cat64 Flashcards
Peliacus, a, um
of or belonging to Mt. Pelion
prognatus, a, um
born from, produced from
vertex, verticis, m
head, top, peak
pinus, us, f
pine tree, pine wood, ship, mast
liquidus, a, um
liquid, fluid
Neptunus, i, m
no, nare, navi
swim, float
Phasis, idos, m
river of Colchis
fluctus, us, m
wave, (pl) waters of the sea
Aeetaeus, a, um
of or belonging to Aeetes, king of Colchis
Argivus, a, um
of or from Argos, Greek
robur, roboris, n
oak, timber, strength, vigor, troops
pubes, is, f
population of able bodied men
Colchus, a, um
of or belonging to Colchis
averto, avertere, averti, abersus
turn away, steal, away
pellis, is, f
skin, hide, fleece
vadum, i, n
shallow water, shoal, channel, (pl) the sea
salsus, a, um
citus, a, um
puppis, is, f
stern of a boat, boat
caerula, orum, n pl
the blue, the sea
verro, verrere, –, versus
sweep, brush, scour
abiegnus, a, um
of or made of fir wood
palma, ae, f
palm, flat surface, oar-blade
arx, arcis, f
citadel, stronghold
levis, e
light, nimble
fly, move swiftly
flamen, inis, n
gust blast wind breeze
currus, us, m
chariot, ship
pineus, a, um
of or made of pine wood
inflecto, inflectere, inflexi, inflectus
bend, curve, shape
textum, i, n
fabric, cloth, framework
carina, ae, f
keel, ship
rudis, e
crude, unfinished, primitive
cursus, us
running, motion, course, journey
imbuo, imbuere, imbui, imbutus
wet, stain, dip
Aphitrite, es, f
Amphitrite, wife of Neptune, the sea
rostrum, i, n
snout, beak, prow
proscindo, proscindere, proscidi, proscissus
cut, slit, plow
torqueo, torquere, torsi, tortus
twist, wind
remigium, i, n.
outfit of oars, rowing
spuma, ae, f
foam, froth
incandesco, incandescere, incandui
glow, become red hot
emergo, emergere, emersi, emersus
emerge, come forth
ferus, a, um
wild, savage
candens, ntis
bright, radiant, white
gurges, itis, m
swirling water, whirlpool, eddy
monstrum, i, n
portent, omen, prodigy, monstrous thing
Nereis, idis, f
sea nymph, daughter of Nereus
marinus, a, um
pertaining to the sea
strip bare, uncover
nympha, ae, f
female spirit of nature, nymph
nutrix, icis, f
wet nurse, breast, nipple
tenus (prep + gen)
right up to, as far as
canus, a, um
Thetis, idos, f
Peleus, i, m
incendo, incendere, incendi, incensus
set on fire, kindle, inflame, excite
humanus, a, um
despicio, despicere, despexi, despectus
look down upon, despise
Hymenaeus, a, um
wedding refrain, pl. wedding, marriage
saeclum, i, n
generation, age, race
heros, oos, m
progenies, ei, f
offspring, race, stock
eximie (adv.)
exceptionally, especially
augeo, augere, auxi, auctus
increase, make greater, glorify
Thessalia, ae, f
columen, inis, n
roof, summit, peak
Nereine, es
Nereid, a daughter of Nereus
Tethys, yos, f
a sea-goddess, wife of Ocean
neptis, is, f
granddaughter, female descendant
Oceanus, i, m
Ocean, the ocean
amplector, amplecti, amplexus sum
embrace, grasp, surround
fill with inhabitants, occupy, frequent
laetor, laetari, laetatus sum
rejoice, be glad
regia = regia domus
palace, royal dwelling
coetus, us, m
meeting, gathering, get together
make known, announce, reveal
desero, deserere, deserui, desertus
leave, abandon
Tempe, a valley of Thessaly
Crannon, onis, f
Cranon, a town in Thessaly
Larisaeus, a, um
of or belonging to Larissa, a city in Thessaly
Pharsalia, ae, f
the area around Pharsalus, a city in Thessaly
Pharsalius, a, um
of or belonging to Pharsalus
colo, colere, colui, cultus
inhabit, cultivate, farm, look after
mollesco, mollescere, –, –
to become soft
collum, i, n
curvus, a, um
curved, bent
free from impurities, clear away
vinea, ae, f
the vines of a vineyard
rastrum, i, n
a type of hoe
glaeba, = gleba, ae, f
clod of earth
pronus, a, um
bending forwards or downwards
convello, convellere, convelli, convulsus
pull, tear up
vomer, eris, m
taurus, i, m
falx, falcis, f
scythe, sickle
make thin, weaken, reduce
frondator, oris, m
squalidus, a, um
having a rough surface
rubigo, inis, f
aratum, i, n
sedes, is, f
seat, home, dwelling place
fulgeo, fulgere, fulsi, fulsus
shine, be bright
splendeo, splendere, –, –
be radiant
candeo, candere, candui, –
shine, be white, glow
ebur, oris, n
solium, i, n
high backed chair, throne
colluceo, collucere, colluxi, –
give off light, shine
poculum, i, n
drinking cup
splendidus, a, um
bright, brilliant, glittering
gaza, ae, f
pulvinar, aris, n
genialis, e
of or belonging to one’s genius, connected to marriage
put in position, place
Indus, a, um
of or belonging to India
dens, dentis, m
polio, polire, polivi, politus
polish, make smooth
tingo, tingere, tinxi, tinctus
wet, soak, imbue, dye stain
roseus, a, um
made of roses, rose-colored
conchylium, li, n
mollusc from which purple dye is produced, purple dye
purpura, ae, f
purple dye
fucus, i m
vestis, is f
dress, clothing, cloth
priscus, a, um
old, ancient, archaic, old-fashioned
mark with many colors, make elaborate
make known, point out, reveal
fluentisonus, a, um
resounding with waves
Dia, ae, f
Naxos, an island in the Aegean Sea
Theseus, a, um
of or belonging to Theseus
classis, is, f
ship, fleet
tueor, tueri, tutus sum
look at, watch, watch over
Ariadna, ae, f
cerno, cernere, crevi, cretus
distinguish, perceive, see
harena, ae, f
irritus, a, um
useless, without effect, void
remus, i, m
procella, ae, f
strong wind, storm, tumult
alga, ae, f
sea weed
maestus, a, um
sad, gloomy
Minois, idis, f
daughter on MInos, Ariadne
effigies, ei, f
copy, image, statue
(interjection) alas
move in waves, undulate
flavus, a, um
blond, yellow
subtilis, e
fine, delicate
mitra, ae, f
head band, turban, head dress
cover, wrap, clothe
amictus, us m
cloak, outer garment
teres, teretis
rounded, smooth, polished
strophium, i, n
breast band, clasp
lactens, ntis
suckling, full of or giving milk, juicy, tender
vincio, vincire, vinxi, vinctus
bind, tie, fasten
papilla, ae, f
nipple, breastp
passim (adv)
scattered far and wide, in every direction; at random
sals, salis, m
salt, salt water, the sea
alludo, alludere, allusi, –
sport, play, play against
assiduus, a, um
constant, unceasing
luctus, us, m
