Causes Of Isostatic Change Flashcards
What causes isostaic chnage (3)
Tectonic activity
Post-glacial readjustment
Tectonic activity what (2+)
Land can move up or down
Large scale change = fossils in Andes, alps and Himalayas show rocks in fold mountains previously on ocean floor
Specific exmaple of isostaic chnage due to tectonics (2)
Tohoku earthquake in Japan in 2011
Some sections of coastline fell 0.84metres
Cause = glaciation what (2+)
During an ice age = ice sheets and glaciers form over land
Causes land to be pressed into upper layer of the mantle = sea levels rise
Causes = post glacial readjustment (3+)
Following on from melting of glaciers and ice sheets
Land is able to rise back up as the aesthenosphere rebounds = Isostatic recovery
Responsible for falling sea levels in Scotland