Catullus 8 Flashcards
Miser Catulle, dēsinās ineptīre, et quod vidēs perīsse perditum dūcās. Fulsēre quondam candidī tibī sōlēs, cum ventitābās quō puella dūcēbat amāta nōbīs quantum amābitur nūlla.
Unhappy Catullus, may you cease to make a fool of yourself and what you see to have perished, may you consider it perished. Radiant suns once shone for you when you were going where the girl was leading, having been loved by us as much as no one will be loved.
Ibi illa multa cum iocōsa fīēbant, quae tū volēbās nec puella nōlēbat, fulsēre vērē candidī tibī sōlēs. Nunc iam illa nōn vult: tū quoque impotēns nōlī, nec quae fugit sectāre, nec miser vīve,
sed obstinātā mente perfer, obdūrā.
There when those many joking things were happening which you were wanting, the girl was not wanting. Truly radiant suns shone, now she no longer wants you also, do not be powerless: do not chase she who flees, do not live miserably, but endure with a stubborn mind, endure.
Valē puella. Iam Catullus obdūrat, nec tē requīret nec rogābit invītam. At tū dolēbis, cum rogāberis nūlla. Scelesta, vae tē!
Farewell, girl! Now Catullus endures, he will not look for you, nor will he ask you unwilling. But you will be sorry when you are not asked. Wicked one, woe to you!
quae tibī manet vīta? Quis nunc tē adībit? Cui vidēberis bella?
Quem nunc amābis? Cuius esse dīcēris? Quem bāsiābis? Cui labella mordēbis? At tū, Catulle, dēstinātus obdūrā.
What life remains for you? Who will approach you now? To whom will you seem pretty? Whom will you love now? Whose will you be said to be? Whom will you kiss? Whose lips will you bite? But you Catullus, stubborn, endure.