sorrow, grief, lamentation
spinosus, a, um
full of thorns, prickly
Erycina, ae, f
sero, serere, sevi, satus
sow, plant
tempestas, atis, f
time, season, period, storm
Piraeus, i, m
Piraeus, the port of Athens
attingo, attingere, attigi, attactus
touch, contact, reach
Gortynius, a, um
pestis, is, f
plague, pestilence, curse
Androgeoneus, a, um
of or pertaining to Androgeon, son of Minos
caedes, is, f
cutting down, killing, slaughter
innuptus, a, um
Cecropia, ae, f
the citadel of Athens
daps (dapis), is, f
sacrificial feast, banquet, meal
Minotaurus, i, m
the Minotaur
angustus, a, um
narrow, contracted, difficult
shake, toss, harass, plague
Creta, ae, f
nitor, niti, nixus sum
strive, endeavor, advance, make way, rely upon
lenis, e
smooth, gentle, easy
Minos, ois, m
suavis, e
sweet, agreeable, attractive
breathe out, exhale
castus, a, um
pure, spotless, virtuous
odor, oris, m
smell, scent, perfume
lectulus, i, m
small couch or bed
mollis, e
soft, tender,mild
complexus, us, m
alo, alere, alui, altus/alitus
feed, nourish, sustain
Eurotas, ae, f
the Eurotas, a river in Greece
beget, bear
myrtus, i (nom pl myrtus) f
distinctus, a, um
separate, distinct
vernus, a, um
of or belonging to spring
flagrans, ntis
flaming, burning
bend aside, turn away
funditus (adv)
from the bottom, totally, completely
imus, a, um
lowest, deepest, last
medulla, ae, f
marrow, inmost part
immitis, e
unripe, harsh, savage
sanctus, a, um
consecrated, sacred
golgoe, orum, m. pl
Golgoi, a town on Cyprus
idalium, ii, n
Idalium, a town on Cyprus
frondosus, a, um
leafy, full of leaves
langueo, languere, –, –
be faint, be listless
expallesco, expallescere, expallui, –
become pale, shrink from
cupio, cupere, cupivi (-ii), cupitus
long for, desire
frustra (adv)
in vain, to no effect
succendo, succendere, succendi, seccensus
kindle beneath
labellum, i, n
little lip
quatio, quatere, –, quassus
shake, brandish, strike, drive
Taurus, i, m
a mountain range in the south of Asia Minor
quercus, us, f
conigerus, a, um
cone bearing
sweat, perspire
cortex, icis, m/f
bark, rind, husk
indomitus, a, um
untamed, wild
turbo, inis, m
whirlwind, hurricane
contorqueo, contorquere, contorsi, contorsus
turn, twist, hurl
eruo, eruere, erui, erutus
cast forth, uproot, destroy
radicitus (adv)
from the roots, utterly
drive out, thrust away
pronus, a, um
bent forward, sinking, prone
obvius, a, um
in the way, meeting, opposing
frango, frangere, fregi, fractus
break, shatter
prosterno, prosternere, prostravi, prostratus
cast down, overthrow
nequiquam (adv)
in vain
vanus, a, um
empty, vain, void
cornu, us, n
sopses, itis
safe, sound, unharmed
reflecto, reflectere, reflexi, reflexus
turn back, bend back
tenuis, e
thin, slender, insignificant
vestigium, i, n
footprint, track, trace
filum, i, n
thread, string, necklace
labyrintheus, a, um
flexus, us, m
bending, turn, winding
inobservabilis, e
deceive, trick
consanguineus, a, um
related by blood
wail, weep, bemoan
veho, vehere, vexi, vectus
carry, convey, draw
ratis, is, f
raft, boat
spumosus, a, um
foamy, frothy
devincio, devincere, devinxi, devinctus
bind fast, tie up, fetter
clarisonus, a, um
clear sounding, loud
praerumpo, praerumpere, praerupi, praeruptus
break off, tear away
conscendo, conscendere, conscendi, conscensus
mount, climb
pelagus, i, m
the open sea
vastus, a, um
empty, deserted, immense
protendo, protendere, protendi, protentus
stretch forth, reach, extend
aestus, us, m
agitation, glow, heat, swell, surge
tremulus, a, um
shaking, quivering
tollo, tollere, sustuli, sublatus
lift, raise up
tegmen, inis, m
sura, ae, f
calf (of leg)
querela/querella, ae, f
lamentation, complaint
udus, a, um
wet, moist, damp
singultus, us, m
sobbing, panting
cieo, ciere, civi, citus
set in motion
aveho, avehere, avexi, avectus
carry off, take away
perfidus, a, um
faithless, treacherous
clementia, ae, f
mercy, mildness, forbearance
praesto (adv)
at hand, present
conubium, i, n
marriage, wedlock
aereus, a, um
of or pertaining to the air, airy
discerpo, discerpere, discerpsi, discerptus
tear in pieces, mangle
fidelis, e
trustworthy, faithful
apiscor, apisci, aptus sum
get, gain, attain
fill, satisfy, sate
turn, turn over, handle, be engaged in
letum, i, n
death, annihilation
eripio, eripere, eripui, ereptus
tear out, snatch away
germanus, i, m
fallax, acis
deceitful, deceptive, hypocritical
tear apart, shred
ferus, i, m
wild animal
ales, itis, m/f
bury, cover with a mound
rupes, is
rock, cliff
leaena, ae, f
froth, foam
exspuo, exspuere, exspui, exsputus
spit out
Syrtis, is, f
the Syrtis, sand banks off the coast of Africa
Scylla, ae, f
rapax, acis
tearing, grasping, greedy, violent
C(h)arybdis, is, f
praeceptum, i, n
rule, order, command
iucundus, a, um
pleasing, delightful
be a slave, serve
serva, ae, f
female slave
candidus, a, um
white, clear, bright, beautiful
permulceo, permulcere, permulsi, permulsus
rub gently, stroke, soothe
lympha, ae, f
spring water, liquid
consterno, consternere, constravi, constratus
spread, cover
cubile, is, n
couch, bed, marriage bed
ignarus, a, um
ignorant, unaware, strange
conqueror, conqueri, conquestus sum
complain, lament
augeo, augere, auxi, auctus
increase, enlarge, enrich
queo, quire, quivi, quitus
be able
vacuus, a, um
empty, clear
leap upon, jump onto, abuse, revile, insult
questus, us, m
auris, is, m
Gnosius, a, um
of or pertaining to Knossos, a city of Crete
Cecropius, a, um
of or pertaining to Knossos, a city of Crete
dirus, a, um
ill-omened, dreadful, cruel, fierce
stipendium, i, n
payment, tribute, contribution
bind back, fasten, moor
navita, ae, m
funus, is, m
rope, cord, cable
requiesco, requiescere, requievi, requietus
rest, find refuge
Idaeus, a, um
of Mt. Ida, a mountain in Phrygia, Trojan
latus, a, um
broad, wide
discerno, discernere, discrevi, discretus
separate, set apart
pontus, i, m
the sea
truculentus, a, um
fierce, grim, cruel
divido, dividere, dividi, divisus
divide, part, distribute
aequor, oris, n
flat surface, the sea
respergo, respergere, respersi, respersus
sprinkle over, strew
cheer, comfort, console
