causes lab 1-7 Flashcards
causes of metabolic acidosis
- HCO3 loss: diarrea, ileus, kidney disturbance
- increased acid intake: acidic silage, acidifying drugs
- increased acid production: more lactic acid due to anaerobe GL, anorectic animal
- grain overdose in cattle: vfa overproductionincreased
- ketogenesis, ketosis: due to diabetes mellitus or starvation
- decreased acid excretion: renal failiure
- ion exchange: hyperkalemia, H/K pump
causes of metabolic alkalosis
- increased alkaline intake: bicarbonates, rotten food
- increased ruminal alkaline production: high protein, low carb diet
- decreased hepatic ammonia catabolism: liver failiure
- increased acid loss: vomit, gastrc dialation volvulus syndrome
- ion exchange: hypokalemia: henle loop diuretics
causes of respiratory acidocis
- upper airway obstruction
- pleural cavity disease: pneumothorax, pleural effusion
- pulmonary disease: pneumonia, pulmonary oedema, lung metastasis, pulmonary thromboembolism
- depression of central control of respiration: drugs, toxin, brain stem disease
- neuromuscular depression of resp muscles
- muscle weakness: hypokalemia
- cardiopulmonary arrest
causes of respiratory alkalosis
- increased loss of CO2: hyperventilation
- forced ventilation
- epileptiform seizures
- interstitial lung disease
- fever, hyperthermia
- excitation
causes of hypoventilation
- upper airway obstruction
- pleural effusion
- depression of central control of respiration: drug, disorder, eg anasthesia
- neuromuscular disease, affecting respiratory muscles
- hypokalema muscle weakness
- overcomppensating from metabolic alkalosis
causes of hyperventilation
- forced ventilation during anasthesia
- seizures, epilepsy
- excitation: mild or extreme, shock after accident
- compensation of severe metabolic acidocis
major causes of thrombocytopenia
- decreased production of thrombocytes in bone marrow : chemotherapy, pilycyt absoluta vera
- increased utilisation of thrombocytes: DIC
- increased destruction of thrombocytes: autoimmune thrombocytopenia
- increased sequestration of thrombocytes: splenomegaly
- increased loss of thrombocytes: subacute bleeding
major causes of thrombocytopathies
- improper development of platelets: hereditary glucoprotein deficiency
- von willerbrand disease
- uremia, liver failure
- myeloproliferative, lymphoproliferative
- nsaid treatment: aspirin
this card as made by my cat
causes of decreased albumin concentration
- decrreased intake of protein
- decreased absorption
- decreased synthesis: liver failiure, acute inflammation
- increased utilisation: pregnancy and excercise make small changes, chronic inflammation
- increased loss
- protein loosing nephropathy, protein loosing enteropathy
- skin, burns
- blood loss
- sequestration to body cavities
- hyperhydration
causes of increased albumin concentration
cause for decreased albumin/globulin ratio
- increased globulin concentration: inflammation
- decrease of albumin concentration
causes of increased globulin
- monoclonal gammopathy
- polyclonal gammopathy
causes for polyclonal gammopathy
- chronic inflammations
- liver disease
- heart worm
- erlichiosis
- lymphoma
causes for monoclonal gammopathy
- neoplastic disorders
- multiple myeloma
- lymphoma
- lympholytic leukemia
- extramedullary plasmacytosis
- macroglobulinaemia
- non-neoplastic
- heart worm
- erlichia canis
causes for hypoglobulinaemia
- decreased intake of globulins
- neonates before drinking colostrum
- absorption disorders
- decreased synthesis of globulins
- aquired or inherited immunodeficiency
- liver function impairment
- increased loss: PLE,PLN, skin, bleeding
causes for increased fibrinogen concentration
- acute inflammation
- dehydration
causes of decreased fibrinogen concentration
- liver function impairment
- advanced protein deficiency
- dic
- sequestration after bleeding into body cavities
- chronic bleeding
- blood loss
- inherited afibrinogenaemia
causes for transient increased glucose level
- lab errors: lipaemia, icterus, hemolysis
- stress: especially in cats, acute
- food intake in dog and human
- xylazin effect - anasthesia
- glucagon flush caused by head trauma, rabies or aujezkys
- after or during glucose fluid therapy
causes for constant hyperglycemia
- diabetes mellitus
- hyperadrenocorticoidism: cushings
- glucocorticostreoid treatment
- progesterone effect: iatrogen or endogenous
- enterotoxaemia in sheep
causes for decreased glucose concentation
- lab error: storage transport
- decreased energy status
- ketosis in ruminants
- groing pigs, baby pig disease, small breed puppies
- starvation, exercise
- insulin overdose: beta blocker medication
- insulinoma: tumor in pancreas
- anabolic steroid effect
- liver failiure end stage
- hypoadrenocorticoidism - addisons
- septicaemia
- hyperthyroidism
- praneoplastic syndrome
- pregnancy
- xylitol poisoning
causes of appearance of ketone bodies
- energy deficiency in liver cells
- decreased carb intake
- decreased insulin production
- diabetes ketoacidosis
causes of increased urea concentration
energy deficiency in ruminants
causes of hyperlipidaemia
- increased fat content in feed
- diabetes mellitus: decresed ffa influx to cell
- hypothyroidism
- hyperadrenocorticoidism, glucocorticosteroid treatment
- nephrotic syndrome
- septicaemia
- pancreatitis
- hyperlipidaemia
- hyperlipidaemia in pony
causes of decreased lipid content
- starvation long term
- liver failiure
- malabsorption or digestion: epi
causes of hypocholesterolaemia
- malnutrition
- liver failiure
- neoplastic disease
- hyperthyreosis
- decreased apolipiprotein synthesis
causes of hypercholesterolaemia
- increased dietary fat
- hypothyroidism
- hyperadrenocorticoidism
- dm
- nephrotic syndrome
- cholestatic disease: leakage from liver due to bile duct obstruction
- idiopathic: primary dyslipidosis
cause of false or physiological increased pvc/ polycytaemia
- false: long storage of sample with edta
- physiological: also count as absolute polycytaemias
- congenital: lama, yak, greyhound, whippet, hot blooded horses
- age: new borns
- physiological long term hypoxia: living in high altitude, training