Category 1 - General Practice Flashcards
What are the three codes that make up the Architect Practice Act?
- Business and Professions Code - Chapter 3, Division 3.
- Corporations Code.
- California Code of Regulations - Title 16, Division 2
Define an Architect as set forth in the Architects Practice Act.
An Architect is a person who is licensed by the California Architects Board to practice architecture in the State of California under the authority of the Architects Pracice Act.
How does the Architects Practice Act define the Practice of Architecture?
Offering or performing, or being in responsible control of professional services which require the skills of an architect in the planning of site, and the design, in whole or in part, of buildings or groups of buildings and structures. This applies to all persons whether licensed or not, whether they are independent consultants, firm principals or employees.
What is the purpose of the California Architects Board and what department is it a subdivision of?
Purpose - to regulate the practice of architecture to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the public. The California Architects Board (CAB) establishes the minimum professional qualifications and performance standards for admission to and practice of the profession of architecture. CAB is a division of the Department of Consumer Affairs.
What is “responsible control” as defined by the Architects Practice Act
Responsible Control means the amount of control over the content of all architectural instruments of service during their preparation that is ordinarily exercised by architects applying the professional standard of care. An architect cannot stamp and sign documents not produced under his/her responsible control.
Can an architect demonstrate responsible control even if a project drawing set is produced outside of his/her office?
Yes, as long as the architect is maintaining responsible control, drawings can be produced in another office or in another part of the world.
What are the consequences for practicing without a license or holding one’s self out as an architect?
Misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not less than $100 or more than $5000 or by imprisonment in a county jail not exceeding 1 year, or both.
Must a licensed architect stamp and sign documents? Why?
Yes. All persons preparing or being in responsible control of plans, specifications and instruments of service for others shall sign those documents and all contracts as well as affix a stamp as evidence of the person’s responsibility for those documents.
Does a licensed architect need to stamp and sign documents for structures unlicensed individuals are allowed to design?
Yes. Even though an unlicensed individual can design certain structures, once licensed, an architect must sign and stamp all documents within his/her responsible control.
This requirement applies to all types of projects since it addresses a responsibility imposed on the architect, not on the project.
What five items are required to be on an Architect’s stamp?
- Name of Architect.
- License Number
- Renewal Date (not expiration date)
- State of California
- Licensed Architect
Who has the responsibility of verifying a licensed individual has produced project plans and specifications?
It is the responsibility of the agency that issues the permit to determine that the person who signed and stamped the plans and specifications or who submitted the signed statement is licensed to prepare the plans and specifications.
What are three liability factors an architect is not responsible for once project documents are sign and stamped?
- Not responsible for unauthorized changes to plans, specs, reports or documents as long as approval was not unreasonably withheld.
- No legal duty to observe the construction of fixed works.
- Construction Observation is periodic observation to determine general compliance with plans, specs, etc., not to supervise construction, operations, site conditions, equipment or site safety.
How does the Architects Handbook of Professional Practice define Standard of Care?
The architect is required to do what a reasonably prudent architect would do in the same community and in the same time frame, given the same or similar facts or circumstances.
What does SCANT stand for?
S - Services (description of services to be performed).
C - Compensation (Basis of compensation).
A - Addresses (Name, address, license number of architect & name and address of client).
N - New Services (Additional services at hourly rate).
T - Termination (description of procedure for termination of contract).
Under what conditions is a written contract not required?
- Professional services rendered when the client will not pay compensation.
- Arrangements as to the basis for compensation is similar to provided in the past for the same client.
- If the client knowingly states in writing after full disclosure that a contract is not required.
- Professional services rendered to a registered professional engineer.
How is the practice of architecture administered and which agency regulates it?
The practice of architecture is administered in three ways:
1. Examination
2. Licensing
3. Enforcement
The California Architects Board (CAB) is the regulating agency.
What types of structure can drawings be prepared for by an unlicensed architect?
- Single family detached dwellings of wood frame construction no more that 2 stories + basement in height.
- Multiple dwelling units (no more than 4) wood frame construction, 2 stories + basement in height.
- Garages or similar of wood frame construction, 2 stories + basement in height.
- Wood frame agricultural and ranch buildings, unless deemed unsafe by building official.
Name six violations that can result in a license being suspended or revoked?
- Violation of the Architects Practice Act.
- Fraud in obtaining a license.
- Impersonating an architect.
- Negligence or willful misconduct.
- Incompetency or recklessness.
- Disciplinary action taken by another public agency.
When does a license expire and what are the guidelines for renewal of an expired license?
Licenses expire on the last day of the birth month of the license holder in each numbered year, following the issuance or renewal of the license.
A license which has expired may be renewed anytime within five years after its expiration. A license which is not renewed within five years after its expiration may not be renewed, restored or reissued.
Can architects form a limited liability company (LLC)?
No. According to the Corporations Code, a domestic or foreign limited liability company is not permitted to render professional services, which means that architects cannot legally form a limited liability company.
According to the California Code of Regulations, how must the term “architect” be used?
It is considered unlawful for any person to use a business name that includes as part of its title or description of services the term “architect”, “architecture”, or “architectural”, or any abbreviations or confusingly similar variations thereof, unless that person is a business entity where an architect is owner, employee, or in management control of the professional services provided.
What stipulations are placed on a person who uses the term “architect” in their business name?
If a person uses a business name that includes as part of its title or description of services the term “architect”, “architecture” or “architectural”, or any abbreviations or confusingly similar variations thereof, all professional services offered and provided by that person are to be offered and provided by or under the responsible control of an architect.
Name three situations that would be considered a conflict of interest to an architect.
- An architect shall not accept compensation for services from more than one party on a project unless the circumstances are fully disclosed to and agreed to by all parties.
- An architect shall not solicit or accept monetary compensation for specifying materials or products.
- An architect shall endeavor to secure faithful performance for all parties to the construction contract and shall not show partiality to any party.
What methods are available for Architects to limit their exposure to professional liability?
- Efficient in-house organization & communication.
- Select projects carefully & work within the firm’s capacity.
- Carry the necessary types & amounts of insurance.
- Utilize a written contract.
- Documentation and approvals of key decisions.
- Provide Contract Administration Services.