lentus, a, um
pliant, flexible, tenacious
bed, curve, bow
pateo, patere, patui, –
lie open, be exposed
egressus, us, m
going out, departure
cingo, cingere, cinxi, cinctus
gird, surround, encompass
mutus, a, um
dumb, speechless, silent
show, exhibit, offer, promise, threaten
languesco, languescere, langui, –
become faint, grow weak
fessus, a, um
tired, exhausted, worn out
multa, ae, f
penalty, fine
postremus, a, um
final, last
punish, sentence
vindex, icis
Eumenides, um,
the Furies
anguinus, a, um
of serpents, snaky
redimitus, a, um
wreathed, crowned
capillus, i, m
hair, the hair (collectively)
frons, ntis, f
forehead, brow, front
medulla, ae, f
inops, opis
without resources, helpless, weak, wretched
vanesco, vanescere, –, –
disappear, pass away, vanish
pollute with murder
supplicum, i, n
prayer, supplication, punishment, torture, death penalty
anxius, a, um
troubled, vexed
annuo, annuere, annui, –
nod, give assent, grant
rector, oris, m
guide, ruler, master
contremesco, contremescere, contremui, –
tremble, shake violently, quake
concutio, concutere, concussi, concussus
shake violently, agitate
vibrate, tremble, flash, gleam, glitter
mundus, i, m
world, universe
caligo, inis, f
mist, vapor, fog, obscurity, confusion
consero, conserere, consevi, consitus
sow, plant
constans, ntis
firm, stable, fixed, steadfast, faithful
Erechtheus, a, um
portus, us, m
harbor, port
Aegeus, ei, m
Aegeus, king of Athens and father of Theseus
iucundus, a, um
pleasant, delightful
unicus, a, um
only, single, sole
quandoquidem (adv)
since, indeed, seeing that
fervidus, a, um
burning, fiery, impetuous, violent
invitus, a, um
unwilling, reluctant
languidus, a, um
faint, sluggish, weak
fill, glut, sate, satisfy, content
gaudeo, gaudere, –, gavisus
be joyful, take pleasure
rejoice, be glad
secundus, a, um
second, following, favorable, propitious, fortunate
expromo, expromere, exprompsi, expromptus
show forth, utter, express
canities, ei, f
grayish whiteness, white hair, old age
infundo, infundere, infudi, infusus
pour in, pour upon
inficio, inficere, infeci, infectus
dye, stain, color, corrupt, infect
vagus, a, um
wandering, unfixed, vague
linteum, i, n
linen cloth, sail
incendium, i, n
fire, flame
carbasus, i, f
fine flax, linen, canvas, sail
darken, cover, conceal
ferrugo, inis, f
rust, rust color
Hiberus, a, um
Iberian, Spanish
Itonus, i, f
Itonus, a Thessalian town with a famous sanctuary of Athena
condo, condere, condidi, conditus
found, establish, conceal, hide, store
vigeo, vigere, vigui, –
thrive, flourish, be strong
blot out, erase, cause to be forgotten
collis, is, m
hill, high ground
funestus, a, um
deadly, mournful, fateful
antenna, ae, f
yard arm of a sailboat
intorqueo, intorquere, intorsi, intortus
twist, wind, wrench
rudens, ntis, m
rope, cord, halyard
agnosco, agnoscere, agnovi, agnitus
recognize, identify
prosperus, a, um
favorable, fortunate, as hoped
redux, ucis
returning home, restored
ceu (adv)
as, just as
nubes, is, f
cloud, mist, vapor
niveus, a, um, f
snow, snowy
cacumen, inis, n
point, peak, summit
prospectus, us, m
look out, view
absumo, absumere, absumpsi, absumptus
take away, use up, exhaust, destroy
blow into, inflate
scopulus, i, m
cliff, crag, ledge
multiplex, icis
with many folds, complicated
saucius, a, um
wounded, hurt, smitten
floreo, florere, florui, –
bloom, flower, flourish
fly around
Iacchus, i, m
thiasus, i, m
an orgiastic chorus in honor of Dionysus
Satyrus, i, m
Nysigenus, a, um
born at Nyssa
Silenus, i, m
wood spirit attendant of Dionysus
alacer, cris, cre
lively, quick, excited
lymphatus, a, um
distracted, frantic, insane
furo, furere, –, –
rave, rage, be insane
euhoe (interj.)
the cry of bacchic revelers
revel, celebrate Dionysus
inflecto, inflectere, inflexi, inflectus
bend, bow, turn aside
cuspis, idis, f
point, tip, blade
thyrsus, i, m
stalk, a staff twined with ivy and vine carried by bacchic revelers
divello, divellere, divelli, divulsus
tear apart, mangle, wrench off, destroy
membrum, i, m
limb, member, portion
serpens, ntis, m/f
snake, serpent
incingo, incingere, incinxi, incinctus
gird around, surround, crown
cavus, a, um
hollowed out, concave
frequent, throng, fill, celebrate
orgia, orum,
orgies, nocturnal festivals of Dionysus
cista, ae, f
wicker box, basket
profanus, a, um
not sacred, unclean, wicked, ipious, uninitiated
plango, plangere, planxi, planctus
strike, beat
procerus, a, um
high, tall, long
tympanum, i, n
palma, ae, f
palm, flat of the hand
tinnitus, us, m
ringing, jingling
aes, aeris, n
copper, bronze
raucisonus, a, um
hoarse-sounding, raucous
blow out, breathe out, exhale
bombus, i, m
buzzing, humming
barbarus, a, um
strange, foreign, uncivilized, unintelligible
strido, stridere, –, –
make a shrill noise, whistle
tibia, ae, f
shin bone, pipe, flute
cantus, us, m
song, music
amplifice (adv)
adorn, embellish, beautify
expleo, explere, explevi, expletus
fill up, satisfy
flatus, us, m
blowing, breathing
matutinus, a, um
of the morning, early
Zephyrus, i, m
the west wind
proclivus, a, um
sloping downward, declining
set into motion, quicken, excite
resono, resonare, resonavi, –
sound, ring, echo
plangor, oris, m
striking, beating
cachinnus, i, m
loud laugh, guffaw
increbesco, increbescere, increbrui
increase, spread
refulgeo, refulgere, refulsi, refulsus
flash back, reflect, glitter
vestibulum, i, n
entrance, court of a house
abitus, us, m
going away, departure
Chiron, onis, m
Chiron, centaur and tutor of Achilles
silvestris, e
of or belonging to the forest
pario, parere, peperi, partus
bring forth, bear, give birth to
flos, floris, m
flower, blossom
tepidus, a, um
lukewarm, tepid
fecundus, a, um
fertile, fruitful, productive, rich, overflowing
Favonius, i, m
the west wind
indistinctus, a, um
confused, undistinguished
plecto, plectere, plexi, plectus
twine, braid
corolla, ae, f
small crown or garland
rideo, ridere, risi, risus
laugh, smile
confestim (adv)
immediately, suddenly, without delay
Penios, ii, m
Peneus, a river in Thessaly
viridor, viridari, –
become green
fagus, i, f.
