Categorical/Conditional Syllogisms Flashcards
Unit 1 Test
All Raptors fans like watching basketball.
Chloe is a Raptors fan.
Ergo, Chloe likes watching basketball.
Valid: No rules violated
All Raptors fans like watching basketball.
Chloe likes watching basketball.
Ergo, Chloe is a Raptors fan.
Invalid: the middle term must be distributed at least once. (Rule 3)
No liar is truly happy.
Some politicians are liars.
Ergo, no politician is truly happy.
Invalid: the number of universal premises must be exactly one more than the number of universal conclusions. (Rule 2)
L > M
~ L
Ergo, ~M
Invalid: the minor premise denies the antecedent (DA)
All X are Y.
Some X are Z.
All Y are Z.
Invalid: Any term which is distributed in the conclusion must also be distributed in the premises (Rule 4)
All cobras are poisonous.
Some spiders are poisonous.
Ergo, some spiders are cobras.
Invalid: the middle term must be distributed at least once. (Rule 3)
No L is M.
Some M are not N.
Erog, some N are not L.
Invalid: from two negative premises, no conclusion can be drawn.
All A are B.
Some C are not B.
Ergo, some C are not A.
Valid: No rules violated.
Some introverts prefer to be quiet.
Some extroverts are not quiet.
Ergo, some introverts are extroverts.
Invalid: If a premise is particular, than the conclusion must be particular. If a premise is negative, than the conclusion must be negative. (Rule 6).
If you have a lax conscience, then you will not help someone in need.
You helped a student who was struggling with logic problems.
Therefore, you do not have a lax conscience.
Valid: The minor premise denies the consequent (DC)
All friendly greetings are appreciated.
Some compliments are not appreciated.
Ergo, some compliments do not qualify as friendly greetings.
Valid: no rules violated.
All M are N.
Some N are O.
Ergo, all M are O.
Invalid: the middle term must be distributed at least once. (Rule 3)
Some brave people are firefighters.
Jamal is a firefighter.
Therefore, Jamal is brave.
Invalid: The middle term must be distributed at least once (Rule 3).
If you eat too much sugar, you are putting yourself at risk of diabetes.
You do not eat too much sugar.
Therefore, you are not at risk of diabetes.
Invalid: The minor premise denies the antecedent (DA).
If Charlie Brown wants to kick the football, then lucy will have to hold it for him.
Lucy does not hold it for him.
Therefore, Charlie Brown will not be able to kick the football.
Valid: The minor premises denies the consequent (DC).
Some passive individuals are persons who live will because, some passive individuals are not worriers and some folks who live well are worriers.
Invalid: If a premise is particular, then the conclusion is particular. If a premise is negative, then the conclusion is negative (Rule 6).
Some pirates are mercenaries; hence, some sailors are pirates, because all sailors are mercenaries.
Invalid: the middle term must be distributed at least once (Rule 3).
If a driver is caught speeding, that person will be ticketed by police.
This driver was caught speeding.
Therefore, this driver will be ticketed by police.
Valid: The minor premise affirms the antecedent (AA).
If you have been paying attention, then this quiz was easy.
This quiz was easy.
Ergo, you have been paying attention.
Invalid: the minor premise affirms the consequent (AC)
If you have been paying attention, then this quiz was easy.
You have not been paying attention.
Ergo, this quiz was difficult.
Invalid: the minor premise denies the antecedent (DA)
All cats like tuna.
Some humans like tuna.
Ergo, some humans are cats.
Invalid: Middle term is not distributed (rule 3)
A, D.
Ergo, ~D.
Invalid: The minor premise denies the antecedent (DA).
No penguins can fly.
Some turkeys can not fly.
Ergo, some turkeys are penguins.
Invalid: two negative premises cannot have a conclusion (rule 1).
Some A are C.
All C are B.
Ergo, some A are B.
Valid: no rules violated
Some D are E.
All E are F.
Ergo, all D are F.
Invalid: the terms in the conclusion must be distributed in the premise (rule 4).
Ergo, ~P.
Invalid: the minor premise denies the antecedent (DA)
All dogs like treats.
I like treats.
Ergo, I am a dog.
Invalid: the middle term is not distributed (rule 3).
Some singers are dancers.
Some actors are dancers.
Ergo, all singers are actors.
Invalid: the premises are not universal statements (rule 2).
All D are E.
Some E are not F.
Ergo, some D are not F.
Invalid: the middle term is not distributed.
If you practice, you will improve.
You did not practice.
Ergo, you did not improve.
Invalid: the minor premise denies the antecedent (DA).