Cath Questions Flashcards
What color are diagnostic catheters labeled with in the lab?
What color are intervention catheters labeled with in the lab?
What is the difference between an Non compliant (NC) balloon and a compliant balloon (C)?
A non compliant balloon will inflate how to a certain shape where as a compliant balloon will mold to the anatomy.
What color boxes are the non compliant balloons?
What color boxes are the compliant balloons?
What does RX indicate on the balloon packaging?
Rapid exchange
What is the first step when gaining access for a cath procedure?
Lidocaine the area
After lidocaine is done what is the next step in a cath procedure?
Insert the access needle into the artery
After the access needle is inserted into the artery what is done?
wire for sheath
What is the catheter used for in a heart cath procedure?
To allow the J wire to gain access to the left and right side of the heart
What is indicated if a catheter is for the left or right side of the heart?
J”R” will be the right (hence the R) and J “L” will be the left (hence the L)
What are the two most common access sites that we see?
R. Radial and R. Groin
After the wire goes into the access needle what is next?
You take off the access needle
After the access needle is taken off what is next?
Insert sheath
After the sheath is put in what is next?
take off dilator/ transducer
After the dialator/ transducer is taken off what is next?
take out the wire
What is done after you take the wire out?
flush with saline
After you flush the sheath with saline what do you do?
attach the J wire into the catheter and put the catheter into the sheath
After the J wire and catheter are in the sheath what do you do?
push the catheter all the way in and pull the J wire back out
What size are most of the intervention wires?
.014 or .018
What are the three things that you need in case of an intervention?
Copilot, Run through wire, manual “copilot”
What are the two main coronary arteries?
Left main coronary arteries (LMCA) and the Right coronary artery (RCA)
What does the LMCA break off into?
Left anterior descending artery (LAD) and the Left circumflex artery
What does the Right coronary artery break of into?
right posterior descending artery (PDA), right marginal artery (RMA)
What branches off the LAD?
diagonal branches (D1 and D2)
What branches off the circumflex?
marginal arteries (M1 and M2)
What is a TAVR?
it is a transcatheter aortic valve replacement
In the cranial vein what vessel is closest to you?
Left anterior descending artery (LAD)
In the caudal view what vessel is closest to you?
the circumflex artery (CX)
What is the Ramos Intermedius?
A variant coronary artery that comes from the left main coronary artery bifurcation that turns into a trifurcation.
Where is the ramous intermedius located?
Between the LAD and circumflex
What is LIMA?
Left internal mammary artery graft
Used during an bypass
What is a SVG?
Saphenous vein graft
Used in a bypass
Where does LIMA revascularize?
Revascularizes the anterior wall
Where does RIMA revascularize?
Lateral and posterior walls
What catheter is used for right heart caths?
Swan catheters