beech tree
stipes, itis, m
log, post, trunk
laurus, i, f
laurel tree
nod, sway, waver
platanus, i, f
plane tree
kindle, inflame, burn
Phaethon, ontis, m
Phaethon, son of Helios
aereus, a, um
pertaining to the air, airy, lofty
cupressus, us, f
cypress tree
vireo, virere, –, –
be green
sollers, rtis
skilled, clever, expert
Prometheus, ei, m
make small, reduce, diminish
silex, icis
restringo, restringere, restrinxi, restrinctus
fasten behind, tie up, restrain
unigena, ae, m/f
cultrix, icis, f
female inhabitant
disdain, reject, despise
iugalis, e
of a yoke, yoked together, matrimonial, nuptial
artus, us, m
joint, limb, member
construo, construere, construxi, constructus
heap together, pile up
infirmus, a, um
weak, feeble
veridicus, a, um
Parcae, arum
the Fates
talus, i, m
ankle, ankle bone
resido, residere, resedi, –
sit down, settle, sink, fall
vitta, ae, f
head-band, fillet
carpo, carpere, carpsi, carptus
pick, pluck, gather, seize, enjoy
rite (adv)
according to religious usage, in a proper manner, rightly
laeva, ae f
the left hand
colus, i or us, f
lana, ae, f
supinus, a, um
on the back, supine
digitus, i, m
pollex, icis, m
poise, balance, hold in equilibrium
fusus, i, m
decerpo, decerpere, decerpsi, decerptus
pluck off, tear away, break off
make equal, keep step to
laneus, a, um
of wool
aridulus, a, um
somewhat dry
haereo, haerere, haesi, haesus
stick to, cleave, cling
morsum, i, n
bit, little piece
vellus, eris, n
shorn wool, sheepskin, fleece
virgatus, a, um
made of twigs
custodio, custodire, custodivi, custoditus
watch, guard, protect
calathiscus, i, m
small wicker basket
fundo, fundere, fudi, fusus
perfidia, ae, f
faithlessness, treachery
arguo, arguere, argui, argutus
make known, declare, betray, accuse, charge
eximius, a, um
taken out, excepted, exceptional, distinguished
Emathia, ae, f
a district of Macedonia
tutamen, inis, n
means of defense, protection, safeguard
oracium, i, n
divine announcement, oracle, prophecy
subtegmen, inis, n
what is woven in, woof, weft
Hesperus, i, m
the evening star
faustus, a, um
well-omened, favorable, auspicious
flexanimus, a, um
mind-swaying, persuasive, distracted, deranged
substerno, substernere, substravi, substratus
strew under
robustus, a, um
of oak wood, strong, solid, firm
brachium, i, n
forearm, arm
contexo, contexere, contexui, contextus
weave together, entwine
concordia, ae, f
union, harmony, agreement
expers, rtis
having no part in, devoid of, free from
Achilles, is, m
tergum, i, n
back, rear
certamen, inis, n
contest, strife, rivalry, battle, combat
flammeus, a, um
flaming, fiery
cerva, ae, f
Phryx, ygis
Phrygian, Trojan
Teucrus, a, um
of Teucer, Trojan
mano, manare, manavi, –
flow, trickle, drip
Troicus, a, um
obsideo, obsidere, obsedi, obsessus
sit, beseige, blockade, occupy
longinquus, a, um
far off, remote, prolonged, continuous, tedious
periurus, a, um
Pelops, opis, m
Pelops, a king of Athens
make empty, lay waste, destroy
tertius, a, um
heres, edis, m
heir, descendant
egregius, a, um
extraordinary, distinguished, excellent
incurvus, a, um
bent, bowed, curved
crinis, is, m
hair, lock
putridus, a, um
rotten, decayed
densus, a, um
thick, compact, crowded, closely set
praecerpo, praecerpere, –, –
pluck beforehand, gather prematurely
cultor, oris, m
farmer, inhabitant
arista, ae, f
an ear of corn
flavens, ntis
golden yellow, blond
demeto, demetere, demessui, demessus
mow, reap, harvest
arvum, i, n
farmland, field
Troiugena, ae, m
son of Troy, Trojan
infestus, a, um
unsafe, hostile, dangerous
prosterno, prosternere, prostravi, prostratus
strew before, cast down
testis, is, m/f
Scamander, dri, m
Scamander, one of Troy’s two rivers
rapidus, a, um
tearing, seizing, impetuous, rushing, swift
diffundo, diffundere, diffudi, diffusus
pour out, scatter, spread
Hellespontus, i, m
the Hellespont
caedo, caedere, cecidi, caesus
cut down, kill, slaughter
angusto, angustare, –, –
make narrow, straighten
acervus, i, m
mass, pile, heap, hoard
tepefacio, tepefacere, tepefeci, tepefactus
make lukewarm
excelsus, a, um
elevated, lofty, high
heap together, collect in a mass
agger, aggeris, m
mass, heap, mound
bustum, i, n
funeral pyre, tomb
percello, percellere, perculi, perculsus
beat down, overturn, ruin, strike, destroy
Dardania, ae, f
Neptunius, a, um
of Neptune
vinclum, i, n
fastening, bond, fetter
Polyxenius, a, um
of Polyxena, daughter of Priam
make wet, soak, drench
sepulcrum, i, n
burial place, grave, tomb
anceps, ancipitis
two-headed, two-edged
succumbo, succumbere, succubui, succubitus
fall down, lie down, submit
victima, ae, f
beast for sacrifice
truncus, a, um
maimed, mutilated, dismembered
poples, itis, m
hollow of the knee, ham
hesternus, a, um
of yesterday
filum, i, n.
