18th October 1536
Yorkshire rising
October 8th to 6th December 1536
Cumberland rising
January to February 1537
Was a cross
Class rebellion which over 40,000 men were involved
Evidence of causes
York articles Lincolnshire rebels grievances The oath of the honourable men of the Pilgrimage of Grace 1536 Pontefract articles Sawley Ballard
Crim, Cram and Rich
Ministers Cromwell, Cranmer and Richard were demanded to be sacked as they were low blood
Old wealth and peace
Of the spirituality- sawley Ballard meaning go back to the old ways
Pontefract articles listed
Religious grievances as 9/24 demands
5 wounds
Of Christ
Complaint about reformist
Bishops like Cramner
Criticism of the dissolution
Of the monasteries
Cromwell intervention
In a murder case
Complaints about the subsidy act
Enclosures on
Cliffords land
Gressum tax
Resentment at government attempts to eradicate
Flocking has
Only west Cumberland did not mention
Captain poverty
Letee the r was taken around the north and demanded restoration of smaller monasteries
Commisioner captured at Louth
Who are the three people in the Sawley Ballard
Crim, cram and rich
Which place did not mention monasteries or religion as an issue
West Cumberland