Catholicism Flashcards
The Origin and structure of the Bible
Bible comes from the Greek word Biblia - means books
Approximately 40 authors written over 1500 years
Written in Greek, Aramaic and Hebrew
New testament is exclusively Christian
Sections of Books in the Bible
New and Old testament
73 books in Catholic Bible
66 Books in protestant Bible
Old Testament for Jews is known as Tenakh
Written by those who were witnesses to Jesus life and work
3 Interpretations of the Biblr
Fundamentalists believe that the Bible is the literal word of God
Conservatives believe it is the inspired word of God
Liberals believe it is just an inspiration
Hierachy of Catholic Church
Pope : successor of ST. Peter and has authority of the church
Cardinals : Responsible for electing a new Pope
Bishop : Head of a diocese, successors of Apostles
Priests : Preach the word of God
Laity / Lay People : Non - ordained members of the Church part of it through Baptism
The Magisterium
Teaching Body of the Catholic Church
Latin ‘Magister’ meaning Master
Authority to teach comes from the Holy Spirit sent by Jesus at Pentecost
Ordinary Magisterium is the teachings of the Church in Homilies and Letters
Extraordinary is Pontifical and Conciliar
Made of Pope and Bishops
Bishops are successors to Apostles who received authority to teach at Pentecost
The Conciliar Nature of the Church
Pope is the Supreme Head of the Church
Can summon an Ecumenical Council of Bishops
Only person who can authorize Church teachings
Bishops and Priests have meetings known as councils seen as the voice of the church
The Pontificial Nature of the Church
Pontifical comes from the Latin word for Pope ‘Pontrex Maximus’ this means ‘Great bridge builder between Heaven and Earth’. To say a church is pontificial means that the highest authority is exercised by the Pope
The Catechism of the Catholic Church
The word Catechism means to teach orally. However now it means a doctrinal manual. A book of approved Catholic teachings. The Roman catechism was first published in 1566 at the Council of Trent. It was only intended for use by Popes and Bishops. Ordinary Catholics can use the Catechism to help inform their faith and understanding
A summary of the Second Vatican council and Teachings from the four documents
Pope John XXXIII opened the Second Vatican Council 1962 and it closed on 8th Dec the feast of the Immaculate Conception in 1965 . He wanted to to review the practices of the Church fitted in with the modern worlds. To ‘open the windows of the Church’. It was an Ecumenical Council and all representatives of Catholic Leaders where invited
Books of the Bible and a summary of their contents
Old Testament
Law Books : Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy
History Books : Joshua, Judges and Ruth
Books of the Prophets : Isaiah and Daniel
Roles within the Body of Christ
Jesus : Jesus is the foundation for the Church which was built on by the Apostles. Jesus offered himself as a sacrifice
Laity : Includes all baptized members of the Church
Clergy : Deacons : Priests and Bishops : The clergy administer the sacraments and helps the church’s’ work
Mary’s Timeline
Immaculate conception : The belief that Mary was born without original sin.
Annunciation : When Mary was asked to be the Mother of Jesus.
Visitation : When Mary went to visit her cousin Elizabeth
The Virgin Birth : Mary conceived Jesus with the Holy Spirit
The Death of Jesus : Mary stayed with Jesus when he was dying on the cross
The Assumption : Mary was taken into heaven body and soul after death
How Mary is recognized and adored by the Church today
Catholics pay devotion to Mary by having statues and ‘Lady Chapels’ built
hymns and Poems are dedicated to Mary
People pray the rosary
Marian apparitions have resulted in shrines
How Mary is a model of discipleship, faith and charity
Discipleship : She believed in Jesus from the moment of his conception. She accepts her role in god’s plan her sacrifice started before Jesus’ birth
Faith : she demonstrated faith by accepting Jesus, obeying Joseph’s command to flee Egypt and later to Nazareth. She was told by Simeon a ‘sword of sorrow’ would pierce her heart but she continued to trust God
Charity : She encouraged Jesus to solve the problem of the lack of wine at the wedding in Cana. St Bonaventure also describes her ultimate act of charity also describes her ultimate act of charity ‘Mary so loved the world as to give her only-begotten son’.
Using scripture to make moral decisions
We can use the Bible as it is infallible. IT contains no mistakes and we can use it as a reliable source of guidance. It is unchanging. It includes the life of Jesus the incarnation who set the perfect example
Using conscience to make moral decisions
St. Paul tells us that we have a duty / obligation to follow our conscience. The primacy of conscience is the idea that our conscience is God’s voice our soul and our conscience is developed by our friends and family
Using the magisterium to make moral decisions
The Magisterium is made up of the Pope and bishops we use their gifts to guide our lives their teachings can be found in the Catechism which is easily accessible
Using natural law to make moral decisions
Aquinas taught that natural law is “to do good and avoid evil”. Moral law can be applied to all humans and cannot change. It helps us to develop things such as self-control
Jesus as the most important figure in the Body of Chris
He first began the church by bringing God’s message, without him there is no Body of Christ
He is the example for living and a guide we can use to follow in our daily lives. he gave commandments to live by
He continues to work through the Church today as He is the Word of God
The laity as the most important figure in the body of Christ
They are the only group which can follow the command to be fruitful and multiply, this command was stated in Genesis
The clergy as the most important figure in the body of Christ
They are the only group which can make holy the sacraments, e.g turning the bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ
The religious orders as the most important figures in the body of Christ
They set an example for living by taking the bows of poverty chastity and obedience
They are dedicated to lives of prayer and selflessly ask God to help the world’s needs
They participate in active service and help local communities as teachers, nurses or care givers
The 4 marks of the Church - One
God is one, so is the Church. The Church is the Body of christ
it is one body, All believers unite together, Individual
Churches, like limbs of a body form part of one body, at the
Last Supper, Jesus prayed that we would all be one
The 4 marks of the Church - Holy
The Church is a community of sinners
Jesus said ‘I have come to call sinners to repentance’ We are made holy by
our Baptism and guided by the Holy Spirit, God works in
the Church to make it holy
The 4 marks of the Church - Catholic
The word ‘Catholic’ literally means ‘related to the whole’ or “worldwide’, The teachings of the Church are held by Catholics everywhere, Protestant Christians are not
Catholic so they have different teachings to Catholics
in places, e.g the importance of the Eucharist, in others they are the same, e g, having only one Baptism
The 4 marks of the Church - Apostolic
Jesus chose 12 apostles to be his witnesses and the foundation for the people of God. After the Resurrection, Jesus told the disciples to spread the word of God. Catholics recognize that we are apostolic as the Pope is the successor of St Peter, Protestant Churches do not have a Pope and but instead uphold the importance of the call to holiness for all people.
4 Major Documents
Dei Verbum : Divine Revelation
Focuses on the relationship between tradition and the Bible
Considers how the Word of God should be interpreted for Catholics
Lumen Gentium : The Church (light of the People’s)
Focuses on Catholic beliefs about the Church
Sacrosactum Concilium : Sacred Liturgy
Focused on the reform of Church services
Gaudium es spes : Church in the Modern world
Considered humanitys relationship to society today