discors, rdis
disagreeing, inharmonius
secubitus, us, m
lying apart, sleeping alone
nepos, otis
grandson, descendant
inviso, invisere, invisi, –
go see, visit
caelicola, ae, m
sperno, spernere, sprevi, spretus
despise, reject, scorn
annuus, a, um
lasting a year, yearly, annual
festus, a, um
of holidays, festal
procumbo, procumbere, procubui, procubitus
fall forwards, sink down
Liber, eri, m
Parnasus, i, m
Thyas, ados, f
evans = euhans, ntis
crying euhan (cry of Bacchus)
Delphi, orum
certatim (adv)
in rivalry, with competition, zealously, eagerly
fumo, fumare, fumavi, –
smoke, steam, fume
letifer, -fera, -ferum
bringing death
Mavors, rtis
Triton, onis, m
a river
(h)era, ae, f
mistress of a house, lady
Ramnusius, a, um
of or native to Rhamnus, a district of Attica
caterva, ae, f
crowd, troop, throng, body of soldiers
tellus, uris, f
the earth, land
iustitia, ae, f
justice, righteousness, equity
extinguo, extinguere, extinxi, extinctus
put out, extinguish, kill
lugeo, lugere, luxi, luctus
mourn, lament, bewail
primaevus, a, um
in early life, youthful
potior, potiri, potitus sum
gain possession of, acquire
noverca, ae, f
pollute, defile, desecrate
iustificus, a, um
acting justly
of or belonging to Mt. Pelion
Peliacus, a, um
born from, produced from
prognatus, a, um
head, top, peak
vertex, verticis, m
pine tree, pine wood, ship, mast
pinus, us, f
liquid, fluid
liquidus, a, um
Neptunus, i, m
swim, float
no, nare, navi
river of Colchis
Phasis, idos, m
wave, (pl) waters of the sea
fluctus, us, m
of or belonging to Aeetes, king of Colchis
Aeetaeus, a, um
of or from Argos, Greek
Argivus, a, um
oak, timber, strength, vigor, troops
robur, roboris, n
population of able bodied men
pubes, is, f
of or belonging to Colchis
Colchus, a, um
turn away, steal, away
averto, avertere, averti, abersus
skin, hide, fleece
pellis, is, f
shallow water, shoal, channel, (pl) the sea
vadum, i, n
salsus, a, um
citus, a, um
stern of a boat, boat
puppis, is, f
the blue, the sea
caerula, orum, n pl
sweep, brush, scour
verro, verrere, –, versus
of or made of fir wood
abiegnus, a, um
palm, flat surface, oar-blade
palma, ae, f
citadel, stronghold
arx, arcis, f
light, nimble
levis, e
fly, move swiftly
gust blast wind breeze
flamen, inis, n
chariot, ship
currus, us, m
of or made of pine wood
pineus, a, um
bend, curve, shape
inflecto, inflectere, inflexi, inflectus
fabric, cloth, framework
textum, i, n
keel, ship
carina, ae, f
crude, unfinished, primitive
rudis, e
running, motion, course, journey
cursus, us
wet, stain, dip
imbuo, imbuere, imbui, imbutus
Amphitrite, wife of Neptune, the sea
Aphitrite, es, f
snout, beak, prow
rostrum, i, n
cut, slit, plow
proscindo, proscindere, proscidi, proscissus
twist, wind
torqueo, torquere, torsi, tortus
outfit of oars, rowing
remigium, i, n.
foam, froth
spuma, ae, f
glow, become red hot
incandesco, incandescere, incandui
emerge, come forth
emergo, emergere, emersi, emersus
wild, savage
ferus, a, um
bright, radiant, white
candens, ntis
swirling water, whirlpool, eddy
gurges, itis, m
portent, omen, prodigy, monstrous thing
monstrum, i, n
sea nymph, daughter of Nereus
Nereis, idis, f
pertaining to the sea
marinus, a, um
strip bare, uncover
female spirit of nature, nymph
nympha, ae, f
wet nurse, breast, nipple
nutrix, icis, f
right up to, as far as
tenus (prep + gen)
canus, a, um
Thetis, idos, f
Peleus, i, m
set on fire, kindle, inflame, excite
incendo, incendere, incendi, incensus
humanus, a, um
look down upon, despise
despicio, despicere, despexi, despectus
wedding refrain, pl. wedding, marriage
Hymenaeus, a, um
generation, age, race
saeclum, i, n
heros, oos, m
offspring, race, stock
progenies, ei, f
exceptionally, especially
eximie (adv.)
increase, make greater, glorify
augeo, augere, auxi, auctus
Thessalia, ae, f
roof, summit, peak
columen, inis, n
Nereid, a daughter of Nereus
Nereine, es
a sea-goddess, wife of Ocean
Tethys, yos, f
granddaughter, female descendant
neptis, is, f
Ocean, the ocean
Oceanus, i, m
embrace, grasp, surround
amplector, amplecti, amplexus sum
fill with inhabitants, occupy, frequent
rejoice, be glad
laetor, laetari, laetatus sum
palace, royal dwelling
regia = regia domus
meeting, gathering, get together
coetus, us, m
make known, announce, reveal
leave, abandon
desero, deserere, deserui, desertus
Tempe, a valley of Thessaly
Cranon, a town in Thessaly
Crannon, onis, f
of or belonging to Larissa, a city in Thessaly
Larisaeus, a, um
the area around Pharsalus, a city in Thessaly
Pharsalia, ae, f
of or belonging to Pharsalus
Pharsalius, a, um
inhabit, cultivate, farm, look after
colo, colere, colui, cultus
to become soft
mollesco, mollescere, –, –
collum, i, n
curved, bent
curvus, a, um
free from impurities, clear away
the vines of a vineyard
vinea, ae, f
a type of hoe
rastrum, i, n
clod of earth
glaeba, = gleba, ae, f
bending forwards or downwards
pronus, a, um
pull, tear up
convello, convellere, convelli, convulsus
vomer, eris, m
taurus, i, m
scythe, sickle
falx, falcis, f
make thin, weaken, reduce
frondator, oris, m
having a rough surface
squalidus, a, um
rubigo, inis, f
aratum, i, n
seat, home, dwelling place
sedes, is, f
shine, be bright
fulgeo, fulgere, fulsi, fulsus
be radiant
splendeo, splendere, –, –
shine, be white, glow
candeo, candere, candui, –
ebur, oris, n
high backed chair, throne
solium, i, n
give off light, shine
colluceo, collucere, colluxi, –
drinking cup
poculum, i, n
bright, brilliant, glittering
splendidus, a, um
gaza, ae, f
pulvinar, aris, n
of or belonging to one’s genius, connected to marriage
genialis, e
put in position, place
of or belonging to India
Indus, a, um
dens, dentis, m
polish, make smooth
polio, polire, polivi, politus
wet, soak, imbue, dye stain
tingo, tingere, tinxi, tinctus
made of roses, rose-colored
roseus, a, um
mollusc from which purple dye is produced, purple dye
conchylium, li, n
purple dye
purpura, ae, f
fucus, i m
dress, clothing, cloth
vestis, is f
old, ancient, archaic, old-fashioned
priscus, a, um
mark with many colors, make elaborate
make known, point out, reveal
resounding with waves
fluentisonus, a, um
Naxos, an island in the Aegean Sea
Dia, ae, f
of or belonging to Theseus
Theseus, a, um
ship, fleet
classis, is, f
look at, watch, watch over
tueor, tueri, tutus sum
Ariadna, ae, f
distinguish, perceive, see
cerno, cernere, crevi, cretus
harena, ae, f
useless, without effect, void
irritus, a, um
remus, i, m
strong wind, storm, tumult
procella, ae, f
sea weed
alga, ae, f
sad, gloomy
maestus, a, um
daughter on MInos, Ariadne
Minois, idis, f
copy, image, statue
effigies, ei, f
(interjection) alas
move in waves, undulate
blond, yellow
flavus, a, um
fine, delicate
subtilis, e
head band, turban, head dress
mitra, ae, f
cover, wrap, clothe
cloak, outer garment
amictus, us m
rounded, smooth, polished
teres, teretis
breast band, clasp
strophium, i, n
suckling, full of or giving milk, juicy, tender
lactens, ntis
bind, tie, fasten
vincio, vincire, vinxi, vinctus
nipple, breastp
papilla, ae, f
scattered far and wide, in every direction; at random
passim (adv)
salt, salt water, the sea
sals, salis, m
sport, play, play against
alludo, alludere, allusi, –
constant, unceasing
assiduus, a, um
sorrow, grief, lamentation
luctus, us, m
full of thorns, prickly
spinosus, a, um
Erycina, ae, f
sow, plant
sero, serere, sevi, satus
time, season, period, storm
tempestas, atis, f
Piraeus, the port of Athens
Piraeus, i, m
touch, contact, reach
attingo, attingere, attigi, attactus
Gortynius, a, um
plague, pestilence, curse
pestis, is, f
of or pertaining to Androgeon, son of Minos
Androgeoneus, a, um
cutting down, killing, slaughter
caedes, is, f
innuptus, a, um
the citadel of Athens
Cecropia, ae, f
sacrificial feast, banquet, meal
daps (dapis), is, f
the Minotaur
Minotaurus, i, m
narrow, contracted, difficult
angustus, a, um
shake, toss, harass, plague
Creta, ae, f
strive, endeavor, advance, make way, rely upon
nitor, niti, nixus sum
smooth, gentle, easy
lenis, e
Minos, ois, m
sweet, agreeable, attractive
suavis, e
breathe out, exhale
pure, spotless, virtuous
castus, a, um
smell, scent, perfume
odor, oris, m
small couch or bed
lectulus, i, m
soft, tender,mild
mollis, e
complexus, us, m
feed, nourish, sustain
alo, alere, alui, altus/alitus
the Eurotas, a river in Greece
Eurotas, ae, f
beget, bear
myrtus, i (nom pl myrtus) f
separate, distinct
distinctus, a, um
of or belonging to spring
vernus, a, um
flaming, burning
flagrans, ntis
bend aside, turn away
from the bottom, totally, completely
funditus (adv)
lowest, deepest, last
imus, a, um
marrow, inmost part
medulla, ae, f
unripe, harsh, savage
immitis, e
consecrated, sacred
sanctus, a, um
Golgoi, a town on Cyprus
golgoe, orum, m. pl
Idalium, a town on Cyprus
idalium, ii, n
leafy, full of leaves
frondosus, a, um
be faint, be listless
langueo, languere, –, –
become pale, shrink from
expallesco, expallescere, expallui, –
long for, desire
cupio, cupere, cupivi (-ii), cupitus
in vain, to no effect
frustra (adv)
kindle beneath
succendo, succendere, succendi, seccensus
little lip
labellum, i, n
shake, brandish, strike, drive
quatio, quatere, –, quassus
a mountain range in the south of Asia Minor
Taurus, i, m
quercus, us, f
cone bearing
conigerus, a, um
sweat, perspire
bark, rind, husk
cortex, icis, m/f
untamed, wild
indomitus, a, um
whirlwind, hurricane
turbo, inis, m
turn, twist, hurl
contorqueo, contorquere, contorsi, contorsus
cast forth, uproot, destroy
eruo, eruere, erui, erutus
from the roots, utterly
radicitus (adv)
drive out, thrust away
bent forward, sinking, prone
pronus, a, um
in the way, meeting, opposing
obvius, a, um
break, shatter
frango, frangere, fregi, fractus
cast down, overthrow
prosterno, prosternere, prostravi, prostratus
in vain
nequiquam (adv)
empty, vain, void
vanus, a, um
cornu, us, n
safe, sound, unharmed
sopses, itis
turn back, bend back
reflecto, reflectere, reflexi, reflexus
thin, slender, insignificant
tenuis, e
footprint, track, trace
vestigium, i, n
thread, string, necklace
filum, i, n
labyrintheus, a, um
bending, turn, winding
flexus, us, m
inobservabilis, e
deceive, trick
related by blood
consanguineus, a, um
wail, weep, bemoan
carry, convey, draw
veho, vehere, vexi, vectus
raft, boat
ratis, is, f
foamy, frothy
spumosus, a, um
bind fast, tie up, fetter
devincio, devincere, devinxi, devinctus
clear sounding, loud
clarisonus, a, um
break off, tear away
praerumpo, praerumpere, praerupi, praeruptus
mount, climb
conscendo, conscendere, conscendi, conscensus
the open sea
pelagus, i, m
empty, deserted, immense
vastus, a, um
stretch forth, reach, extend
protendo, protendere, protendi, protentus
agitation, glow, heat, swell, surge
aestus, us, m
shaking, quivering
tremulus, a, um
lift, raise up
tollo, tollere, sustuli, sublatus
tegmen, inis, m
calf (of leg)
sura, ae, f
lamentation, complaint
querela/querella, ae, f
wet, moist, damp
udus, a, um
sobbing, panting
singultus, us, m
set in motion
cieo, ciere, civi, citus
carry off, take away
aveho, avehere, avexi, avectus
faithless, treacherous
perfidus, a, um
mercy, mildness, forbearance
clementia, ae, f
at hand, present
praesto (adv)
marriage, wedlock
conubium, i, n
of or pertaining to the air, airy
aereus, a, um
tear in pieces, mangle
discerpo, discerpere, discerpsi, discerptus
trustworthy, faithful
fidelis, e
get, gain, attain
apiscor, apisci, aptus sum
fill, satisfy, sate
turn, turn over, handle, be engaged in
death, annihilation
letum, i, n
tear out, snatch away
eripio, eripere, eripui, ereptus
germanus, i, m
deceitful, deceptive, hypocritical
fallax, acis
tear apart, shred
wild animal
ferus, i, m
ales, itis, m/f
bury, cover with a mound
rock, cliff
rupes, is
leaena, ae, f
froth, foam
spit out
exspuo, exspuere, exspui, exsputus
the Syrtis, sand banks off the coast of Africa
Syrtis, is, f
Scylla, ae, f
tearing, grasping, greedy, violent
rapax, acis
C(h)arybdis, is, f
rule, order, command
praeceptum, i, n
pleasing, delightful
iucundus, a, um
be a slave, serve
female slave
serva, ae, f
white, clear, bright, beautiful
candidus, a, um
rub gently, stroke, soothe
permulceo, permulcere, permulsi, permulsus
spring water, liquid
lympha, ae, f
spread, cover
consterno, consternere, constravi, constratus
couch, bed, marriage bed
cubile, is, n
ignorant, unaware, strange
ignarus, a, um
complain, lament
conqueror, conqueri, conquestus sum
increase, enlarge, enrich
augeo, augere, auxi, auctus
be able
queo, quire, quivi, quitus
empty, clear
vacuus, a, um
leap upon, jump onto, abuse, revile, insult
questus, us, m
auris, is, m
of or pertaining to Knossos, a city of Crete
Gnosius, a, um
of or pertaining to Knossos, a city of Crete
Cecropius, a, um
ill-omened, dreadful, cruel, fierce
dirus, a, um
payment, tribute, contribution
stipendium, i, n
bind back, fasten, moor
navita, ae, m
rope, cord, cable
funus, is, m
rest, find refuge
requiesco, requiescere, requievi, requietus
of Mt. Ida, a mountain in Phrygia, Trojan
Idaeus, a, um
broad, wide
latus, a, um
separate, set apart
discerno, discernere, discrevi, discretus
the sea
pontus, i, m
fierce, grim, cruel
truculentus, a, um
divide, part, distribute
divido, dividere, dividi, divisus
flat surface, the sea
aequor, oris, n
sprinkle over, strew
respergo, respergere, respersi, respersus
cheer, comfort, console
pliant, flexible, tenacious
lentus, a, um
bed, curve, bow
lie open, be exposed
pateo, patere, patui, –
going out, departure
egressus, us, m
gird, surround, encompass
cingo, cingere, cinxi, cinctus
dumb, speechless, silent
mutus, a, um
show, exhibit, offer, promise, threaten
become faint, grow weak
languesco, languescere, langui, –
tired, exhausted, worn out
fessus, a, um
penalty, fine
multa, ae, f
final, last
postremus, a, um
punish, sentence
vindex, icis
the Furies
Eumenides, um,
of serpents, snaky
anguinus, a, um
wreathed, crowned
redimitus, a, um
hair, the hair (collectively)
capillus, i, m
forehead, brow, front
frons, ntis, f
medulla, ae, f
without resources, helpless, weak, wretched
inops, opis
disappear, pass away, vanish
vanesco, vanescere, –, –
pollute with murder
prayer, supplication, punishment, torture, death penalty
supplicum, i, n
troubled, vexed
anxius, a, um
nod, give assent, grant
annuo, annuere, annui, –
guide, ruler, master
rector, oris, m
tremble, shake violently, quake
contremesco, contremescere, contremui, –
shake violently, agitate
concutio, concutere, concussi, concussus
vibrate, tremble, flash, gleam, glitter
world, universe
mundus, i, m
mist, vapor, fog, obscurity, confusion
caligo, inis, f
sow, plant
consero, conserere, consevi, consitus
firm, stable, fixed, steadfast, faithful
constans, ntis
Erechtheus, a, um
harbor, port
portus, us, m
Aegeus, king of Athens and father of Theseus
Aegeus, ei, m
pleasant, delightful
iucundus, a, um
only, single, sole
unicus, a, um
since, indeed, seeing that
quandoquidem (adv)
burning, fiery, impetuous, violent
fervidus, a, um
unwilling, reluctant
invitus, a, um
faint, sluggish, weak
languidus, a, um
fill, glut, sate, satisfy, content
be joyful, take pleasure
gaudeo, gaudere, –, gavisus
rejoice, be glad
second, following, favorable, propitious, fortunate
secundus, a, um
show forth, utter, express
expromo, expromere, exprompsi, expromptus
grayish whiteness, white hair, old age
canities, ei, f
pour in, pour upon
infundo, infundere, infudi, infusus
dye, stain, color, corrupt, infect
inficio, inficere, infeci, infectus
wandering, unfixed, vague
vagus, a, um
linen cloth, sail
linteum, i, n
fire, flame
incendium, i, n
fine flax, linen, canvas, sail
carbasus, i, f
darken, cover, conceal
rust, rust color
ferrugo, inis, f
Iberian, Spanish
Hiberus, a, um
Itonus, a Thessalian town with a famous sanctuary of Athena
Itonus, i, f
found, establish, conceal, hide, store
condo, condere, condidi, conditus
thrive, flourish, be strong
vigeo, vigere, vigui, –
blot out, erase, cause to be forgotten
hill, high ground
collis, is, m
deadly, mournful, fateful
funestus, a, um
yard arm of a sailboat
antenna, ae, f
twist, wind, wrench
intorqueo, intorquere, intorsi, intortus
rope, cord, halyard
rudens, ntis, m
recognize, identify
agnosco, agnoscere, agnovi, agnitus
favorable, fortunate, as hoped
prosperus, a, um
returning home, restored
redux, ucis
as, just as
ceu (adv)
cloud, mist, vapor
nubes, is, f
snow, snowy
niveus, a, um, f
point, peak, summit
cacumen, inis, n
look out, view
prospectus, us, m
take away, use up, exhaust, destroy
absumo, absumere, absumpsi, absumptus
blow into, inflate
cliff, crag, ledge
scopulus, i, m
with many folds, complicated
multiplex, icis
wounded, hurt, smitten
saucius, a, um
bloom, flower, flourish
floreo, florere, florui, –
fly around
Iacchus, i, m
an orgiastic chorus in honor of Dionysus
thiasus, i, m
Satyrus, i, m
born at Nyssa
Nysigenus, a, um
wood spirit attendant of Dionysus
Silenus, i, m
lively, quick, excited
alacer, cris, cre
distracted, frantic, insane
lymphatus, a, um
rave, rage, be insane
furo, furere, –, –
the cry of bacchic revelers
euhoe (interj.)
revel, celebrate Dionysus
bend, bow, turn aside
inflecto, inflectere, inflexi, inflectus
point, tip, blade
cuspis, idis, f
stalk, a staff twined with ivy and vine carried by bacchic revelers
thyrsus, i, m
tear apart, mangle, wrench off, destroy
divello, divellere, divelli, divulsus
limb, member, portion
membrum, i, m
snake, serpent
serpens, ntis, m/f
gird around, surround, crown
incingo, incingere, incinxi, incinctus
hollowed out, concave
cavus, a, um
frequent, throng, fill, celebrate
orgies, nocturnal festivals of Dionysus
orgia, orum,
wicker box, basket
cista, ae, f
not sacred, unclean, wicked, ipious, uninitiated
profanus, a, um
strike, beat
plango, plangere, planxi, planctus
high, tall, long
procerus, a, um
tympanum, i, n
palm, flat of the hand
palma, ae, f
ringing, jingling
tinnitus, us, m
copper, bronze
aes, aeris, n
hoarse-sounding, raucous
raucisonus, a, um
blow out, breathe out, exhale
buzzing, humming
bombus, i, m
strange, foreign, uncivilized, unintelligible
barbarus, a, um
make a shrill noise, whistle
strido, stridere, –, –
shin bone, pipe, flute
tibia, ae, f
song, music
cantus, us, m
amplifice (adv)
adorn, embellish, beautify
fill up, satisfy
expleo, explere, explevi, expletus
blowing, breathing
flatus, us, m
of the morning, early
matutinus, a, um
the west wind
Zephyrus, i, m
sloping downward, declining
proclivus, a, um
set into motion, quicken, excite
sound, ring, echo
resono, resonare, resonavi, –
striking, beating
plangor, oris, m
loud laugh, guffaw
cachinnus, i, m
increase, spread
increbesco, increbescere, increbrui
flash back, reflect, glitter
refulgeo, refulgere, refulsi, refulsus
entrance, court of a house
vestibulum, i, n
going away, departure
abitus, us, m
Chiron, centaur and tutor of Achilles
Chiron, onis, m
of or belonging to the forest
silvestris, e
bring forth, bear, give birth to
pario, parere, peperi, partus
flower, blossom
flos, floris, m
lukewarm, tepid
tepidus, a, um
fertile, fruitful, productive, rich, overflowing
fecundus, a, um
the west wind
Favonius, i, m
confused, undistinguished
indistinctus, a, um
twine, braid
plecto, plectere, plexi, plectus
small crown or garland
corolla, ae, f
laugh, smile
rideo, ridere, risi, risus
immediately, suddenly, without delay
confestim (adv)
Peneus, a river in Thessaly
Penios, ii, m
become green
viridor, viridari, –
beech tree
fagus, i, f.
log, post, trunk
stipes, itis, m
laurel tree
laurus, i, f
nod, sway, waver
plane tree
platanus, i, f
kindle, inflame, burn
Phaethon, son of Helios
Phaethon, ontis, m
pertaining to the air, airy, lofty
aereus, a, um
cypress tree
cupressus, us, f
be green
vireo, virere, –, –
skilled, clever, expert
sollers, rtis
Prometheus, ei, m
make small, reduce, diminish
silex, icis
fasten behind, tie up, restrain
restringo, restringere, restrinxi, restrinctus
unigena, ae, m/f
female inhabitant
cultrix, icis, f
disdain, reject, despise
of a yoke, yoked together, matrimonial, nuptial
iugalis, e
joint, limb, member
artus, us, m
heap together, pile up
construo, construere, construxi, constructus
weak, feeble
infirmus, a, um
veridicus, a, um
the Fates
Parcae, arum
ankle, ankle bone
talus, i, m
sit down, settle, sink, fall
resido, residere, resedi, –
head-band, fillet
vitta, ae, f
pick, pluck, gather, seize, enjoy
carpo, carpere, carpsi, carptus
according to religious usage, in a proper manner, rightly
rite (adv)
the left hand
laeva, ae f
colus, i or us, f
lana, ae, f
on the back, supine
supinus, a, um
digitus, i, m
pollex, icis, m
poise, balance, hold in equilibrium
fusus, i, m
pluck off, tear away, break off
decerpo, decerpere, decerpsi, decerptus
make equal, keep step to
of wool
laneus, a, um
somewhat dry
aridulus, a, um
stick to, cleave, cling
haereo, haerere, haesi, haesus
bit, little piece
morsum, i, n
shorn wool, sheepskin, fleece
vellus, eris, n
made of twigs
virgatus, a, um
watch, guard, protect
custodio, custodire, custodivi, custoditus
small wicker basket
calathiscus, i, m
fundo, fundere, fudi, fusus
faithlessness, treachery
perfidia, ae, f
make known, declare, betray, accuse, charge
arguo, arguere, argui, argutus
taken out, excepted, exceptional, distinguished
eximius, a, um
a district of Macedonia
Emathia, ae, f
means of defense, protection, safeguard
tutamen, inis, n
divine announcement, oracle, prophecy
oracium, i, n
what is woven in, woof, weft
subtegmen, inis, n
the evening star
Hesperus, i, m
well-omened, favorable, auspicious
faustus, a, um
mind-swaying, persuasive, distracted, deranged
flexanimus, a, um
strew under
substerno, substernere, substravi, substratus
of oak wood, strong, solid, firm
robustus, a, um
forearm, arm
brachium, i, n
weave together, entwine
contexo, contexere, contexui, contextus
union, harmony, agreement
concordia, ae, f
having no part in, devoid of, free from
expers, rtis
Achilles, is, m
back, rear
tergum, i, n
contest, strife, rivalry, battle, combat
certamen, inis, n
flaming, fiery
flammeus, a, um
cerva, ae, f
Phrygian, Trojan
Phryx, ygis
of Teucer, Trojan
Teucrus, a, um
flow, trickle, drip
mano, manare, manavi, –
Troicus, a, um
sit, beseige, blockade, occupy
obsideo, obsidere, obsedi, obsessus
far off, remote, prolonged, continuous, tedious
longinquus, a, um
periurus, a, um
Pelops, a king of Athens
Pelops, opis, m
make empty, lay waste, destroy
tertius, a, um
heir, descendant
heres, edis, m
extraordinary, distinguished, excellent
egregius, a, um
bent, bowed, curved
incurvus, a, um
hair, lock
crinis, is, m
rotten, decayed
putridus, a, um
thick, compact, crowded, closely set
densus, a, um
pluck beforehand, gather prematurely
praecerpo, praecerpere, –, –
farmer, inhabitant
cultor, oris, m
an ear of corn
arista, ae, f
golden yellow, blond
flavens, ntis
mow, reap, harvest
demeto, demetere, demessui, demessus
farmland, field
arvum, i, n
son of Troy, Trojan
Troiugena, ae, m
unsafe, hostile, dangerous
infestus, a, um
strew before, cast down
prosterno, prosternere, prostravi, prostratus
testis, is, m/f
Scamander, one of Troy’s two rivers
Scamander, dri, m
tearing, seizing, impetuous, rushing, swift
rapidus, a, um
pour out, scatter, spread
diffundo, diffundere, diffudi, diffusus
the Hellespont
Hellespontus, i, m
cut down, kill, slaughter
caedo, caedere, cecidi, caesus
make narrow, straighten
angusto, angustare, –, –
mass, pile, heap, hoard
acervus, i, m
make lukewarm
tepefacio, tepefacere, tepefeci, tepefactus
elevated, lofty, high
excelsus, a, um
heap together, collect in a mass
mass, heap, mound
agger, aggeris, m
funeral pyre, tomb
bustum, i, n
beat down, overturn, ruin, strike, destroy
percello, percellere, perculi, perculsus
Dardania, ae, f
of Neptune
Neptunius, a, um
fastening, bond, fetter
vinclum, i, n
of Polyxena, daughter of Priam
Polyxenius, a, um
make wet, soak, drench
burial place, grave, tomb
sepulcrum, i, n
two-headed, two-edged
anceps, ancipitis
fall down, lie down, submit
succumbo, succumbere, succubui, succubitus
beast for sacrifice
victima, ae, f
maimed, mutilated, dismembered
truncus, a, um
hollow of the knee, ham
poples, itis, m
of yesterday
hesternus, a, um
filum, i, n.
disagreeing, inharmonius
discors, rdis
lying apart, sleeping alone
secubitus, us, m
grandson, descendant
nepos, otis
go see, visit
inviso, invisere, invisi, –
caelicola, ae, m
despise, reject, scorn
sperno, spernere, sprevi, spretus
lasting a year, yearly, annual
annuus, a, um
of holidays, festal
festus, a, um
fall forwards, sink down
procumbo, procumbere, procubui, procubitus
Liber, eri, m
Parnasus, i, m
Thyas, ados, f
crying euhan (cry of Bacchus)
evans = euhans, ntis
Delphi, orum
in rivalry, with competition, zealously, eagerly
certatim (adv)
smoke, steam, fume
fumo, fumare, fumavi, –
bringing death
letifer, -fera, -ferum
Mavors, rtis
a river
Triton, onis, m
mistress of a house, lady
(h)era, ae, f
of or native to Rhamnus, a district of Attica
Ramnusius, a, um
crowd, troop, throng, body of soldiers
caterva, ae, f
the earth, land
tellus, uris, f
justice, righteousness, equity
iustitia, ae, f
put out, extinguish, kill
extinguo, extinguere, extinxi, extinctus
mourn, lament, bewail
lugeo, lugere, luxi, luctus
in early life, youthful
primaevus, a, um
gain possession of, acquire
potior, potiri, potitus sum
noverca, ae, f
pollute, defile, desecrate
acting justly
iustificus, a, um